
Daily Life With a System

Lin Xiao was your average high schooler, cruising through life without a care in the world. That is, until he stumbled upon this weird system called [Supreme God System] that decided to shake things up. Suddenly, his daily grind included stuff like doing 10 pushups for what felt like zero gains in strength. But here's the kicker: Lin Xiao wasn't exactly jumping for joy at his newfound "powers." "Come on, give me some super powers" [Space Control Rewarded] "Wait, why did you give my lazy cat superpowers instead of me?" And before he could even process it, his furball is zipping across the room like it's auditioning for a teleportation gig. ..... Few Years Later "Huh? What do you mean my cats have taken over half the universe??" Lin Xiao glanced at his adorable cats curled up on his chest and said, "No way."

Samay04 · Urban
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68 Chs


Lin Xiao observed the cats sleeping soundly, noticing the clock rotating in Lil' Blackie's stomach and the galaxy in Xiao Bai's.

"Now what should I do?"

Lin Xiao lamented, feeling a mix of confusion and concern.

[I suggest the host can do the daily missions]

Lin Xiao felt a slight surprise at the suggestions of the system, but after a moment's consideration, he decided to go along with it.

Lin Xiao quickly began doing the pushups. He completed one pushup, then the second, but on the third, he collapsed.

"What the heck, when did pushups get so hard to do?" 

Lin Xiao exclaimed, surprised by the sudden difficulty.

Lin Xiao persisted, attempting the pushups again and again. After ten minutes of effort, with brief breaks lasting between 30 seconds to a minute, he finally managed to complete 10 pushups.

[Pushup Daily Mission Completed - 0.5 Strength Stat Point Rewarded +10 Exp]

As the notification sounded, a peculiar sensation washed over Lin Xiao's body.

He felt his muscles repairing and strengthening in a matter of seconds, as if an unseen force was at work within him.

Right as his muscles were repairing, Lin Xiao's mother's voice called out from downstairs, "Lin Xiao, Meiying, come downstairs, I ordered takeout for dinner today."

Hearing his mother's voice, Lin Xiao rose from the ground and headed out of his room.

As he emerged, Lin Meiying exited her room as well. Catching sight of Lin Xiao, she shot him an angry glare before stomping downstairs.

"Mooom! Lin Meiying is angry at me because you scolded her," Lin Xiao exclaimed.

"You snitch!!!" Lin Meiying retorted indignantly.

Soon, everyone gathered around the dinner table, and the food was served.

"How are the cats?"

Mother Lin inquired, glancing around the table.

"They are sleeping," Lin Xiao replied.

"Both of you should sleep early. You have your first day of school tomorrow,"

Mother Lin advised, her tone gentle yet firm.

For some reason, dinner felt awkward. Whether it was because Lin Meiying was angry or due to the unfamiliarity of their new house, it was hard to say.

Lin Xiao quickly finished his meal and hurried upstairs, hoping to escape the discomfort of the situation.

Lin Xiao quickly entered his room, his gaze falling on the bed. He noticed that only Lil' Blackie was there, looking around the room with curiosity.

"Woooo. I am flyinnnn," a voice echoed in his head, unmistakably Xiao Bai's.

Startled, Lin Xiao looked around and saw a furball flying across the room, teleporting from one place to another. It was Xiao Bai, exhibiting the powers granted to him by the system.

His room was becoming a mess as Xiao Bai zipped around, using his newfound powers.

"Stop," Lin Xiao commanded firmly.

Hearing those words, Xiao Bai halted in his tracks, as if he had just received a sacred order.

"System, what is happening? How can Xiao Bai be flying so quickly? He just got his powers like 30 minutes ago," Lin Xiao asked, bewildered by the rapid mastery of Xiao Bai's abilities.

[This power is suitable for Xiao Bai, that's why he is able to master them so quickly. I can show you Xiao Bai's status window if you want.]

"Show me," Lin Xiao requested, eager to understand more about Xiao Bai and Lil'blackie's newfound abilities.

[Status Window]

Name: Xiao Bai

Race: Cat

Class: None

Skills: Teleportation, Flying

Powers: Space Control (Lv.2)

Mana: 13/15

[Status Window]

Name: Lil'Blackie

Race: Cat

Class: None

Skills: Fast Forward (Fast forward time of a certain object by 15 seconds)

Powers: Time Control (Lv.1)

Mana: 10

Looking at both of these status windows, Lin Xiao was shocked. Xiao Bai's powers were incredibly powerful, and Lil' Blackie's abilities held a lot of potential as well.

This only fueled Lin Xiao's determination to become stronger as soon as possible so he could utilize these powers.

Lin Xiao issued a gentle command to Xiao Bai, directing him to settle onto the plush cat bed.

"Okie," replied Xiao Bai, his response filled with feline nonchalance as he obediently obliged, sinking into the cozy confines of the bed.

With Xiao Bai settled, Lin Xiao turned his attention to Lil' Blackie. He gazed at her intently, then fetched a nearby plant and placed it beside her.

"Lil' Blackie, use your powers on this plant," he instructed, his voice filled with encouragement. "Keep using them until you can't anymore."

Hearing Lin Xiao's command, Lil' Blackie concentrated, focusing her powers on the plant. At first, nothing seemed to happen.

Lin Xiao watched patiently, encouraging her to persist. On the fifteenth attempt, a subtle change occurred – the leaves of the plant turned a slight yellow, indicating the beginning of her power's effect.

Lin Xiao carefully observed each time Lil' Blackie utilized her powers, noting that her mana decreased by 0.5 with each use.

This observation suggested that Lil' Blackie could use her powers approximately 20 times before depleting her mana reserve.

Lin Xiao instructed Lil' Blackie to stop, recognizing the limits of her mana reserves. Then, he shifted his focus towards Xiao Bai, eager to observe the mana consumption associated with his powers.

"Fly, Xiao Bai," Lin Xiao instructed, and promptly, Xiao Bai complied, lifting off the ground with ease. Lin Xiao attentively monitored Xiao Bai's mana consumption and observed it decrease by 2 points.

Encouraged by this, he instructed Xiao Bai to continue floating, and after a minute had passed, he noticed another decrease of 2 points in Xiao Bai's mana reserves.

It became evident that it would consume 2 points of mana for every minute of sustained flight.

Excited by the possibilities, Lin Xiao directed Xiao Bai to teleport to his study table. In an instant, Xiao Bai vanished from his spot and reappeared gracefully on the study table.

Lin Xiao observed with fascination as only 1 mana point was consumed by this seemingly effortless teleportation.

Satisfied with his observations, Lin Xiao instructed both Xiao Bai and Lil' Blackie to retire for the night, signaling the end of their experiments.

With school looming on the horizon, he decided it was time to get some rest himself.

Lin Xiao settled into bed, anticipation mingling with nervousness as he prepared for his first day of school tomorrow.

Fourth Chapter and i am done for the day.

Enjoy :)

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