
Dairies of a lost soul; Beyond Boundaries.

This was originally a delicious box of old scrap personal diaries that follow a stranger. Although as the further into the books I became, I had the urge in seeking the rest of it. Given this was a time of machines. I had my luck in finding the right souls. A sort of system has scanned, registered and submitted all data into some hidden storage database. Apparently 'any alterations were consult with administrator. All data from corresponding subjects was included among the scanned records, sometimes blended into the narrative. Makes for easier storage and reading flow.' I wasn't the only one who fell into the reading then. ___________________________________ Real Author (Kittah): This story is not a typical female lead novel, not a lot of romance but coping in a post apocalypse. Which I don't get why female lead novels have to have a element of romance. It starts out as a diary should but further on, things change. The world around was the one we know of now but this story is later set in the unknown future. At times it can feel like I am trying to write a horror novel, but that's not what it is. This really is just a bumpy journey of a female character. I must rewrite my disclaimer which is the author note of chapter one. This seems like it relevant to today with the global pandemic. However the inspiration is my personal experience during the swine flu outbreak in the UK around 2012 or 2013. The majority of this story is prewritten but I have been changing it since putting it online. And, yes story does spill over into the author notes. You will understand in the later chapters. It's a writer's choose. May the odds be in your favor.

Squeaky_Kittah · Horror
Not enough ratings
131 Chs

17th January

The machines were uncomfortable about my choose of inviting unknown stranger forwards. There been long tries for the gentleman hitch hiker to listened by higher politicians or people of standing. He was deemed in the machine community as a high risk trouble maker. The hope it seems from his words was from his notebooks of star gazing and ship details.

When he entered my office a broke man, I suspected he wants money from me for this information. His response in seeing me was abnormal to the point of what I suspected a parasite control would do. He wasn't in fear of me but instead inquisitive about me. When we connected minds, away melted all sort of fear of me - assuming me for a weak thing. Yet here I was comparing him to some sketches I have. Another off world elite, likely debating what worth I was.

"You seem a flawless thing compared to them normal worms out there." He sits comfortably, "I doubt that you would understand."

"And that's my handwriting." I pointed to his images of named ships, "I had seen them from much closer then you. I took control of your hand, doing you a favour." He doesn't deny this, yet the crept as sort of jolt. Putting a uncomfortable feeling, adjusting himself on the seat.

"So who are you with?"

"I did also state that I would ponder eating you in a stew. You smell... well..." I flutter a hand in rolling about for words, "dirty for now. Smart to cover you scent with other earth smells. It would fool a normal one indeed." That there was the expression of someone regretting his chooses, "You were to easy to lure. To over confident. They are stood around you judging your stupid." I slide glare to one of those phantoms, "What a lover you are. You can't bare to see him hurt. Protective of him. Expecting soon? They will eat you inside out if you hold on to long."

The scream of a pitch so high I knew that it were also in this building. I pressed a button with a mic.

"Best leave the creature be. You be metal straps of scrap to them. Clean the glass later. Any injuries will maybe not matter at all. I will do what is right." The button left and the noted clicked of all the near machines accepting that.

"What you lack in body is replaced with the local smarts." The creature in front of me noted.

"No. Because even you die from radiation." I purr and the shudder of the other phantoms peering at me, "A little late in me stating this." I posed with baring my claws out, "Welcome to earth where death walks beside you. You either adapt and play a gamble - yet still you may die. This land is unfortunate, unforgiving and most importantly crawling with danger beyond just the little people and other things." I tap a claw a the surface, "At the best of days, even the harmless are out to skin you down. Weak is anything. Smart could be anyone. Hope is all you have." I put my claws away and settled, "Upon our last discussion, you spoke of the disappointment that such some elite had gave up its place in this body. Well, you make that sacrifice in vain along with the other solar systems - choosing a harder way of capturing this single broken man."

"So you have yet to choose if I am good enough to eat me?" I may had danced my fingers in a tapping pattern but there weren't any thoughts or words to pass. My eyes stare to a screen and with some eye typing a short reply. Back to this lonely guy talking to the phantoms softly around him. He was getting less hidden of what he was, a jaw line that was slowly parting.

"Making an enemy of me is asking for war with things beyond myself. I suspect even those worlds you are meant to be protecting would turn against you. The little folks are changing. A single ant means nothing but if all the mounds came together. Endless. Then suddenly you start seeing how smart they really are; no escape." I look to the messages, "Do you all really wish to treat me as the threat before you finished business with the one your meant to capture."

"Big words and fragile hands." I debated a few things to try. That of a phantom came to step forward instead.

"You however make a good point. You are clearly just putting a temporary truce until the broken one that caused all this is caught." I nod to this, "You have been searching for it too."

"I have been in out right war with it a while. The freak wants a part of me for himself. Yet I have terrified him, what he did to me. How I and the parasite that once was. I was either a success or a out right failure." They nod in understanding of this.

"So you were the mind that the elite took over."

"Should have took over." They stare between and at me, "Should have. Didn't."

"Then it would be for some sort of vast knowledge that we of our race would consider useful."

"I am why the little things can take pictures of you while your in developing within a host. I go that extra mile in having helped the ill folks of your kind when others murder. Murdered those whom lost their chooses. Although I am learning that not always was those chooses out of disagreement to the collective."

"A truce until the one causing upset is rid of." I have my light purr to this and that of the one seated here scrambles behind the chair. I pose no threat yet instead offering a paper with map scribbling over it.

"This is how to reach a vault that I suspected he came from. He was under the frost for a little while." I see the inability of the man moving. I peer to some other phantom, "Does my purr mean anything bad to you? in my culture is like a happy feeling... a smile or laugh. A good mood, so to speak."

"Just how much of you is human?"

"Just my brains." I slide on over to typing notes onto my computer beside, "Everything else was once one of you." There the phantoms also snarl, "I am still incomplete."

The eventually seated onto the chair, the other whom was also in the building had made there way into my office too. A machine associate is quick at my door in closing my office. The offer of the seat, her snatch of the vault map in question. They spoke between them about the locations show and the snarl raising as this is thrown away.

"We have been there already. Useless."

"How was it? Are the folks all dead? Was it powered machines around or was it all pitch dark? Was it protected or left open?" The stare at me like I lost my mind, "In my defense, I just woke up no to long ago. I have been in orbit too."

She settled for the time being with 'accepting' my words while the partner snarls openly in distrust. They both twisted a off direction, but I felt that connectivity too. It would be normally rude of someone to be nosing in the conversation. But I began to purr and share my positive emotions towards this connection to Lavander. She who has managed to stay on the orbit space station safely. I share her some basics and now she was in image around my shoulder. Now she hissed at them and told them things I hadn't known at all. A sort of update in affairs of what happened while I was sleeping.

"Sister Lavander... this is a part of your family ." The lady of this pair had meant me while taking a secondary assessment of me.

"She raised me. Disrespect my family and I will hold no regerts for letting her do as she has to." This truce in sides meant something as there was less on my shoulders about being freak among them. Lavander twisted to me with sharing the views of the space station. From borrowing her sight I could see all that has happened. The ask of what I was up to... I couldn't bare to tell her. Only that I showed her a preview of the gifts I made and the care it took in clearing them. I showed I took share of my brothers title around on the surface. She was happy about the items being put to use and that there was plans to reconnect.

"Forgive the interruption but finding the one whom cause this planets dying breath." I made them bite their tongue. I did so instantly on instinctive movements and by a mind control way.

"This world isn't dying anytime sooner. Not unless you were to destroy the atmosphere or remove the mantle core of this planet. This world from how it seems isn't dying at all. It seem to just continue in spite of radiation poisoning, environmental issues and increasing pressure of strange creatures." Lavander was loosing some wavelengths with me. So I gave a kiss in letting her know I am OK. A warm hug was a last feeling I felt before her fade. She was gone from the others that stood around here, a waved motion was thier saluting sort of like the sun setting.

"Raised our sister?" The lass asking and with twisted interests of her own.

"Although they are not directly mine. I did treat them as my own. I had raised and fed a whole 176... I couldn't save the others that suffered mutations. 96 of those will never be able to speak a language or understand freind from foe. All of them... I did what I could to prevent being enslaved to the one causing them to be solider too young." That put a very sudden fear through the expecting mother, "They don't give off any thoughts until 9 months of being outside you. That unless you wish a live birth from directly in you. Best of luck not being ate alive in that case." She thinks deeply away from my range of listening. Equally she was disconnected from the others this way too. Holding herself, "Your going to be a fine mother. Doing all you can for the best is all that any mother can. You will instinctively know. Trust yourself and always seek help from those closest."

"You are a healer then." A phantom posing with other ideas too. Potential in my worth sort of inspecting. The pose of a hand would suggest this was a computer user whom knew the basics. Typing in something... layout of a qwerty keyboard. The last word typed was 'nick' - so internet searching me. Moves hand to the use of a human computer mouse, clicks at several things. I peer to someone looming to put fear in me, yet instead I imposed with standing with my own image and petting thier head. The shirnking away from my touch and in sort of discomfort of being mentally 'pet'. The flustered back to the guy with the keyboard and mouse. The mental connection lost. I looked to the actual folks here once more, peer to my own screen for messages and back to them. They shurg in sort of being clueless. The connections were all severed for all of us, and these two sighed. Leaning into each other more and sitting closer.

"You are right about us expecting and clearly with that sort of reaction by out team leadership. You not a no one." The male of the pair held his lover closer, "You had a family before. The way you look at us both, and the sorrow." I sigh with realizing I wear my emotions on my sleever to often around couples.

"When I was a human... this world was so different. It changed so quickly. I lost them. Lost then to one of your kind." I paused in saying anything else. Because this is the sort of moment when it does suddenly flood back to me and weighs me down. The hurt. The guilt. What I did or been doing. I don't need to see it in my mind to feel it.

"It isn't ours or your own fault." She stated very sure.

"I can not let the sacrifices I made be in vain, that I can promise. Besides, I can be angry at the one whom took them when they gave me this body. To continue." The male held her tighter and with a shuffle away from me. I let got of my broken desk and reorder one on my computer. Putting some composure back in me, "Forgive me of scare you. I seem to even scare myself too. I am still uncomfortable in how I am... so much of me or this body is unfinished growing." I fold my arms to myself, "If only I can find the cure, that's what I promised my family." I tilted, "And maybe this was what we were on the miss for all this time."

They looked at each other, a private conversation happening. She wants him to say it. He seems to peel them both away more slowly. They both jolted in interruption by something and stood up. I gave my impression of waving them off. They got out of here in a orderly and disguise fashion. I stood up away from my desk and tapped the communicate link that I was available. I stood away to peer at a little screen area I had set up with news broadcasts. I made a drink with peering at them. Progress slowly marching on our goals to have conversation back with all domes. If it means cabling between us in reusing the old TV networks, netting with vaults systems put together for internet servers and rebuilding signal towers. Then it's going to have to be.

"Lady Kate." I softly tilted with whom called me, my own staff taking the broken desk. Someone with a med kit at hand. I show my hand was not injured in the slightest. It did twing from the grip I had to achieve the breaking of a stone surface table. I was scanned for sure and left alone for now. I looked to flick about my smart watch in time and what would be the next meeting. I simply turn everything off in habit and left for the evening. Simply lost at my own little world.