
daily life with monster girlfriends

this is not my novel i uploaded here so I can read it here

iwin011125 · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs


Chapter 37: A New Family Member

Miia locks the door of her room after throwing me on her bed.

"Darling." She takes off her shirt in one movement. "Don't worry. I'll take good care of you."

There is thrashing against the door as if someone is striking with an ax at the door. Openings appear in the wood, letting light in.

I half-expected someone to say, 'Here's Johnny.'

"Miia." Cerea slides her hand through an opening, unlocks the door, walks in. "Unhand Master right now."

"What if I don't?" Miia stands in front of me, her hands balled into fists.

"Very well." Cerea draws her sword. "I will fight anyone in my Master's name, even if it's one of his wives."

"Come at me, Cerea." Miia taunts Cerea with her fist. "I have always wanted to pummel you."

"Likewise." Cerea takes a step forward. "I have held a lot in for the sake of my Master. No more."

Before they can pounce at each other, I crawl out of the room. In the noise of battle now being waged inside the room, I almost don't hear Mero's 'psst'.

"Mero, what're you…"

She covers my mouth with her hand. "Let's take you to safety."

I lift her from the wheelchair and take her place, she in my lap.

She closes the door of her room. "We should be safe here."

"You want to go in the water?"

"Yes, Dear Sir. Will you be kind enough to put me in there?"

"Of course." I pick her up in my arms. She hugs me.

When I near the edge of the swimming pool, she throws us both in.

For a moment, I don't know which way is up. When I do, I swim up, taking two deep breaths.

"What's up, Mero?" I spit the water out of my mouth, trying to clean my eyes.

"Dear Sir." She tosses her bra out, her twins floating in the water. "You aren't going anywhere without one final act of love."

"Oh, brother."

"Now, come, my love." She extends her arms towards me. "Let's abscond into the realm of passion."

There are bullets fired and the door comes off its hinges.

"Don't worry, babe!" Zombina walks in on one leg. "Sorry it took so long. Let's run away together. I'll fry anyone who comes between us."

"Oh, you girls too?" I sigh and shake my head.

"Zombina." Smith enters the room and grabs Zombina's hand. "Calm down before your limbs are in need of sewing again."

"Yes, Ma'am." Zombina does as told with a swallow.

"Darling." Smith crosses her arms. "Let's go to the living room. Bring Mero with you."

I take Mero's hand, who is ready to launch into another tragedy tantrum. "Coming."

"So…" I hang my head, hands interlaced on my knees.

"This is D." Smith holds Lala's head like a conqueror king may hold the head of the defeated monarch. "The person responsible for all this helter-skelter."

Lala's headless body dances around Smith, trying to get a head of the situation (pun intended).

"Foolish Mortal!" Lala thunders. "If you think you can…"

Smith turns the face to hers, making Lala stare in her eyes. Lala shuts up and purses her lips, sweat running down her face.

"Put her back, Smith," I say.

Without a word, Smith returns the head to the body. As Lala screws her head back, I glance at every girl in the room. Miia, Cerea, and Mero look repentant and sad.

"So, Lala."

I nod at Draco who comes yawning into the living room from her bedroom, wearing only a T-shirt. She slept like a log through the whole carnage.

"What did you mean when you said my life is in danger?"

"I…" Lala fidgets, eyeing Rachnee and Smith.

"We had a little chat with her, Honey," says Rachnee, standing behind me, wrapping her arms around me, her gaze penetrating Lala. "It turns out, all of this was a false alarm."

"It's just as Rachnee is saying." Smith cradles her elbows in her hands. "She thought you were going to die when she saw all that you go through every day."

"Any human can die a hundred times over because of what you have gone through ever since the extra-species program," Rachnee adds, kissing my ear.

I have an image of Miia constricting me on the bed, Cerea kicking my face or lying on me as we sleep together, getting smothered on Mero's boobs or her dragging me into the water as we sleep in her pool, Tio almost killing me twice; once by hugging me to her tits, once when I was blowing her in her sleep and she put her legs around my head, making me choke on her semen. Good thing I swallowed all of that.

These occurrences are everyday. Zombina and Smith are human size, and are not an unconscious threat. Rachnee is very careful and has never hurt me even in an accident. Draco has been here a few days and her most dangerous feature, her long finger and toenails, I have trimmed.

Even so, half of the girls can be my death even if they don't want to be. If Lala thought that I was going to die, she cannot be blamed. Anyone would think the same.

A question flashes in my mind.



"Do you have a homestay? You are an extra-species, right? Where's your host family?"

"Do you even have one?" Smith shoves her face in Lala's sweating one.

"No, I… Us Dullahans does not need the hospitality of inferior creatures to survive. We rely…"

"Hai, Hai." Rachnee binds Lala again and sighs. "What a pain."

"It's settled then." I clap my hands together before holding Rachnee's.

"Darling's right," says Smith. "I'll call my institution and we'll have her arrested."

"Lala will be staying here," I say.

"Darling's wrong," Smith says. "Let's take a vote."

"No need to take a vote." I stand up. "Rachnee."

"Yes, Honey." Rachnee unbinds Lala.

"Who do you think you are…" Lala addresses me, having stood up and placed her head on her shoulders.

I hug her. There is a collective sigh in the room.

"What're you…" Lala tries to say, her voice having lost its manly quality.

"You must have been so afraid." I smile at her, retracting my head, my arms around her. "Being in a foreign country, having to do your job even though you don't know anything about here."

"I'm a Dullahan." She looks away, blushing. "I don't need any knowledge or symp…"

"No need to worry." I put our foreheads together. "You are a part of this family. You'll eat with us, dress with us, sleep with us."

"You mean sleep under the same roof?" Lala asks, her eyes wide.

"Yep, that too." I pat her head. "Right, Girls?"

There are collective voices of assent.

"I'll give it a thought," Lala says, trying to regain her composure.

"That wasn't a question." I hug her to myself. "Besides, your other option is going to the dungeons of the Government, where you'll never be heard from again."

She shudders against me. "I…don't want that."

"Nobody does." I run my hand over her back. "You don't have to worry. You won't be going through that. You got a change of clothes?"

"No," she says after a pause, blushing.

"Don't worry. We'll go shopping tomorrow. Besides," I smile at the rest of my girls, "we don't have to worry about a killer that is after me."

"Yes," some of my girls say.

"It's decided then." I clap my hands together, my arms still around Lala. "Tomorrow, we'll go shopping. All of us."

There is an uproar in the room at the announcement. Rachnee is the only one who doesn't look happy. I smile and nod at her, making her smile in return.

"For now, let's solve the issue of where Lala will sleep tonight."

"She can sleep with you," Smith says with a wry smile. "You have shown her such compassion."

"Cerea is sleeping with me tonight. Why don't you take her to your room, Smith?"

Lala shakes her head vigorously as she hides behind me.

"That sounds good," Smith giggles, a purple aura surrounding her. "Come on, Lala. Let's show you to your room."

Lala clings onto my shoulders.

"Maybe she should sleep in Cerea's room tonight."

"That sounds good too." Rachnee joins Smith in her demonic aura and intentions. "You don't have a lock on your door, do you, Cerea?"

Cerea shakes her head from side to side after swallowing.

Smith and Rachnee start giggling at each other, rubbing their palms together.

Lala swallows, looking at me with a plea in her eyes, her grip on my shoulders tight.

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