
Refusing To Accept The Edict

Two days ago

Emperor's Chamber

In a well simple but elegant room, a man in imperial white robes sat on a bamboo chair as he played chess alone.

Beautiful palace maids and palace attendants stood infront of the chamber silently until one of the palace maids broke the silence by announcing the arrival of the Grand Governor.

The Grand Governor entered the chamber, with his head bowed in show of loyalty and respect to the emperor, before kneeling with his hands clasped.

"Your loyal subject has returned!" The Grand Governor greeted.

The emperor got up from his chair and approached him with a huge smile before pulling the grand governor up from the ground.

"There's no need to do this when it's just us, we've been friends since I learned how to walk, there's no need for this customs when we are alone" The emperor said laughing heartedly.

The Grand Governor couldn't also help but smile, "Your majesty has not really changed much, you are no different than what you were in the past, it reminds me of those days when you were the second unrestrained prince of the empire and I was just an unruly scholar from the academy who lived free and never wanted to get involved with politics, but here we are" The Grand Governor said with a nostalgic tone as they both reminisce about their past.

They both took a seat and played chess as the chatted away happily like back in those days when they were just regular nobles with no high expectations on them.

Night time. The palace was brightly lit up with all sort of precious gems and fire, imperial guards in golden armor patrolled every inch of land and grass within the palace walls,the chamber of the emperor was also lit with golden bright gemstones.

A fragrant smell of flowers filled the chamber as there was a tea pot on a boiler emitting steam, the scene was all surreal and relaxing.

The emperor who was just about to make a move suddenly haltered with a serious expression, "Grand Governor..." The emperor suddenly said in serious tone.

"You've been with me since we were young, on that night, you protected me from my brothers with your life, and also learnt me your family's private troop when I needed to stabilize the empire during the upheaval.

Even now that the imperial clan has lost a lot of it's power to the nobles and aristocrats, you are still my only shield and sword.

But now I face a challenge that is stronger than you and I, will you still stand by me, old friend? He asked in a firm tone.

The Grand Governor got down from his seat and took to his knees, "I swear by my my ancestors that, I will always be the sword guarding the imperial clan, no matter the adversity" The Grand Governor said with a serious expression.

"Rise my subject!" The emperor said. "We have to come with a way to deal with that boy." The emperor said with narrowed eyes.

"Do you mean, the Grand General? " He asked carefully.

The emperor nodded, "That boy must be dealt with, his too powerful to let him be, besides there can be two tigers on one mountain, can there?

The Grand Governor thought for a while, "Your majesty, I think there might be a way to deal with him, but it may require great sacrifice on your part" The Grand Governor said.

"Go on, I'm listening " the emperor replied.

"Your majesty, to deal with that boy, we need someone close to him to tell us all his moves, after all to defeat him we must know his strength and weaknesses" The grand governor replied.

"It's no use, I've tried sending spies to his manor but they've all been killed, and that Rising Phoenix Manor of his is more secured than the palace, there's no way to get in" The emperor said shaking his head.

"But your majesty, who said we have to sneak in?" The Grand Governor asked.

"Then how do we get in then?" The emperor asked confused.

"Your majesty, don't you think it's about time you rewarded the Grand General for his meritorious services?" The Grand Governor said with a calm expression.

"And how shall I reward him?" The emperor asked clearly confused with where this was going.

"Your majesty, isn't it also about time we got the second princess married? she's getting a little too old, won't you say?" The Grand Governor replied calmly as he took a sip of tea.

The emperor widened his eyes in shock upon hearing this, wasn't he literally suggesting that he pushed his only beloved daughter to the enemies den.

"That's a no, come up with something else!" The emperor disagreed as he shook his head furiously.

"I regret to inform you your majesty, but this is the only way we can achieve our goal of getting rid of him. With the second princess secretly observing him, we can obtain all the information about his full strength and know how to deal with him, we can also lure him out of the capital and give the princess a chance to steal the Supreme Command Seal.

With that, your majesty would be able to gain control over all the troops under the Grand General, besides you are the emperor, after we deal with him, you can revoke their marriage, as long as the princess keeps her chastity, there won't be any problems.

Your majesty, only the second princess has what it takes to accomplish this great task, you must make a decision.

"It's this the only way?" The emperor asked.

"I'm afraid it is, your majesty" Grand Governor said with a sigh.

"Your majesty, I'll take my leave and leave you to make a final decision on this, but I implore you to make haste or we won't ever get such an opportunity'' He said with a bow before leaving.

The emperor sat alone on his chair for a while before leaving his chambers for a walk.

"Chief eunuch, what do you think I should do?"

"Your majesty, this old one here understand your dilemma, my humble advice to you it's that, your duty as the father of this nation Comes first before your duty as a father, the empire must always come first, loneliness is the only path of an emperor" The old eunuch said with a respectful bow.

The emperor gazed at the lonely full moon in the sky and sighed, "In the end, I'm still forced to walk the path I loath. Send a message to the Grand Governor tell him to proceed and also summon the second princess to my chamber tomorrow morning"

The emperor turned around and left.

Present day.

Gu Shang looked at the imperial edict being extended to him and glanced at the emperor before clasping his hands.

"Though I do not wish to do this, but due to certain circumstances, I must refuse the imperial edict, your majesty.

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