
Chapter 1: Harith and Nana

It was midnight, Harith was planning to serenade Nana in her house. He waited for the right time and the right moment to start. Then suddenly Harith saw Nana from outside the window, the only reason Harith saw her was because he was in a tree, he just climbed it earlier. Then Harith made a move, he used a small portion of magic to make Nana look at him, and as expected she looked right at him, confused she asked Harith what was going on.

"What're you doing?"

Harith then hurriedly played the guitar Clint lent him. It was a beautiful melody, from the looks of it Harith was confident playing it, Nana was also surprised. Then Harith started to sing a romantic song, after a few moments the song ends. Then Nana speaks again.

"The song was good but, what's the point?" She was confused.

Harith paid her no mind he just answered with some sweet words. "Nana will you please be my lover." Harith was clearly nervous, even the Nana who was always oblivious couldn't avoid that statement. She was starting to blush, then she looked at Harith who was also blushing.

"But why me?" Her face was bright red.

Harith shoutingly answered. "There's nobody else but you." It was quite a bold statement but clearly he was honest even the oblivious Nana seems to feel it, she was sure it wasn't easy confessing but she paid it no mind and just answered that gave a bright smile to Harith.

"Well if you're okay with me, then we can atleast try." She was bright red Harith was sure she had a hard time saying those words to him.

Harith decided to jump towards the window, he approached Nana slowly, then he made a request that made both of them embarrased. "Can I hug you?"

Nana was shocked, she was fidgeting from embarrassment, she was so red Harith somewhat imagined some steam was floating around Nana, then Nana answers Harith. "If that's what you like, then it's okay for me."

Harith then suddenly refused to do it. Not because he was just pranking Nana it was just because he didn't want to make Nana uncomfortable. "Are you really sure?" Nana can feel some kind of meaning from those words, those words means that her feeling were more important.

She said it again in a low voice. "Just do it, if you don't do it the embarrassment will kill me." she was blushing when she said that. Harith was lovestrucked by Nana, then he slowly tried to hug her, the only thing Harith was thinking of is where will I put my hand? In her back or her waist? From his panicking he just putted it in mid air. Then a few moments passed they we're both bright red, then Nana tried to push Harith away gently. "That must be enough, is it not?"

The surprised Harith just looked at Nana, then he came to his senses and decided to jump from the window where he landed on her lawn, then Harith shouted. "Thanks for accepting Nana, I'll see you tomorrow." then he disappears in the dark.

Just made it on the spot because of the Contest. Anyway I had a lot of fun writing this because of Nana and Harith's progress cuz it was cute. THANKS FOR READING

RaysonYatcocreators' thoughts