
DAISY; Mysteries Untold

If shadows could hide, Daisy would be the perfect home. Welcome to her world; trying to find a balance between life and death, hopes and misbelief. Still, she journeys into it Will her strength carry her through or will she end up becoming another body in the bag, waiting to be buried, six feet under?

othuke_gideon · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Knocking at Death's Gate

"How was your night?" Doctor John brought me out of my thinking, I didn't even realize he was there.

"What can I say?, It has been the hell of a ride" I cleaned the tears already flowing with my bare hands.

"Everything would be fine I am sure about it" his words calmed me down.

"I hope so" I still couldn't hide my sadness.

I slept in so much tears that I didn't realize where I was.

I woke up to see myself in my room.

My Room!!!!!

Of all places my room. WWhyhere?


Of all places not here.

Mum must have carried me here when I was sleeping.

I was on top of the bed and could still see the blood stains on it from the last ritual.

I hated being here.

Then they started talking; the walls creeped with their Voices.

"Worthless, failure, fool!!" I heard them screaming everywhere.

I tried covering my ears, but their voices got louder and thicker.

Stop!!!! Please.

"There is no escape for you, you would die here and no one would know about you" their words got more painful to hear.

I ran to the door and started banging it.

"Mummy please, save me I don't want to be here" I needed to escape the room no matter what

"Where are you going to, there is no place of safety, we would go everywhere you go to" I could feel their grip with every words they said.


"You are all in my head, There Is no one here" I spoke but doubted what I said.

They felt too real, like as though they lived in the walls.

I kept banging and banging.

"Mummy please!!!!! I can't stay here"

I bowed down and could beg for the ritual if that is what was needed to leave this room.

"Run like a baby, you have no boldness; you have always been useless and pointless" these words echoed through the room.

I cried but no one could hear me.

At that moment I wanted to peel off my ears if it can make the voices stop.

The room's door and windows were closed, I reached out to the bedsheet still covered with my own blood. I would prefer it to cover my ears.

Or am I going insane?

Can't anyone else hear them?

Of a truth Is there no escape?

"Kill yourself!!!!!" They kept screaming.

"I want to, but mum won't let me!!" I screamed back at the Voices I kept hearing.

No one knows how much I really want to end it.

If I have to jump off a bridge, get ran over by a car, even taken poison so I can end it; I would do it over and over again.

The voices became silent, it was as though they heard what I said on the inside.

I picked myself up from the floor, cleaned my tears and now had only one thought in my mind.

End it, no more tears, no more pain, no more escaping.

I looked around the cursed room, something must be used.

The more quicker it is, the less painful it would be.

Certainly death is inevitable.

Ashes can surely fill a hole when they come from a source that keep burning.

I for one respect the medical profession, they really have no heart.

They see death and life all at the same time.

I couldn't understand how the accident happened, all the doctor said was that my dad's car to which was maintained three days before the accident, happened to have break failure and found spinning. If for anything I know my dad isn't a reckless driver, something really sounded fishy.

Or is it what I was thinking?

Could all this still be the work of Rakas and his gang.

Are they trying to wipe out my family?


Is my mom dead?

I looked around and couldn't pin point a definate answer.

What if they know I and my dad are still alive?

Could it be that someone is already here to kill us?

My mind was all over the place!

"Alright Daisy stay calm, all this is not true; you are only imagining things" I spoke putting my right hand on my chest to calm me down.

I paced around the hallway, every strange look towards me got me worried.

"Dais" I heard a familiar voice i can't forget.


What is he doing here?

I turned back to see him looking at me shocked.

I have become so worried, I think I have literarily gotten thinner.

On seeing him I ran to hug him, at this point I needed someone's hug.

Something to put my mind at ease, his broad and masculine chest did the job.

I cried on them and he just placed his arms around me.

At that moment, I had peace.

"Dais what's wrong, I have been at your place but no one was there. Even your number was switched off" he spoke to me while patting my head.

"I came to see my aunt who is a little ill" he spoke while I still kept on thinking what next to say

Will he understand everything that has happened?

"Joshua" I gave a deep breath.

"I am tired, alot has happened I don't know where to start from"

I tried explaining everything without crying but why won't i.

After saying everything, I could see in his eyes he was short of words.

Like how can all these happen at a very short time interval.

"Dais are you serious about what you just said" he looked very doubtful of me.

What is the point then, if my best friend does not believe me.

I remained speechless, I wasn't ready to say any other thing.

"Dais, my parents are relocating to Florida. My dad got the transfer letter today and we move Saturday which is two days from now"

I pulled myself from his hug, I needed him to be here not just a hug.

"You can leave, there is no point being here" how can he say he knows me like a book and yet couldn't see the pain in my eyes.

"No, dais, you don't get it; I just don't know what to say. How is Your dad now" he tried to convince me not to be angry.

"How can you say you want to leave?, Do you know how much I need you right now yet you want to leave and don't worry about my dad" I could no longer control my pain, how can the only person I have now decide to leave.

What is the point then opening up to anybody about my pain, if in the end they would leave?

I walked out of him not ready to see his face now.

"Dais" he called out my name but I didn't answer.

It is my pain, my scars and my tears.

Only mine no one else.

I took hold of the rope I saw beneath the bed. I never realized i had a sealed box beneath the bed and a very old rope.

I didn't bother about the sealed box, all I was concerned about was ending it.

I climbed up my chair and placed the rope over the fan hanger.

My death should be a silent one..

I was ready to go.

After placing my head into the rope.

The voices came again.

"End yourself, you have no point living. No love, no home.

I pushed off the chair and I began choking and gasping for air.

I was dying, I loved it but still hated the pains. The feeling of knowing I have reached my end gave me an immense joy.

I was already closing my eyes when I saw the door flung open, there she was; in a state of shock.