

Found by the road, the lovely couple took her home. Unknown to herself, she has a whole new world to explore. The rebellious little girl who may be the last hope to stop the disaster from occuring. But can she accept who she is?? would she understand the need?? Is she the one who's meant to be the one?? How far can she go, for the ones she loves??

Clarice_6301 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

A New Witch In Town...

The training began an hour after she came with Robert. The level one magical soul classroom consisted of around six to eight year old kids, making Daisy feel embarrased. The teacher entered, he was the same age as her, but had a level twenty-four soul, making him one of the geniuses in his age group.

"Today, we are going to start with creating basic magical matrix.",his confidence showed how much he knew. Daisy tried following what he said, but not even a spark occured. She kept trying, but no effect.

"Don't suppress your emotions, make them help you.", he stood infront of her.

"Won't that create a disaster? The only time I had used magic, I fainted."

"That is why you must learn to control them, but not suppress. Emotions are what makes us human. And they work just the way humans does, if you accept a person and try to understand him, he loves you, but if you suppress him, he is going to hate you.", he smiled.

"How can I do that?"

"We are disciplined to manage it since our childhood, maybe you can meditate and see.", he shrugged.

Daisy nodded and continued trying, by the time classes ended, she had started to regret her decision of coming back.

She sat on her bed at Robert's house, frustrated and tired. She had spent that entire day either trying to meditate, or create the matrix, but other than little sparks at times, there seemed to be no results. She had never felt so useless in her entire life and she missed home. She covered her face with her hands, wanting to cry but being unable to, when there was a knock at her door, and Robert's mom entered. She looked at her for a second before coming in to sit beside her.

"I heard from Ethan that your class didn't go well today. Are you fine?"

"I guess...",she smiled.

"Maybe this is the issue, we have been taught to never hide our emotions, because it effects the soul. Only when you accept yourself, the magic in this universe would accept you.", she patted her head.

"But how...?"

"You know you remind me of an old friend. She had the same hazel green eyes and blonde wavy hair. She also came in from god knows where, just like you."

"Where is she now?"

"She was too different for the elders to understand. So we lost her."

"Aunt, I am an adopted kid. Do you think it is possible..."

"No..", she said firmly, stopping Daisy from saying any further,"Never say this infront of anyone else, her name is a taboo in our clove."