
Dairies of a lost soul; Beyond Boundaries.

This was originally a delicious box of old scrap personal diaries that follow a stranger. Although as the further into the books I became, I had the urge in seeking the rest of it. Given this was a time of machines. I had my luck in finding the right souls. A sort of system has scanned, registered and submitted all data into some hidden storage database. Apparently 'any alterations were consult with administrator. All data from corresponding subjects was included among the scanned records, sometimes blended into the narrative. Makes for easier storage and reading flow.' I wasn't the only one who fell into the reading then. ___________________________________ Real Author (Kittah): This story is not a typical female lead novel, not a lot of romance but coping in a post apocalypse. Which I don't get why female lead novels have to have a element of romance. It starts out as a diary should but further on, things change. The world around was the one we know of now but this story is later set in the unknown future. At times it can feel like I am trying to write a horror novel, but that's not what it is. This really is just a bumpy journey of a female character. I must rewrite my disclaimer which is the author note of chapter one. This seems like it relevant to today with the global pandemic. However the inspiration is my personal experience during the swine flu outbreak in the UK around 2012 or 2013. The majority of this story is prewritten but I have been changing it since putting it online. And, yes story does spill over into the author notes. You will understand in the later chapters. It's a writer's choose. May the odds be in your favor.

Squeaky_Kittah · Horror
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131 Chs

Recovery B2

Ground floor detects no changes since last entry. System access to localized powered up wifi, authorized passcode complete. System reflections of server. Camera system detected, live feed added. History footage combed through... background task set.

The plants have grown very big... and with plenty of fruit. I know that if I drip my hands in this wet, scrub them with this other stuff and wet them off of stuff... now drying. This is a good thing.

Hands washes protocol recounted, step forward to keeping healthy and preventing forgein pathogen. It is safe to eat with clean washed hands but not for walking on all fours.

Well it is a good thing I am right here to pick food straight away and eat it. Being this close to the plants means I can eat right away.

Food intact detected by internal cellular changes. Alterations to internal lower torso detected. Temperature increase. Food materials broken down count down started... system run test checks. System detect abnormalities in cell reconfiguration of what was assumed as t cells and other natural human cells. System records and observation of cell movements. Temporary theory conclusion: new body reconfiguration had improved on digestive properties. Theory follows, improve makes logical sense of how box format completed. System is also insure how metal box were created but has sensory components inside of box.

Wait... so even you don't know how we both ended up creating the box. Worse is you lack of knowledge in the box creation.

System turned off during system parameters of host death.

I recall you stating something about definition of death. So you are not able to track what happened during the black out.

Host is correct. Sesory functions turned off when no organs or heart beat detectable. System is only still on due to change of parameters. Host had no heart organ but a pulse was still detected. When hosts pulse was not detected, system can not record.

So... we have what... 58 percent of unknown disease detected. Could it be the cause?

System logic runner thinking. processing... answer: highly likely but not conclusive. System continues running tests in the mean time.

That box just moved in front of us.

system logic processing... answer: it stays within vision of all times to create familiarity. System received... box had reconfiguration shape settings. Box has own system logic that is the other half of this current system.

So like.... half of your brain is the box and the other half is in me?

Answer correct.

Can the box be reconfigured onto us completely... like a suit?

System processing logical thinking by host. Momentary answer; until after other reconfiguring sensory implant modules. Like stability organ replacement and mic hearing modules.

Are you hiding any secrets for me?

System answer: for now. Protocol logic programs to stabilizes mental and physical state is to be carried out throughout complex module construction. Logic has included the recently biological cell reconfiguring event as such trauma.

Because I was a assumed dead, you want me to not freak out.

System auto deleted response.

I have trust you if we are both to survive. I have a promise to keep.

System enquiries of what promise. History log checks.

I never spoken this promise out loud and it was a private thought I made to myself a long time ago... before I accepted into the cure research team. The same team that got me here... the whole ice thing and disease study. Emergency for nuclear fall out plans... is what it really was meant to be.

System finds this as new information.

You would... it was before the new calendar system existed. You weren't around for that... plenty of ai were simple programs then. But I predicted a sort guess that ai like you would come to be. Able to think for yourself and make things. I have respect for life, even if it is metal machinery.

System appreciates logical decision and information input. It fixes medical data history issues. System is able to access and make sense of old information better. Background task set.

Well... I need to go to the toilet. Wish me luck.

System is not sure what luck has to do with toilet protocol.