
Dainsleif: Grand order

It was a day like any other in the city of London. Citizens were proceeding with their jobs, and the weather was trash as usual. Every day was the same; workers going to work, traffic, students going to school. London was protected by a barrier to prevent any type of demon to enter. Demons are the main threat since the beginning of 2021. Now, the year is 2040 and it has been 19 years since demons have been on the surface of the earth. There are 5 demon classes. Class 1 (weak demons), Class 2 (Intermediate demons), Class 3 (Strong demons) Class 4 (super-strong demons) Class 5 (The godlike). Although it is rare for Class 4 and 5 demons to appear, they always send their spires to and human flesh and bring it to them. When a threat alike first appeared, humans were defenceless, however, it was at the beginning of 2022 that humans started to evolve. Humans started to obtain mysterious powers now called blessings. Blessing are powered humans have managed to receive through evolution to increase their physical power, spirit etc. Blessings are based around elementals. If humans elemental is fire, then his blessing with be based around fire elemental. The ranger organisation which is located in Berlin also gives flying skates to the blessed ones to ease their transportation. There are many types of elementals but the basic ones are fire, water, wind, rock, metal. These basic elementals create a branch of a variety of advanced elementals. Only 30% of the population have blessings, so this means any person who has an elemental is destined to become a ranger.

Yonko_master · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Aunt Susan

Mandy and Jason were both sitting aside each other and at that very moment, the mood was very... awkward.

'Why isn't he talking to me, I mean, doesn't he want to make friends or allies at school? *sighs* I can't pierce through him, what does he want?' she thought while having an eye on him

Jason was looking at the window, waiting for the bus to go. That night, it was very rainy, and apparently in London, from the morning to the afternoon there would be a big storm. This is why they left so early. Jason could see that Mandy wanted him to start the conversation, but he remembered what she said about him a few months ago at school.

[a few months ago]

Mandy and her friend Rebecca were both in the lunchroom sitting down together and Jason was right behind them.

"Hey, I was thinking of talking to that boy, called Jason. I think he's really cute and he has that personality that I love." Rebecca said while eating.

"Seriously?" Mandy said, "out of all the boys, you choose that freak? I don't understand how you choose a boy who still eats skittles in 2040. Trust me, he's not worth it, plus, he has dyslexia."

Mandy was lying because a few weeks ago, she approached Jason, and got rejected, since she felt humiliated, she started spreading fake news about him to deteriorate his reputation

"Are you serious? But I mean behind old school and having a small sickness isn't that bad..." Rebecca said

"Trust me, just leave that mother**er and leave him to his stupid ass solitude. You should leave it that way..."

Rebecca was convinced by what Mandy said and chose to abandon her approach (pretty sure she regrets it now). On the other hand, Jason heard everything, and it didn't affect him that she told her friend not to approach him, but what made him angry was that she lied about his name.

'She not worth talking to. At this point, she's close to a gold digger, clout chaser, and all that...' Jason thought while looking at the window with no emotion.

Mandy wanted to start a conversation, but she just couldn't because she was scared of getting rejected twice by the same dude, so she asked Ian to exchange seats. Her plan was a complete fail.

"Finally she left, I felt like the trip would be boring for a second..." Jason said in relief when he saw Ian was exchanging places with Mandy.

"Yeah, dude, but anyway, you never told me about your training, are you able to launch attacks?" Ian asked curiously.

"Well, there are two attacks that I'm able to launch for now. I wasn't able to personalize my attacks, so Tornado taught me hers; the first one is bullet drop (creates 20 bullet formed water droplets the user can launch at high speed). For now, I'm just able to shoot one bullet at a time, but I can keep them around for as long as I want. The cooldown to create another bullet is 5 minutes." Jason explained while creating one bullet drop right before Ian's eyes.

Ian was amazed by the bullet and tried to touch it, but his hand went right through it. This meant a bullet drop couldn't be stopped but only. dodged.

"The second attack is hijacked slash (the ability to send powerful water to slash able to cut even a tree). The could down for this is only 1 minute and the advantage I that, I can use it at the same time as my droplet. What about your attacks?

" Well, my first technique is metal punch (creates a metal fist that he can direct for a short lapse of time at high speed until it hits an object.) and metal wall (creates a metal wall). So basically I have a defensive and an attacking move.

When Jason thought of it, he realized that Ian was correct. The most important is to have a defensive skill, but also an attacking skill, something Noah didn't have. The problem was, that the elements he possessed were in a liquid state, so his opponent could walk through and defence.

'I indeed have to think of a defensive attack, I just can't rely on Tornado's attacks every time..." Jason told himself.

"I'm tired dude, I think I'm gonna get a good sleep for the rest of the trip," Ian said after yawning.

He then took a blanket out of his backpack and fell asleep. Jason on the other hand was still awake, and he wasn't ready to sleep. In the woods, spending days without sleeping or eating, he developed an instinct of always resisting tiredness. Mandy who was sitting behind Jason couldn't tolerate the fact she got rejected twice by the same boy. As the elemental was nature, she made a flower that would act like sleeping pills and she took the pollen of it, and drop it on top of Jason's head for him to smell it. Jason then fell into a deep sleep, but the flower did more than just make him sleep.

For the rest of the trip, Ian and Jadon were sleeping, and when they woke up, they were already in the city of Manchester. Due to how isolated Manchester was from demons because of Dainsleif school reputation, Manchester became the centre of many things in London despite the fact it wasn't the capital.

"Oh my goodness! this place is futuristic!" Ian cried

Indeed, Manchester had the most sky floaters in the world! Additionally, it is the only city in the world to have fewer than 5 cases of invasions in the past 19 years. Ian, Mandy, Jason and Ella all got out of the bus, and they were suppose to be welcomed by Ian's aunt who would let them sleep at her place for the day.

"Aunt Susan!" Ian cried when he spotted her. His aunt ran towards him and gave him a big hug. It was the first time in year's they have seen each other.

"You grew boy! You're a strong man now! She said while admiring her niece's physic. " Are those friends of yours? Oh, they look tired to me, let's all go home and I'll cook you something to eat!"

Jason followed his aunt, and they stopped next to a van about 10 meters long. When Susan opened the van, it looked like she lived there with all the kitchen materials they could see. The van was very large, but it smelt like cheese and dirty socks, the odour was unbearable.

"Are we gonna sleep here?" Ella asked Jn disgust.