
Daily Life With a System

Lin Xiao was your average high schooler, cruising through life without a care in the world. That is, until he stumbled upon this weird system called [Supreme God System] that decided to shake things up. Suddenly, his daily grind included stuff like doing 10 pushups for what felt like zero gains in strength. But here's the kicker: Lin Xiao wasn't exactly jumping for joy at his newfound "powers." "Come on, give me some super powers" [Space Control Rewarded] "Wait, why did you give my lazy cat superpowers instead of me?" And before he could even process it, his furball is zipping across the room like it's auditioning for a teleportation gig. ..... Few Years Later "Huh? What do you mean my cats have taken over half the universe??" Lin Xiao glanced at his adorable cats curled up on his chest and said, "No way."

Samay04 · Urban
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60 Chs


Lin Xiao woke up in the morning, his eyes heavy with exhaustion.

He had barely managed to get any sleep, spending most of the night completing his daily missions and diving deep into online research about the kidnappings.

Despite his best efforts, he found no new information directly related to the balloon kidnappings or the memory erasure. However, he did uncover more about the user "Ping'an."

Sitting up in bed, Lin Xiao reviewed the notes he had jotted down.

"First Ping'an made frequent posts complaining about his apartment building, second he made threats and angry comments to his apartment management daily,"

Lin Xiao made up the timeline in his head: Ping'an had been increasingly hostile towards his apartment management and then suddenly the balloons started arriving.

Lin Xiao sat back in his chair, tapping a pen against his chin as he pondered the possible explanations for Ping'an's disappearance. He scribbled down his theories in a notebook, trying to make sense of the strange events surrounding the balloon kidnappings.

Theory 1: The Kidnappers Live in the Apartment Building

The kidnappers might be part of the apartment management or closely connected to it. They could be targeting people who are vocal about their dissatisfaction, like Ping'an, because they are tired of the complaints and want to silence them. This theory would explain why the kidnappings seem so precise.

Theory 2: Someone from the Apartment Management is Impersonating the Kidnappers

It could be an inside job, with someone from the management using the balloon kidnappers' modus operandi to scare Ping'an. This person might have their own reasons for wanting Ping'an to disappear, possibly to remove a troublesome tenant or to send a message to other residents. The impersonation might be a way to scare some tenants.

Theory 3: The Kidnappers are Outsiders Who Disliked Ping'an's Hostile Posts

Someone who saw Ping'an's posts and grew angry or frustrated might have decided to take action. This theory suggests that the kidnappings are not connected to the apartment management but are rather the work of someone with a personal vendetta. The balloons could be a calling card or a psychological tactic used by the kidnapper to instill fear.

With these logical theories in mind, Lin Xiao felt he had a clearer direction for his investigation.

But Lin Xiao still didn't consider that, what if these kidnappers had supernatural powers.


Since today was the weekend, He decided to visit Ping'an's apartment building to gather more information and see if he could find any leads that would support one of his theories.

But first he decided to go downstairs to jog his mother and sister's memories again.

Lin Xiao got out of bed and went through his morning routine. As he brushed his teeth and washed his face, his mind kept returning to the mystery.

Who or what could be erasing people's memories? is it the so-called supernatural association who caught the kidnappers or someone else?

Downstairs, Mother Lin was already in the kitchen, preparing breakfast. Lin Meiying was at the dining table, scrolling through her phone. Lin Xiao sat down beside her, trying to appear casual.

"Morning," he greeted, grabbing a piece of toast. "Hey, Meiying, remember yesterday we talked about those serial kidnappings?"

Lin Meiying looked up, puzzled. "What kidnappings?"

Lin Xiao sighed. "The ones with the balloons. We talked about it at breakfast. You really don't remember?"

She shook her head. "Nope. I already told you that didn't I, Lin Xiao?"

Mother Lin turned from the stove, a worried expression on her face. "Lin Xiao, you need to stop worrying about such things. Focus on your studies and your future."

Lin Xiao nodded, but he couldn't shake the feeling of unease. He quickly finished his breakfast and headed back to his room, to continue his investigation.

In his room, he saw Lil' Blackie and Xiao Bai still sleeping soundly in their cat bed. He quietly moved to his desk, where his gaming computer was set up. 

He started planning his day.

He knew he needed a disguise to blend in and avoid drawing attention to himself.

The idea of using clothes from a donation box and a festival mask seemed like a simple yet effective way to achieve this.

He quickly went downstairs to find his mother in the kitchen. "Mom, I'm heading out to meet some friends," he said casually.

Mother Lin looked up from her cooking and smiled. "Alright, be safe. And don't forget to take your phone."

"I will, Mom," he assured her, slipping his phone into his pocket. He then made his way to the front door, where Lil' Blackie and Xiao Bai were already waiting.

He picked up the cats and placed them gently into a backpack he had modified to carry them comfortably.

"Just in case something dangerous happens, I need you both to be ready to use your powers to protect me," Lin Xiao whispered to the cats. They both looked at him with understanding eyes.


First, Lin Xiao headed to a nearby donation box he knew was often overflowing with clothes.

He rummaged through it, quickly finding a few items that would work for his disguise: an old hoodie, a pair of sunglasses, and a baseball cap.

Satisfied with his disguise, he put on the hoodie, sunglasses, and cap, then slipped the mask into his backpack.

He looked in a nearby store window to check his reflection. He barely recognized himself, which was perfect for what he needed.


First, Lin Xiao decided to check the areas Ping'an might have frequented. Maybe the convenience store, the nearby park, or any other places he mentioned in his posts.

Lin Xiao started with the convenience store. He entered the small shop and approached the cashier, a middle-aged man who looked like he'd been working there for years.

"Excuse me, do you remember a guy named Ping'an? He lives in the apartment buildinf," Lin Xiao asked, while pointing towards the building.

The cashier nodded. "Yeah, I remember him. Always complaining about something. Haven't seen him in a while, though."

"Did you notice anything strange about him? Like anyone following him?" Lin Xiao pressed.

The cashier thought for a moment. "Now that you mention it, Few days ago, there were a couple of guys who came in around the same time as him, always wearing sunglasses and just standing around. Didn't buy much."

Lin Xiao thanked the cashier and left the store, his suspicions growing.

The idea that undercover police officers were following Ping'an and protecting him made sense, but it raised another question: why did the cashier remember those officers when it seemed like everyone else had forgotten about the kidnappings? The whole ordeal was getting confusing.


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