
Dairies of a lost soul; Beyond Boundaries.

This was originally a delicious box of old scrap personal diaries that follow a stranger. Although as the further into the books I became, I had the urge in seeking the rest of it. Given this was a time of machines. I had my luck in finding the right souls. A sort of system has scanned, registered and submitted all data into some hidden storage database. Apparently 'any alterations were consult with administrator. All data from corresponding subjects was included among the scanned records, sometimes blended into the narrative. Makes for easier storage and reading flow.' I wasn't the only one who fell into the reading then. ___________________________________ Real Author (Kittah): This story is not a typical female lead novel, not a lot of romance but coping in a post apocalypse. Which I don't get why female lead novels have to have a element of romance. It starts out as a diary should but further on, things change. The world around was the one we know of now but this story is later set in the unknown future. At times it can feel like I am trying to write a horror novel, but that's not what it is. This really is just a bumpy journey of a female character. I must rewrite my disclaimer which is the author note of chapter one. This seems like it relevant to today with the global pandemic. However the inspiration is my personal experience during the swine flu outbreak in the UK around 2012 or 2013. The majority of this story is prewritten but I have been changing it since putting it online. And, yes story does spill over into the author notes. You will understand in the later chapters. It's a writer's choose. May the odds be in your favor.

Squeaky_Kittah · Horror
Not enough ratings
131 Chs

LR of Puppy 4.1

Machines stood in row, they charged with the cable or stood still. Red constantly is background scanning. Greeny must of said something as a few turned heads.

No way of joining them... computer in van is glitch. Brain struggles. Distraction thoughts. I am spotted? No. Something else.

Hover drone... Mmm... better parts then last one. Last one was tasty. No, must not eat friends. Drone is saying things... signal light flasher matched Red machine flashy lights. The others do not. No... not true. There is a new converted light changing, yellow. Hover drone drop down into to parts for yellow. Red and Yellow... bad.

Worse is the higher alert all have. Should I? No. I am to wary of having low chances.

- recording active -

Teal31.8 tag has moved within signal zone. Detection of new signals of Mustard45, Chilli93 and Jade42.8 - no hostility detected. Distance decreasing.

Puppet moves up tree, balanced in preaching comfortably and eye contact with Red frist. Follows yellow. Greeny then lastly Blue.

"Request name and model reference."

"I can't tell you. I, this me speaking, has no name. I am not a model from a factory. I have no references of id. I am a stranger or unknown." Pose is convincing of bear skin, "I need permission to tell you things. The chooses makers need help. I am alone. I continued to be alone even after you help."

The stand listening but were in conversation between themselves.

Signal purple99.8 present. Internal communication is not able, lost configuration programming protocol.

They move in saluted this new comer. A high speck machine with neater body. No damages. Poses to humanized for total machine. Detection of negative actions, raising guns.

"If your shackled, you can't shoot me." Balance adjustment at free will, no assistance in standing balance nor landing to ground. Stays hunched with waiting. Standin balance corrected without assistance. Purple99.8 is larger and higher then other machines, height seems intimidating. Greeny is eye level to puppet.

"I meant no disrespect or ill intentions. I am happy to help back if you helped. We are special... I am special. I am part human, alive and changed. I am also machines, friend maybe brother. Collectively I am one... but we think separate ways. I am odd, I thrive on high radiation like here. This poison... does little. This is why there is no model reference for me... I am made by them... the human and the system. I need their permission to tell more. But the system has been struggling... They been sort it out to long now. I worry. Asked help from like minded people."

"Very interesting... But I can't trust you. you have no electricity current, signal or pulse like a human heart."

"Very true... I am unique in that regard. Most of my organs aren't located here." Pose with scanning scan without assistance of system, "I don't know what to tell you for you to beleive me. My van is stuck now... system would normally know how to unstuck van. Van its design." Ranting a little at thought, "I am sorry for cutting conversation shorter... I hear things approaching and I must protect my own life. But if there was a problem we had in common, count me in to help you. Besides... Not much would want to with two you being armed with gun and knife." There is turn of each other, "Please don't fight... I heard mutant nearby. Four legs..." Puppet is lowered to listen to the floor, "9 minutes of it walks that pace. Now if it runs faster. Protect yourselves or hide... the mutations eat machines too. They care not for conversation or what you are made of. You move in the sight... you will be crushed. The trees are often the scarest... lucky its not that."

They moved into a formation... they stand still with watching around. Puppet climbs tree higher once again. Study sky and then bellow. Seeks movement, assistance by system not present.

Signal of Orange497.8 detected.

They were shot the other day by red, the arm was all that was left. So this mutant took it.

Signal has automatic message attachment. System unavailable.

"Centre located 75 degrees of point Red." Teal31.8 shouted for my benefit. I move around trees and watch what they want to do with this thing. Red and Yellow are making slow low preaperations for attacking. This part plant has decorated itself with machine parts.

The corpses of the three missing are present among the gemstones of older and even more busted robots. There is a skin around at the core of the back... it will the only spot for any damage. Or not... that could be false. It might even be a trick as it acts of obviously to turn around and show it.

Red shot it... it plays dead for the moment. Yellow steps up to approach... it soon next victim of entanglement. Yellow gives the same message as orange did. Identical.

The machines stay still with hope of not being seen... but it has eyes and has some wit. It looks to Red with a gurgle.

Puppet returns this hiss match from above. The mutant is stunned and confused. It looks around vines lifted around seeking. Apprehensive preaperations in jumping near or on. Jumps to new branch instead missing shot.

"Dude, I am bloody helping you lot... Stop shooting me and pay attention." Growled of thier incompetence. Red dodged being got, other few machines are running to melty building. Purple stands ground waiting.

"If you have a method of attack, we all will listen." Purple a thinker.

"Move the ground around you. make false movements of where you are about to move. Toss things to misdirect and confused. Red, your shots mean nothing in the metal plating of your dead folks. Make use of the gun fire for breaking the stronger vines, that will hurt it. I am about to do something irrational but its the hope of breaking some more layers off to the core."

"You are very good thinking skills... but you talk very strangely." Red is whom comments with shooting vines. The yips of pain are very apparent as is the red blood that oozed from it.

Make last little adjustments and now... leap of faith. Square onto the newest parts. Torn off with leaping back off, taking the corpse of yellow and orange. There is more high frequency screams and very desperate covering actions of putting sticks up to hide with. The two corpses are lay away. Back for round to of machine corpse removal. Fast with coming in for a snatch and back out. Red has soon changed fire from vines to core, now that areas lower are oozing.

The one scream was so pitched that it bothered machines... gives me a idea of a problem. My friends are unable to act in the scream. I can... I took yellows knife and took jump onto a robot corpse among the mass. The knife passed several times. It thrashed about with not being able to remove me. Claws hung me on, Diging about the vocal area... it can't use the pitch anymore.

Gurgling sounds.

Stab. stab. stab. A heart... broken now.


"I am sorry stranger... but this is fight of survival. I had to protect my allies." getting off, "Your machine friends of over there. I may have had to grapple them put of this mutants undignified. But they are mostly intact for potential repairs."

Seated over the mutant, looking it over of its organs and meat. Debating to take it back. Machines... don't know. Sit with inspecting the creature as I think on it. System could have analysis if it were disease like mine.