
A Lovers Quarrel

Imperial Domain, Rising Phoenix Manor.

A large man made lake laid in the center of the manor, there were all kind of beautiful fishes swimming in the lake, Gu Shang stood on the bamboo bridge wearing plain white robes with his silver hair let down.

At this time it was already night, the manor was illuminated by beautiful crystal golden lights, the full moon also shed it's light on the lake which reflected silver light all over the surface of the lake.

Gu Shang stood on the lake as he admired the view, his mind wondering.

Liu Feifei appeared from the inner courtyard and headed straight for the bridge, she wore a long white gown with her silky black hair let down too.

This was a huge contrast to her usual scarlet armour she wore ever day. Today she looked so gorgeous and graceful.

"You wanted to see me?" She said in a low voice.

Gu Shang who was still in thought turned back to be met, by the beautiful appearance of Liu Feifei.

"Feifei, Why did you do it?" Gu Shang asked in a soft voice.

"What did I do?" Liu Feifei responded, but this time she couldn't meet Gu Shang's eyes.

"In the imperial court yesterday, why did you agree to the emperor demand? Were you afraid that I couldn't protect you? Or was it that easy to give up on us?" Gu Shang asked calmly.

He's been thinking about it for a long time, but he still couldn't figure out why, not only Liu Feifei, he couldn't understand old master Liu decision to not even bother to fight for his granddaughter?

"Why are you asking me such a silly question?" This time Liu Feifei lifted her eyes and glanced straight into Gu Shang eyes.

"What do you mean by, silly?" Gu Shang asked with a displeased expression.

"I was just following the imperial edict, as long as I'm still a citizen of this empire, I'm still bound to follow the emperor's order.

This isn't just about you and me, it's about the entire nation. Stop being so selfish!" Liu Feifei shot back fiercely.

"What? Selfish?"

Gu Shang asked in a deep voice, "How am I selfish? All I wanted to do, was to protect my wife like any regular husband would, how does that make me selfish?"

Liu Feifei froze for a moment after hearing that.

"But you are not just any regular husband" She said in self mockery, " you are the prince of the north, and as a royal it's only right that you serve the imperial clan and people,

How can you selfishly hold your interest alone?" Liu Feifei was not backing down.

"Why are you so loyal to emperor? What did he ever do earn this... your undying loyalty? When the Liu family fell off, didn't he just watch as your clan get bullied and stomped on? How can you chose such a man over your husband?"

"Where were you in the last seven years, when Grandpa retired and we were getting bullied by your clan?" Liu Feifei asked.

This question caught Gu Shang off guard, he couldn't even find his voice to reply. In the last seven years, he was indeed aware of the Liu clan fall, but he stayed hidden to protect them.

"You were busy playing hero across the boarders, you were putting the empire first at that time weren't you? So can't I do the same. When I needed you the most, did it ever occur to you to even send me a letter to put me at ease.

You stayed back and watched us suffer, while doing nothing, and you think that you can just show up whenever you want and make up for it?" Liu Feifei asked coldly.

"The emperor may not be as powerful as you, but he protected us when it mattered, so why won't you I be loyal to him?

"He protected you?" Gu Shang asked surprised.

Liu Feifei took in a deep breath, I don't know why you choose to go against the emperor, with your power shouldn't you be loyal to him?

Will you continue to oppose him until the very end?" Liu Feifei asked.

Gu Shang remained silent after hearing this, he wasn't going to answer that question, but if the emperor couldn't prove to him, that he was worthy of that throne,

Then he would depose him. But he wasn't going to say it out loud.

Liu Feifei had known Gu Shang for a very long time, Gu Shang always remained silent like this whenever, he didn't want to lie to her.

"Very well then, If you want to get to the emperor, you would have to go through my dead body!" Liu Feifei said in a firm tone.

Gu Shang narrowed his eyes as the flames of anger in them rose to a new level.

The lake beneath the bridge begun to boil as waves and current surged in the lake, the caps and koi fishes in the lake scramble for their lives.

Liu Feifei ignored all that and stared straight into Gu Shang's eyes without also blinking, she may not be as powerful as her husband, but she had an unbreakable will unwilling to bend to no one.


An explosive sound was heard, some of the water in the lake rose to the sky as a result of that, and sprinkled on the two couples standing on the bridge having a face off.

This was then followed by silence, Gu Shang and Liu Feifei didn't protect themselves from the sprinkling water that fell on them, but Liu Feifei regretted her decision the next moment because, her white robes were very light.

She immediately turned around, and sped of into the inner court in embarrassment.

Gu Shang on the other hand stood on the bridge as he remembered everything Liu Feifei had just said.

"No wonder the emperor was so confident yesterday, it actually turned out that he has somehow attained one of my weakness" Gu Shang said in a chilly voice.

"Well played your majesty"


Outside the manor, a group of people could be seen chasing a big plump figures. The fatty was too swift for his size if we were being honest.

Non of his pursuers could even lay a hand on him.

Fatty Su arrived at the entrance of the Manor and fell flat on his stomach as he struggled to catch his breath. The twelve guards guarding the gates were surprised to see this.

They didn't think anyone was dumb enough to cause a scene here, so why won't they be surprised?

"Halt!" They shouted to stop the pursuers who were about to pounce on the fatty who laid on the ground like a fish tossed out of water.

"Who dares to..." One of the pissed pursuers was about to retort, but fell on his knees after recognizing where they were.

The rest followed on their knees, "You damned fatty, what wrong did we ever do to you, how can you repay kindness with such evil?" One of them asked sobbing.

They were all business merchants, who had borrowed money to the fatty after he scammed them with his Su clan's influence, All they did was chase the fatty to regain their loss,

But how did it end in front of the Grand General's manor,

Fatty Su was indeed a bringer of bad fortune.

They wanted to explain themselves, but were too scared to even utter a word, all they did was weep, as they begged for mercy.

The twelve guards were surprised, they didn't even say anything, why the hell were this men acting like, they were some unreasonable monsters.

Fatty Su finally caught his breath and got up in an awkward manner, before laughing like a maniac.

"I warned you not to follow me, but since you refused, then go to hell" fatty Su said with a ruthless face, but it seemed, more comical because of his chubby cheeks.

"And who are you supposed to be?" One of the guards asked fatty Su. Fatty Su seemed offended, as he flung his sleeves with a hint of pride and arrogance.

"Who am I? That's a funny question. But me and the grand general go a long way back, he even use to be my partner in crime" said the fatty in a prideful tone.

The guards were enraged, but before they could pounce on the fatty, "Halt" the fourth emissary came out from the manor causing the guards to halt and give a salute.

"Young master Su, welcome. The general awaits"

"Did you hear that, told you I wasn't lying" fatty Su cleared his throat as he flung his sleeves behind him and walked into the manor like he owned it.

All his pursuers knelt on the ground shocked, he really wasn't bullshiting.

As they entered the manor, the fourth emissary said, "Young master Su, it appears that the general is in a fowl mood this night, can you perhaps uplift his spirit a bit"

Fatty Su pattered his chest, "Leave that to me"

When they got to the bridge, Gu Shang was still standing there in a daze.

Fatty Su tried to approach Gu Shang on the bridge but the emissary stopped him, while shaking his head.

Gu Shang who had noticed his old friend, jolted out of his fury, "Fatty Su, what brings you here?"

"Tch, do I need a reason?" The fatty replied with a chuckle.

"There's a very cool place which appeared a few months after you were drafted, How about we check it out?"

Gu Shang needed to blow some steam off so he agreed, nothing was more better than hanging out with an old friend.

The moment Gu Shang walked of the bridge, the entire bridge disintegrated into ashes.

Fatty Su couldn't help but sweat coldly, no wonder he was stopped from approaching Gu Shang on the bridge.

"Where's this new place?" Gu Shang asked.

" The Spring Autumn" The fatty replied in a daze.

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