
Tsundere Material

"What the fucks a tsundere.....?!"

A certain pink haired female yelled, her voice dripped with venom. She was currently in class trying to cure her boredom, but being the person she was, couldnt do it calmly. NOPE, and thats why she's the perfect target for teasing.

"Whaaaatt you seriously don't know? Are you even japanese Mio?? I thought all Japanese people knew what a Tsundere was!!"

This person had a masculine voice, he asked this question with the curiousity of a cat, him being japanese himself didn't realize that to others this was....very racist. It pissed the pinkette off. She was already glaring at the dumb boy but now she might as well be holding a knife, ready to kill him.




"It means your super sour on the outside but on the inside....real...how do I put this...soft and sweet!"

He gave her a smile, this of course didnt have ANY affect on her, she didn't give a shit about this boy. He's just another dumbass that decided to mess with her, he was just like all the others. The only difference is....he never gave up.

"Tch...hell no"

"wh--oh!.....no way your totally in denial!!"

"..I don't even know who you are!"

She quickly changed the subject, unconsciously of course. The boy with Bluish black hair stared back at her in half-shock and a form of denial that he himself had. He just wanted to believe she wasn't a bad person...but boy is he wrong. He ran his fingers through his hair it covered his left eye somewhat. He took a deep breathe and leaned on his arm, which was on the desk.

"Alright then...I'm Izimora Puriko"


"Ah! hey c'mon you can't just ignore me now Tsun Tsun Mio!"



"ugh....shut up loser"


He pouted a bit. The highschool student sighed again. He looked around, thinking about what could get this tsundere to admit she's a Tsundere unfortunately the bell rang. It was time to go already? Suddenly as if a lightbulb had just been screwed in the boy's head area he had an idea. he smiled smugly at the pinkette.

"hey Mio...maybe your right....Your not tsundere"


"Because there's no way you'd be a big soft cutie on the inside..!!"

Her eye twitched, That's it. Mio got up and grabbed the boy by the collar of his shirt. She knew him but only because he bothered her everyday...

"You tryna die or something?..HUH LOSER??"

She was ready to win another fight, even if she didn't look the part, this pinkette had monster fighting skills. If it wasnt obvious already, this girl gets into a lot of fights, not on purpose though, its just she has mad anger issues. If it were a difrent universe with powers she'd definitely get one that had some sort of super strength. That's basically how it felt to the other dumbasses who dare to piss her off. Dont get her wrong though, she wasnt a delinquent, Mio had good grades, she was super smart. She was actually good at a lot of things, but being friendly wasn't one of them...but alas that is the consequence of being the Queen of Success.

"Actually no....Mr. Konoki wouldn't like if we fought here...so how about later on today at the convience store by Sakura Academy we duel it out like real warriors!"

"What if I just beat your ass right here right now?"

she gave him a vicious smirk, it definitely scared a few kittens in its day.

"hah...ha..but we'd get in trouble Mio and....Its like a...dat---"

"Oi! you think I give two shits about gettin in trouble...I'm Sakura Academy's best student, without me this school'd be nothing...."

"So very Cocky for someone who practically lives in detention..."

A deeper more authoritative voice suddenly came from no where, and it was the teacher himself...Mr.Konoki. Mr.Kono was a tall man with short black hair and little eye bag marks, he wasn't japanese, he had a british accent. All the female students thought he was super handsome. which was true...he was super handsome...oh boy. He pulled the boy away from the angry pink porcupine and hauled him away like he was this weeks garbage, Leaving the pinkette to angrily sulk to herself, she didnt get to beat his ass..which meant she'd have to find another way to let off some steam. Well that would be the case...if she could forget what he said.

'I can be cute....Tch...he doesn't fucking know what he's talking about...and I'm totally not a tsundere...if that were the case I would have known...I know everything"

She comforted herself as she packed her bags and headed out for the day, back to her lonely house. Another day in paradise.

Uhh Sorry if it's total trash ain't ever written anything like this before....actually haven't written anything at all.

Just call this my first ever masterpiece...also your criticism would be greatly appreciated.

^_^ Thank you for reading I suppose!

Sp_Acecreators' thoughts