
Daisy Blue World

She was keep hidden, locked up and lived in the background. Her existence became a secret that always be remained behind close door. With her books as her friend, herself to comfort at night and a mind too innocent of the fucked up world with not just rainbows, flowers and fantasies. She always dreamed to explore the other side of it and her wished shall come true but, not the one she'll expect it to be. Daisy Swales was forced to leave her home to a place she could be finally live as a common, normal human. With bad memories behind, demons that keep on haunting her down and an identity she chose to concealed. The only solace is to keep her inner thoughts to herself, never been spoken a single word not until he met a guy who's persistent in unraveling and unveiling her secrets. Bryson Kingston oath to himself to solve the riddle of Daisy's life, to peel off the screen one by one and find a key to her heart. She was lost. He was there. She was conflicted. He is the answer. She feels sinking. He dives in. She felt defeated. He saved her. She felt unwelcome but she became his world.

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26 Chs


Daisy was finally done packing her things up, she stuffed half of her garments in her closet that mostly contained skirts, jeans, and sweater inside her suitcase. She sat on the edge of her king-sized bed, taking a quick once-over of all the belongings she needs to bring but, only the necessaries. This will be the first time she'll be away from her home, far across the globe where she must learn to adapt to her new environment.

It's nerve-wracking, her anxiety is building up whenever she thought about her situation especially the things that happened to her just a couple of months ago.

A knock on the door bring her back to the present, she shook her head to clear it from a dazed-state. Daisy's mother barged in with a solemn look on her beautiful, and delicate face. Her mom's usual attire of expensive dress were now replaced by a pair of jeans, and plain white shirt, the always gorgeously set of her silky strawberry blonde hair were now tied up in a messy bun.

'Are you done packing sweetheart?' Daisy bit down her lip, and swallowed the lumped in her throat to fight back the tears that are threatening to fall on her dull chestnut eyes. She can't help but to feel remorseful because of the sorrow, and stress that were evident in her mom's voice no matter how much she tried to hide it from her.

'Yes mom. I'm just checking if I packed everything, I don't want to forget something.' She signed to her mother, and tried to makes her move cheerful even though inside, she's breaking apart.

Daisy's mother Elina, sat beside her and held both of her trembling hands on her lap.

'I'm so sorry sweetheart you have to go through all of these.' Tears slowly rolled down her mother's cheeks and a heartbreaking sobbed resonated in the four corner of her room.

She deliberately squeezed her mom's hands to get her attention and somehow gave her comfort albeit, she knew it's not working.

'Mom don't cry please. It's not your fault okay? I'll be fine, I promise. Remember what you always told me when I was a kid? There's no room for weakness because giving up is not in our vocabulary. I'll be strong.' Easier said than done, Daisy couldn't even believe in herself if she's capable to keep her promises.

She just wore the smile her mom's favorite which makes her lips stretched up all the way to her ears. It makes Elina smiled too.

'I promise I'll fix everything up okay? Then you can come back, and will have your normal life again. Just stay low, and be patience for me sweetheart. Everything will be fine.' Nothing is normal for Daisy because the moment she was born, her life became a constant reminder that the world are really a fucked up place that no money or expensive thing can fix.

Elina hugged her tightly while rocking their body slowly. This time, Daisy let all her pent-up emotions to explode, and she burst into tears.

After a fleeting moment, a knock on her door followed by a voice of their personal driver broke their moment. Daisy's mom wiped her tears, and tucked the loose strands of hair on her face behind her ears.

'Always take care of yourself sweetheart. Call me when you get there okay? I love you always remember that.'

'Yes mom. I love you too. I'll miss you.'

With final parting words, Daisy stepped outside, and leave the once she called her safe haven, their driver was hot on her tail while carrying all her luggages. Daisy just wish to leave all the painful memories behind but, she and her mom both suffered enough and it's time to create new memories, and face the day with her chin up. The little hope that remain deep in her heart– it makes her believe that somehow everything will be fine like what her mother had said.

Daisy pray that whatever the place, and whoever the people she are going meet at her new adobe would bring a happy memories that she will write up to a new chapter of her life so, with a heavy heart– they drove farther to a place away from her home, without looking back.

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Hi :) New writer here, I hope you give my story a chance and let’s all find out the secret in Daisy’s life. Don’t hesitate to drop your comments or suggestions (╹◡╹)♡

Thank you for reading and hope you enjoyed this first chapter. Stay safe and love lots <3

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