
Daily Life RPG System

Hiro transmigrates and finds himself in the body of an orphan that’s about to be evicted from his orphanage. It wasn’t anything personal, but the orphanage’s policy doesn’t accommodate children who have reached the age of 16. From the gates of that humble establishment, Hiro slowly explores the facets of this world that was both familiar and unfamiliar due to its uncanny resemblance to his previous world—Earth. With his Daily Life RPG System urging him to excel in every aspect of his daily life, Hiro marks his presence in both the mundane and mystical circles of this new world.

Excommunicated · Fantasy
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106 Chs

Study Group

With a major breakthrough coming up in a few days, Hiro decided to focus on his work and studies wholeheartedly, allowing the spiritual energy to accumulate until he passed the entrance exams.

Everyone on the school grounds was currently focused on studying, the only locations one could find students were either in the library or in the dormitory building.

Today was the last day of preparation before the entrance exam, and when Hiro just finished a call with Manager Matthew to request a leave for the day, Marcus approached him with a smile.

"Hey, Hiro," Marcus said. "Me and a few of my friends decided to create a prompt study group; we will exchange notes and ideas on the four major subjects, have a sleepover in a friend's house, and go to the entrance exam together tomorrow morning. What do you think? Wanna come with?"

"A sleepover study group?" Hiro asked again to confirm, but his tone already betrayed his interest.

"Yup," Marcus nodded affirmatively. "That girl is rich, and she wants to run for the first year's students representative."

"Oh!" Hiro understood the message between the lines; this is basically a watered-down version of a social gathering, and this girl is building up her faction.

If Hiro had to guess, she would act friendly but not too friendly for now, and later give the cold shoulder to those who failed the entrance exam.

Furthermore, with only one night away from the exam, it wouldn't seem awkward to cut a friendship that barely took form.

Also… Isn't she quite bold to invite boys for a sleepover? I guess her house must be one of the big ones, those that come with bodyguards and stuff.

Also, I didn't know Marcus had such deep connections! As expected of a protagonist's roommate, I wonder if he's a member of some secret society…

While Hiro's thoughts wandered aimlessly, Marcus coughed. He was already used to this handsome friend of his spacing out for no reason.

"I don't know how, but you're already very good in the four major subjects, so I thought this would be a great opportunity for you to integrate into the student body," Marcus said earnestly.

Hiro felt touched, and his wild guess evolved into a valid hypothesis.

Marcus didn't know that Hiro had already labeled him as a special agent double spy raised in a country across the sea.

However, Hiro's thoughts were simple; this was a great opportunity to make new friends and farm APs from them.

With that in mind, Hiro quickly agreed and began to collect his notes. As for the library books, he decided to keep them in the locker cabinet, as it would be irresponsible to bring them to a party.

Marcus also helped Hiro arrange his notes and printed exam papers, and after less than 15 minutes, both of them left the dormitory building.

A taxi brought the two young students to the real estate residential zone near the back mountains of the city. Lined up in the space between the mountains and the Tsukiyomi Lake, a host of luxurious mansions were arrayed in a beautiful complex.

With the invitation card from Marcus, the taxi driver was permitted temporary entry into this highly restricted area of the city where rich entrepreneurs and influential families took residence.

Hiro was shocked for a long time, just like the taxi driver, as the car moved carefully through the streets.

Soon, the taxi stopped by the entrance to one of the massive mansions. It was a complex of one main building and five side buildings, including a horse stable and a massive outdoor pool.

Dozens of students were already gathered near the pool, laughter and cozy music could also be heard from inside the main mansion.

"Hey, Marcus! You're a little late, but I'm glad you didn't ditch the party! Haha!"

An enthusiastic young student hurried to greet Marcus and Hiro the moment they stepped through the gate. At first, the guy's attention was on Marcus, but he quickly noticed Hiro.

"This is…?" He couldn't help it—Hiro was too dashing in his white shirt, black leather jacket, and flowing crimson hair that was arranged smoothly with a headband.

"My new roommate," Marcus introduced with a smile. "His name is Hiro; I've already recommended him to join our group chat, it's pending for an approval from the administrator."

Of course, the admins in the group were the close friends of that rich girl, and she was the group's owner.

Marcus then introduced this young student to Hiro. "This is one of my childhood friends, his name is Vanti, but we call him V or Vee."

Hiro and Vanti shook hands, and the latter smiled brightly. "Once the Princess sees him, I'm positive she'd immediately approve his join request! Haha!"

Vanti clearly thought that with Hiro's looks alone, the so-called Princess would make him into her friend even if he couldn't make it into Inter-High, making the latter roll his eyes.

The trio chatted away as they entered the side mansion designated for the study group, and with Vanti's guidance, Hiro found an empty cabinet to place his study materials before writing the words "Hiro Sciatis" on a little memo.

"The study group starts in two hours, and it will end at midnight sharp so that we can all get some sleep for the exams tomorrow at high noon," Vanti explained the predetermined schedule, processing to guide Hiro and Marcus to the main mansion where the fun was at.

Inside, Vanti hurried to bring Hiro over and introduced him to the Princess, and as he called over respectfully and prepared to introduce the two, Hiro was stunned.

Hiro noticed the so-called Princess who had long black hair, a beautiful starry dress, and a pair of clear yet cold eyes. However, what caught his attention the most was the one next to the Princess.

That familiar figure, pink hair, cute dimples, and soft eyes that were innocent yet hid a mark of cunning in their depths.

The pink-haired girl also noticed Hiro, and she was just as shocked—a cup of fruit juice in her hand slipped and fell to the ground.

At this moment, everyone around them slowly quieted down as they noticed the weird atmosphere between the two.

With a weird expression on her face, Bella brought out her phone and sent a message to Hiro's phone.

Then, everyone heard the clear chime of a text message on Hiro's phone. Confused, he also brought out his phone and responded to the sticker with a few question marks.

Bella's phone buzzed, confirming her suspicions.

The girl gasped in both shock and horror as she exclaimed, "Hiro?! What in the… HOW?!!"

Hiro began to secretly sweat, thinking that someone who remembered his dark and shameful past still existed in his life.

He wanted to open his mouth and explain, but Bella cut him off. "Not here! Come with me!"

Like a pink bolt of lightning, Bella rushed over and grabbed Hiro by the arm before bolting toward the spiral staircase, ignoring everyone around.

"I need to introduce myself…" Hiro's reluctant voice echoed in the silent, awkward room.

"Fuc- ahem! I mean don't bother, you have an explanation to give me, young man!" Bella's cute voice followed.

Both Vanti and Marcus stood there, dumbfounded. Soon, everyone's eyes turned to the pair, since they were the ones who brought Hiro along.

Vanti immediately ditched his friend and pointed at Marcus, exclaiming, "That guy is this dude's new roommate! I don't know anything!"

Vanti quickly disappeared into the crowd, joining them and staring Marcus down with a curious, if not inquisitive gaze.

The Princess snapped out of her momentary daze and gave Marcus a look.

"Is he the one friend you recommended?" She asked.

Marcus nodded while rubbing his head. "Well yeah, but I didn't know…"

"It's fine," she waved her hand. Then, she fiddled with her phone for a bit and said. "I already approved of his application to join the group. You can tell us about him later."