
DAISY; Mysteries Untold

If shadows could hide, Daisy would be the perfect home. Welcome to her world; trying to find a balance between life and death, hopes and misbelief. Still, she journeys into it Will her strength carry her through or will she end up becoming another body in the bag, waiting to be buried, six feet under?

othuke_gideon · Fantasy
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30 Chs

No Escape

When you think everything is getting sane, you discover it was still a mad house.

We left the toy store with so much tension.

"My precious am not done with the surprises" she made now the left turn. Home Is inevitable.

We got back home, back to the grey painted house, to a lawn so unkept. Even weeds takes it as home.

I looked at the place I have come to now know as home.

We got to the sitting room, everything feels sad, the television, the clock, the paintings even the couch I have known for eight years now stayed cold and sad.

Probably I should mourn with them.

"I would soon come back my precious, don't do anything stupid" she left the sitting room still giving a happy smile.

Escape plan 154 in motion, since Escape plan 153 was a disappointment. This must be the one that works.

I will run away, far far away, probably to China. But I don't have a dime to buy even a new pair of footwear just in case my journey to China happens to be by walking.

I drew out Ash from the bag at the side of my feet.

"You would be my look out for this escape plan" I spoke to it as though it could hear me.

I stayed in the sitting room blank.

When is she going to come back?

Probably there is money somewhere.

Should I go to her room?

She had almost cut of my ear just because I attempted to see what was inside.

Apparently to her what lies there is beyond me, beyond Reality.

But right now, escaping is the only reality I need right now. If that room needs to be entered for me to escape, I would break it down .

Because I have to breathe, I must escape.

I walked to the room's door and could remember coming here as a child to disturb mum and dad.

They would be like I should leave, but as always I would come back.

You can say I was a very stubborn Child.

Right in front of me is a room once known for love but now for terror.

"Locked! Why is it locked? What is she hiding in this room?

I tried pushing it with all my strength.

"Please open!!"

I banged and banged.

"Please!!". Why won't it just listen to me.

I could barely give it a crack.

I had to find another option, a faster and more quiet option.

I paced around the sitting room, mom would be back very soon.

I pulled up my shirt and could see all the marks I have gotten from the Rituals performed on me.

Who would understand that my blood keeps my mom alive.

If I leave, she dies.

Now she lives on me, but I have been dead all this years. Though I know it is all my fault.

I made her a monster and I a house tool.

I paused in time, wishing gravity could break through the ground burying me and all the memories.

After so much thinking I ended up blank.

No idea, no money, absolutely nothing.

What do I do?

A friend to the dark is never blind.

We drove with so much caution, we left for California as early as possible..

No more delay; we hoped.

Mr Frank is really a blessing, I wondered if he would allow me stay with him or let me just keep that thought in my head.

Soon we got to California, nothing had changed but I didn't come back same.

First location,the Hospital. I couldn't even have a chance to ask the caller who was in the hospital or what if it was just a prank call.

There was no time to ask whether or not it was true.

What I do know is that I need to find my parents.

"Miss this is as far as I go" Mr Frank said looking sad.

"Thank you sir, I am grateful" I couldn't believe people like him still existed.

"I'll drop my contact just in case you need to reach me" he stretched out to get a pen to write his number on a sheet of paper.

"I won't let go of this sir" I smiled at him for all his help.

He left and I bidded him goodbye.

I tried to concentrate on where I needed to go but alot of things had taken over.

How did I get here, all I wanted was to go to an African country and experience life differently.

Now, I am hiding and running yet no place Is safe.

I got to the hospital and didn't know what exactly I should ask for.

I ran to the nurse at the front desk.

Probably she will know what is going on.