
Daisy in the Marvel World

Daisy in the Marvel World profile: www.uukanshu.com Just as the so-called three points are destined, seven points rely on hard work, and the remaining ninety points are given by parents. Daisy traveled into the Marvel universe. Johnson, secretly glad that he was a member of those ninety, whether to make a salted fish by using vibration energy to wait for the heroes to come to the rescue, or to catch up and lead the heroes in turn, she chose the latter. Backed by S.H.I.E.L.D. to master countless resources and have various advantages to be one step ahead, this is a story of a traverser gradually becoming stronger in the Marvel world. PS: The author has 200 million words to complete the old book, the quality is guaranteed, please rest assured to collect. Not my story: https://www.uukanshu.com/b/105193/ i use googel translation for this story.

Lily_SOna · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 5: Gaining Powers

This underground city, from the inside out, seems to be made up of many concentric circles, and the center of the circle is its goal. Daisy walked for an hour and felt that even if she was a road obsessive, she would not get lost, just walk along the straight.

However, her vigilance did not relax, learning the way in the TV, whenever she walked through the intersection of arcs and straight lines, she would draw an arrow on the ground as her direction of travel.

In the empty passage, there was only the sound of her footsteps, and in order to keep her attention at all times, Daisy stopped every two hours to rest, drink water, and recover her strength.

In this way, she walked down the watchtower from twelve o'clock in the afternoon, and now the mechanical watch showed that it was eight o'clock in the evening, and she only felt that she had been walking.

Sitting on the ground eating compressed biscuits, eating two bites and throwing them back into my backpack, I really can't eat it! Too dry! She didn't want to consume too much drinking water, these water had to be carefully calculated, after all, the shockwave woman was not superhuman, and she had to return the same way to obtain superpowers.

Closing her eyes slightly relieved her nervous nerves, she found that as long as she held the obelisk, she would recover some of her physical strength, although it was not much, but it was also precious in this ghost place.

Gritting his teeth, he stood up and continued to walk inside.

Even if she didn't see a ghost along the way, the pistol was still clenched, which was her only means of saving her life at the moment.

At twelve o'clock that night, there was still a surplus of physical strength, but the spirit was already very tired.

Daisy had to end today's trip.

Far from solving her personal problems, she sat down with her back against the wall, put her backpack on her chest, held the obelisk in her hand, kept her body warm, closed her eyes and fell asleep.

This silent and gloomy underground city that has not been uninhabited for thousands of years is not a good place to sleep. There was no comfortable bed, no pillows and quilts, and she was pitifully curled up like a refugee.

Her consciousness was sometimes clear, sometimes confused. As if sleeping, one moment dreamed that his new book was miserable, and the other dreamed of being knocked to the ground by Thanos, and blood flowed to the ground.

I slept on and off for three hours, and when I woke up, I found that it was indeed bleeding, but it had nothing to do with Thanos' brother, purely self-"body" problems...

Full of embarrassment and confusion, he relied on his previous memories to clean up, couldn't sleep, and decided to continue walking to the center of the city.


"Oh my God! It's finally here! "Daisy is unkempt at this time, not to mention sixty beautiful women, if it weren't for her long hair, she would almost be unable to see her gender. Stumbling for three days, I finally reached the very center of the city.

Six tall stone doors are arranged in a ring, separated by two meters from each other, supporting the inner stone chamber, and there is a one-meter-high stone platform in the center, Daisy looked at the top, not knowing how the structure here was designed, a not too strong light fell exactly on the stone platform through several refractions.

Rubbing her somewhat stiff cheeks, Daisy observed her surroundings first.

Once the ritual begins, the surrounding stone doors automatically close, creating a sealed environment, and the obelisk begins to fade its metal shell, revealing the Terrigan crystal inside, and spreading a mist.

She is now worried that once the evolution is completed, can these stone doors open automatically and will not be closed forever, right?

After looking carefully for a long time, the results of the study were that there was no result, no mechanical transmission, no electricity supply, and she really couldn't see that these stone doors would move on their own after the ceremony began!

To be a woman is to be cruel to yourself, if you don't want to understand it in advance, if you have a special ability, even if the stone door is completely closed, you are not afraid, those who have evolved the ability to worry about chicken ribs, and they don't need to worry about their own shockwave women!

I took out the last two bottles of water, poured a little into the palm of my hand, and wiped a handful on my face, looking more energetic.

Daisy placed the obelisk in the center of the stone platform, took two steps back, and waited for the ceremony to begin.

In the "boom" of the tremor,

The six stone doors began to move slowly according to a certain predetermined trajectory, and after three minutes they were completed to fit each other, the indoor area was reduced by half, and the sealing environment was completed.The obelisk converged with the light projected from above, and began to spin with the stone platform in her excited eyes.

In the crisp sound of "click", the metal skin of the obelisk scattered around, revealing the light blue crystals in it, the crystal was like a living thing, and many branches automatically appeared, from a crystal to a crystal cluster in ten seconds.

Daisy watched the crystal swell nervously, the back of her hand was bruised, her nose twitched slightly, and she looked at the crystal cluster without blinking. The original space-time was thinned by half of the crystal energy by another alien, and then the evolution crystal was broken by a kind person, it can be said that the shockwave woman is far from the high point she should have.

Now that you have this evolution alone, everything will be different.

Daisy waited silently, not for a long time, the stone platform stopped turning, the crystal cluster rose wildly and became calm, and there was silence around it, and there was no abnormality.

Is that the end of it? She was a little incredulous.

She took a step forward, and the mutation protruded.

The light in the stone room was a little dim, Daisy couldn't see it very clearly, and vaguely saw that the crystal seemed to spew out a gas from the inside, and the gas fermented rapidly in this sealed environment, and there was a sour taste. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

The air is a little dirty, Daisy can guarantee that PM2.5 here must explode, and I don't know if this thing is harmful when it is inhaled into the lungs.

When she was thinking about it, she only felt that her body was a little numb, and when she looked down, she saw that she began to petrify from her fingers to her wrists.

If you don't know the truth, you will definitely be scared to pee...

In fact, at this time, she was no better, her body became more and more stiff, and the black and gray stone material climbed quickly on her body.

Calm down, it's okay, it's all routines! She was trying to cheer herself up, her mind was blank, the petrification speed was extremely fast, she lost her perception of the outside world, and completely turned into a stone statue.

The ritual did not stop, the crystal was still emitting mist, and in this sealed environment, the mist had nowhere to go, and most of it was sucked into Daisy's body.

Until the crystal ran out of energy, it unscientifically evaporated in the air, and the stone chamber fell into tranquility.

"Boom... I don't know how long it took, a faint imperceptible heartbeat sound came from inside the stone statue, and it became clearer and clearer.

The stone statues began to shatter, first fingers, and after a few days, the originally stained fingers became white again, faintly revealing a hint of luster.

The cracks grew bigger, from fingers to palms, arms, all the way to cheeks.

Daisy felt that the whole world had changed in her perception, but it was not clear where the changes were, and there were more things in her body, but all this was blocked by a layer of uncomfortable stone skin.

"Ah! She shouted, and a force burst out of her cells, which were like a flood that had been accumulated for a long time, and when mobilized, they were filled with irresistibility, like a thunder on the flat ground, and the stone skin exploded violently from the inside out.

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