
Daily Life of A Third Wheeler

"Being the Third Wheeler is no joke!' Mendou Kotaro is a third-wheeler of a certain eccentric relationship between both of his friends, Hoshoujo Yuna and Najimi Kai. Between the forbidden, innocent, and eccentric love that his friends, Hoshoujo Yuna and Najimi Kai have, Mendou was handed the responsibility, or rather the job of being the third wheeler to keep an eye out so both of them can continue going out until they decide to become public! Will Mendou Kotaro's life still become normal? Or was it never normal all along? A romance-comedy trope but with a twist of action!

Sokiiro · Fantasy
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36 Chs

What About A Club?

Hoshoujo: [...What happened to you?]

Najimi: [A-Are you alright?]

Mendou: [Don't ask about it.]

Like a sore thumb, I attended the school despite my sprained ankle. I had a cast that the clinic provided me with.

It looked like a trappable boot, but besides the bulky size, it was extremely eye-catching with everyone wondering how did I get this injury anyways.

Migi: [...Were you catching some girl that you fell and tripped?]

Okai: [Maybe he tripped because he wasn't paying attention.]

Besides Hoshoujo and Najimi, the other two idiots began to assess what happened to me.

They could be both rights, but I wasn't chasing after, but rather, we were being chased after by girls.

I'd like to assume that I was one of their goals. Let a boy like me dream, please.

Mendou: [Actually, I was running at a whopping 40km/h! But, because I wasn't paying attention, I hit a wall and fell on my foot.]

It was the truth, but I felt like doing a satirical tone while I explained everything to them.

Najimi: [You did indeed fall, but... what about your head?]

Ah, right. I almost forgot.

I was wearing a bandage over my head that had a cold compress over it. I guess this is what made my condition more eye-catching.

Even people from outside would look at the window and see my pathetic look.

But, I still have the dignity to hold. If I miss out on school in the second week, I'll be mad.

But, I wonder, if she still thinks about what happened yesterday when she sent me flying to the infirmary.

I looked at Nanoha who was just a few seats in front of mine on the right side.

Nanoha: [Hmph.]

Ah, our eyes met.

Don't mistake her for a tsundere.

She's a violent gorilla. I thought that my head is stronger than the average, but she just clapped the life out of it.

I'm not worried if she's still angry at me, but I'm just wondering when will she stop bullying me—.

???: [Alright. Back to your seats.]

The teacher came in and greeted us as everyone went back to their seats, Najimi just left me a thick amount of cash on the desk before he went back.

All I need is to recover, I don't know what the hell he wants me to buy with this.

Maybe he's guilty about my condition since he was with me, but I was the one who insisted to run and got overzealous.

I didn't think I'd go competitive in a situation like that.

Everyone's making it sound like it's serious when it's not. It's just a few bandages around the ankle and head.

Teacher: [Mendou. You can just stay home, though? You don't have to force yourself to be here with all of your injuries...]

Although I'm moved our teacher is letting me go rest, I can't follow her advice as I am not going to miss a day in this school.

The tuition is already expensive as it is and missing one day already means wasting a lot of money.

Mendou: [Ah, thank you, Miss Shiraishi, but I'm fine.]

Shiraishi: [I-Is that so...?]

Mendou: [Yes, please continue!]

I just smiled at her uncertainty. She was visibly worried for me, and for a teacher to be so is quite refreshing.

Or maybe I just had a bad time with most of my teachers...

Shiraishi: [I'm sorry that I am late in properly introducing myself as things got quite busy suddenly from behind the scenes.]

Shiraishi Kotori. Although she was introduced as our class advisor, she didn't show up last week.

She was that one busty teacher whose height is almost the same as ours. I can already Migi and Okai doing their observation from here.

???: [That's size... it's illegal isn't it?]

I just heard some girls begin to gossip about size. I'd assume that they are talking about her chest, but for it to be illegal——.

They might be right on this one.

Shiraishi: [I'm looking forward to working with you all.]

After she was done with her introduction, we greeted each other back and bowed, proceeding with the class until the class break came.


Shiraishi: [Have you guys joined a club yet?]

With the almost empty classroom, Najimi, and Hoshoujo were the only ones left behind.

Migi and Okai were on the soccer team to curry their chances with the girls.

Clubs have been recruiting since a week ago, but we didn't choose one since we're still figuring out how would we work out Najimi's and Hoshoujo's relationship without it being too obvious.

Plus, we were supposed to talk after Miss Shiraishi left but, after class, she quickly stood at the side of my chair as I faced Najimi.

I couldn't look, because if I do, the only thing that I would be able to see are the mountains!

Mendou: [U-Uh... Ahaha... Not yet?]

Najimi: [Not yet. I'll join a club where H——I mean, my good friend, Kotaro, will.]

What kind of slip-up is that? He almost said Hoshoujo.

Though, before she came up to us, Miss Shiraishi talked to Hoshoujo before coming to us. We didn't hear much of their conversation as Hoshoujo was just uttering words, but Miss Shiraishi was asking her the same question.

It seems like everyone should at least have one, and Hoshoujo must have refused as she thought that she doesn't need the extra curriculum.

Miss Shiraishi: [Oh, I see. Well, I'm wondering if you guys would like to join a club! Since they are lacking a bit of member...]

She smiled at us, probably much a more positive take than she did with Hoshoujo since she got shut down cold-heartedly.

However, we do have still need to avoid spaces where there are people.

Najimi and Hoshoujo won't be able to do a couple of things when they're around other people.

Ah, wait. Why am I even helping them to flirt?! Isn't that awkward?

Anyways, before I refuse Miss Shiraishi, might as well ask.

Mendou: [Ah. What kind of club is it?]

Shiraishi: [I'm glad you asked!!]

Whoa, her eyes just sparkled. She's more excited than I thought she would be——.

Now, I'll feel a lot worse if I turned her down.

Is this what they call psychological manipulation? Damn, woman. She shouldn't be underestimated!

Shiraishi: [It's an empty club since the seniors had graduated but no junior has yet to join. They weren't popular but they were pretty stable! It's just that, all of the books and literature there would be wasted if the club is to be dissolved.]

In the first place, I never liked literature.

My handwriting sucks, and my handwriting sucks. Yes, I said that twice.

In exchange for that ugly handwriting, I write fast which is a text that can only be read by a doctor. Would that be literature if I were to even join that club?

But, besides that, I was intrigued by something else she mentioned.

Mendou: [Empty...?]

I repeated that word, and the instant, I did, Najimi and Hoshoujo were already standing at both of my sides.

Hoshoujo: [That was different from what I heard.]

Shiraishi: [W-Well, I guessed that you wouldn't want to join a club where there could only have two more boys, right? Or are they your friends?]

Referring to us, Shiraishi must have kept the part about the club having no members as she was yet to recruit more, which Najimi and I were candidates for.

Anyways, she still lied about the club being not empty. What if the club is with people that she doesn't know, wasn't that a bit... dangerous?

That makes sense now why would Hoshoujo shut her down?

That's the clumsiest way of lying and making everything sound worse than it is——.

Najimi: [I'll join. I'll be the leader of it, even.]

Najimi sounded a lot determined somehow, and without consulting anyone, he agreed to join.

Which makes Hoshoujo join as well, committing to it with a shake with Miss Shiraishi.

But, as they all begin to close in on their agreements, they were all looking at me.

Do I even have a choice? They're setting up their date plans right now as we speak!

Mendou: [...Agh. Alright, alright! I'll join too.]

And so, we joined a club.

To be more specific, Najimi became the leader of the renewed Literature Club with Hoshoujo, dragging me along with them.