

I was wrapping up another big contract with the State of Ohio when Cara walked in around 5:30, Friday night, closing and locking my office door. "What's up? I would have thought you'd have gone by now."

"No…I have a little more work to do." She walked behind my desk, turned my chair to face her, and plopped herself down in my lap.

"Cara…what are….?" I never had the chance to finish. She pressed her lips into mine as she gripped my head fiercely. Cara was strong, having played volleyball in high school and junior college wrapped around a three year stint in the U.S. Army. She had an Associate's Degree in Business Management. She knew how to transcribe machine dictation and she was the only person I knew who could handle steno. That came in handy during meetings or if I was on the run between sessions. She was a valuable asset to my firm, but in all the time we'd worked together she had never once expressed any interest in me.

Cara had what I would call an athletic build. She was tall—almost as tall as I was—and slender with impossibly long legs and smallish breasts and narrow hips. That doesn't seem like much, but on her it worked extremely well. Now she was feeding me a tongue sandwich after-hours in my office and, even more surprisingly, she had initiated it. Actually, knowing my history with women, that wasn't all that shocking.

She broke the kiss about two minutes later and I caught my breath before asking, "What was that all about?"

"No wonder you don't have much success with women. Do I have to spell it out for you? I found you very attractive early on in our relationship. Then as we got to know each other I became very strongly attracted, but I'm not the type of woman who breaks up a couple in a relationship. If Daisy hadn't screwed up I would never have said a word and I probably would have settled for someone less than you."

"Less than me?"

"Yes, Dummy; you are a real catch and you still would be even if you weren't rich. Personally, I don't care a bit about the money. I've never had any and I've never missed it. Now…don't you think you should take me out to dinner and then home where I can show you how athletic I am? I'll show you positions you never dreamed of. You can have each and every part of me…hopefully many times over the weekend. Shall we?"

She rose from my lap and pulled me from the chair. I followed, still totally dazed by what had happened.

We were in my Civic when Cara asked if I had ever thought of buying a new car. "Why? What's wrong with this one?"

"How old is it?"

"I bought it when I was a college freshman so it's…um…nine years old—almost ten--but it still runs great."

"Maybe, but the upholstery is all stained and you need to realize that you have an image to maintain. You own a company that does almost 100 million in business every year. Overhead—even with all of the fabulous bonuses you give us--is less than half of that so you are earning more than fifty million a year. You need to exude success and a decade-old Honda Civic doesn't do that. It's even older than my car.

"Okay, for dinner I want a blood rare steak…maybe a filet. Where's a good place? Spend some money on me." I had to laugh as I drove her into Mineola where I took her to Ruth's Chris. We had the filet with shoestring potatoes. Hers did come blood rare, but mine was medium rare. We began with drinks—margaritas on the rocks and salad—lettuce wedge with bleu cheese dressing. Best of all was the way Cara made me smile. I hadn't smiled or laughed for the past month, not since I had learned of Daisy's betrayal.

Cara insisted that I take her home with me. "I went home at lunch and picked up a change of clothes and my toothbrush. You never lock your car so I put my paper bag in the trunk. I didn't think you'd mind."

"That's all you brought? What if you had missed me?"

"Okay…birth control pills, hair brush, sexy negligee that I hope not to wear. Anything else will have to be a surprise. And don't forget that you have to pass my desk when you leave. You weren't getting away without me." We were in the Civic driving west on the Northern Parkway then north on the Sunken Meadow Parkway. It sounds funny, but the fastest way to Northport was to go well past the village and come back. Otherwise, I'd have to drive through town after town with slow traffic and lots of lights. Down into the village to the harbor and up the hill to the right and around the harbor—all the way to the end of the road where I pulled into the drive. The sun was just setting to the west with the reddish-orange light reflecting over the tiny wavelets of Long Island Sound. The water was unusually calm this evening, perhaps reflecting my change in mood.

I led Cara to the trunk and was shocked at how little she had brought with her. Closing it I extended my hand to my secretary/lover. She came into my arms as soon as I had turned the alarm off. I barely had to move my head to meet her lips, wrapped my arms around her waist, but she moved them to her ass, rubbing them all over her muscular butt. Her hands…well, one went to my head to sustain the kiss as our tongues dueled while the other went straight to my rigid cock.

"Hmmm," Cara said, still stroking me, "much nicer than I could have imagined. I can barely wait. Let's go to the bedroom."

"Want a drink first?"

"Only if it comes from your balls and through your dick." I gulped several times at Cara's audacity, but led her up the stairs to the master bedroom. I turned the overhead lights on, but she flicked on a small table lamp before turning them off. "I don't think we'll need that much light except maybe in the shower. Is it big enough for both of us?"

"Yeah…it...it is." Her hands were already working on my shirt. Our company dress code was…well, we didn't actually have one. We never had walk-in trade and even when we had customers visit they were more interested in the product than in how we were dressed. We did dress appropriately when we visited a client's site, but otherwise it was mostly as informal and casual as humanly possible. I often thought that if we didn't have Cara we'd walk around in our underwear.