
Dainsleif: Grand order

It was a day like any other in the city of London. Citizens were proceeding with their jobs, and the weather was trash as usual. Every day was the same; workers going to work, traffic, students going to school. London was protected by a barrier to prevent any type of demon to enter. Demons are the main threat since the beginning of 2021. Now, the year is 2040 and it has been 19 years since demons have been on the surface of the earth. There are 5 demon classes. Class 1 (weak demons), Class 2 (Intermediate demons), Class 3 (Strong demons) Class 4 (super-strong demons) Class 5 (The godlike). Although it is rare for Class 4 and 5 demons to appear, they always send their spires to and human flesh and bring it to them. When a threat alike first appeared, humans were defenceless, however, it was at the beginning of 2022 that humans started to evolve. Humans started to obtain mysterious powers now called blessings. Blessing are powered humans have managed to receive through evolution to increase their physical power, spirit etc. Blessings are based around elementals. If humans elemental is fire, then his blessing with be based around fire elemental. The ranger organisation which is located in Berlin also gives flying skates to the blessed ones to ease their transportation. There are many types of elementals but the basic ones are fire, water, wind, rock, metal. These basic elementals create a branch of a variety of advanced elementals. Only 30% of the population have blessings, so this means any person who has an elemental is destined to become a ranger.

Yonko_master · Fantasy
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57 Chs

A goal in life

The next day, Jason woke up and suddenly his phone started ringing. When he checked who was calling, it was his best friend Ian.

Jason answered the phone and said, "What do you want Ian, if it is to talk to my sister again, in your dreams..."

"This is way more important! You know we are Saturday right, and the ceremony is on Monday, well Chris Hanfield will be participating in the ceremony!" Ian told Jason in an excited tone.

"Wait, the S ranked ranger who defeat 100 demons in one night?" Jason asked interested in what Ian was telling him.

"That's right dude!" Ian shouted.

Jason hung up directly and brushed his teeth, put black sweaters, with a white polo and black jumper. He went downstairs and without even taking breakfast he stormed out of the house.

The reason for Jason's sudden burst in energy was because his father was once an S rank ranger. Unfortunately, he died in battle the day 100 demons attacked the city.

He was hoping he could find more information about what happened to his father because he was known to be the strongest ranger in England.

Jason was headed for Ian's house on his bike and once he reached there, Ian was already about to go out.

"Ian!" Jason shouted, "If you're ready, get your bike, and lead me to where he is."

Ian took his bike and lead him to Westfield London where he was apparently to inaugurate a new shop.

Jason and Ian went inside the city mall and there was a big crowd in front of them. Despite the big crowd, Ian and Jason managed to find their way to the front row where they could see the famous S rank ranger. inaugurating the shop.

The inauguration lasted 30 minutes or more, but once it was over, Chris Hanfield was headed for his car with the media all around him.

Jason knew he would not be able to reach the celebrity. He needed a diversion, and Ian was already on it.

"Hey everyone, I think I see Ed Sheeran over there, and he is wearing Gucci shoes!" Ian shouted

It was such a lame diversion, the paparazzi thought he could be saying the truth, so they ran in Ian's direction.

Meanwhile, Jason took that chance towards Chris. "Excuse me, Chris, I have a few questions for you!" Jason asked

"No more questions please, I am tired..." Chris answered.

Chris already opened his car door and was about to enter it until Jason shouted "Jason Cooper, I am Hank Cooper's son. I just want to know what happened to him."

What Jason said caught Chris' attention immediately who turned towards Jason. "Did you say, Jason Cooper? So you are Hank's son?"

Chris was amazed about was Jason said. "Come in the car," he said.

Jason went in the car and they headed for Chris' hotel. "Well then, how can I start," Chris said, "your father was my partner, and oh boy, he was the best. He was my friend, my partner, my tutor and my family..."

"With all the respect I owe you sir" Jason replied crisply, "Could you tell me what happened during the battle?"

The celebrity knew that Jason would ask this question at one moment, so he explained the whole story.

"That day, we saw hundreds of demons running towards the capital. We were already back from a mission, so imagine the surprise we had when we found out that demons were attacking the city. We ran flew on our gliders as fast we could as luckily we got to the city before the demons.

Of course, you may think there was a barrier, but it was still known, while a barrier needs a whole year to the firm itself. So we had to push them back, and your father knew how to do that tremendously. he was a water user, so you called tsunami after tsunami to wipe the waves of demons that were coming our way.

Unfortunately, your father was out of mana, so he could not keep up with the intense attacks repeatedly. Something had to be done, so I created a barrier made of rock at the specific place the demons were attacking. It was to hold them off until reinforcement arrives.

The plan was working quite well until a God-like demon appeared. His name was Zeldris, the spider demon. Your father saw the menace, and with the little mana left, he fought the demon, but *mumbles*, your father died in the fight.

When I saw your father lying dead, I went berserk, and I couldn't contain myself, so I killed every demon on the battlefield, but when I fought Zeldris, I failed and he broke my two arms, and one rib. Before he could kill me for good, reinforcements arrived, and the demon was forced to flee... I survived, and I eliminated all the demons, so I became popular, and your father, was considered a hero for his actions, but we never found his body.

We all assumed his body was eaten by the demon, or he was transformed into a demon. Both cases are atrocious."

When Chris was done with his story, there was a moment of silence in the car. Until Jason broke the silence, "I can't blame the demon for being stronger than my dad, but what I can't stand is that he took my father's body. I was asking myself why I wanted to become a ranger, but now I know why. My goal in life is to avenge my father, by killing the one who took him from me!

"One thing is for sure in this world, angels don't exist, but demons do, so having a goal is crucial in this world." Chris replied, "but don't be submerged by darkness, or it will lead you to the wrong path."

Once Chris was done talking, the car stopped right in front of the hotel entrance. "Well then, if you could tell me where you live, we will go together to the ceremony on Monday," Chris told Jason.

"Of course" Jason replied and he gave the address to Chris.

"Hey kid, you don't have to call me sir, just call me Hans!"

Once Chris left the car, the driver took Jason back home where he called Ian and told him everything.