
Daily Life of A Third Wheeler

"Being the Third Wheeler is no joke!' Mendou Kotaro is a third-wheeler of a certain eccentric relationship between both of his friends, Hoshoujo Yuna and Najimi Kai. Between the forbidden, innocent, and eccentric love that his friends, Hoshoujo Yuna and Najimi Kai have, Mendou was handed the responsibility, or rather the job of being the third wheeler to keep an eye out so both of them can continue going out until they decide to become public! Will Mendou Kotaro's life still become normal? Or was it never normal all along? A romance-comedy trope but with a twist of action!

Sokiiro · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Conviction Is Power

The usual weekend morning.

I would normally just do my routine, but starting today is different.

I think I'd be giving Najimi and Hoshoujo a bit less screen time now that I have to focus on Migi.

After all, I promised him something that I thought was just cool to say at the time.

Anyways, I would wake up at 4 AM in the morning.

There's no food on the table, because why would there be?

That's the harsh reality of singles living alone.

I grabbed my phone and wore my favorite hoodie, going out of my house to start my walk to Migi's house.

But after I went outside, there was already a car waiting by the street. Migi was there, waving unsuspiciously at the other side of the road.

Mendou: [ Aren't you a little sharp on time? ]

Migi: [ I did combat training before. Waking up this early is nothing to me. Besides, I woke up at 2 AM since I couldn't sit still. ]

He was inside the limousine, only lowering the window as we talked.

He looked damn cool sitting inside the car and here I was standing outside looking like a beggar begging for coins from this rich guy.

That's what it looks like from the outside, but at least, this was a deal from the inside.

Previously, I promised him that I'd grant him power. It wasn't but a deal bound by money, it was a one-sided deal.

I will give him the power to protect Mayu and clean the streets of any gangs in this city.

You may think that this deal is in his favor, but he's not the one who will benefit from this.

Migi: [ Why the heck are you grinning so suspiciously there? Get in already! ]

Mendou: [ Oops! My bad. ]

Yikes. I was showing my greed. I shouldn't show them that I crave violence—


Soon enough, we would reach their house. However, this was a different one.

Mendou: [ W-Wait. Isn't this a different one? ]

Yes, I repeated what it says from the narration. I wanted to express my confusion towards Migi who was only currently looking at me funny.

Migi: [ This is my training house...? Don't you have one? ]

Mendou: [ I don't! Don't just go assume that everyone is as rich as you! ]

He looked at me like he was genuinely puzzled, clearly poking fun at me.

Migi: [ Ahaha! I'm just kidding, of course. Okai and I did live together there but, I still wanted to leave any distractions behind if I'm going to go through this. ]

It was but a simple, modern villa. Shortly after, we would just enter without a worry.

It was the weekend. We still have two days to set down the basics if we're going to train.

Migi: [ Follow me. This is where I train. ]

He gestured at me, and as I followed him into a small corridor that led to the door, he revealed what was behind it.

It was a large hall designed for practice. The ceiling was not too high, it was just perfect if someone would jump twice.

The floor was made of rough wood, and the other wall was but an opening to the backyard.

In all honesty, this was better than the space of my room where I usually just practice my stuff. I'd want to wish for my parents to have a new and larger house but, what's the point?

I'm already here.

Mendou: [ This is a nice training hall you've got. ]

I was impressed. This was not a normal training hall for someone who would just do close combat after all.

There were gym equipment and walls that seemed to be designed for parkour. There were even wooden swords and bows that were stashed away, seemingly used and almost broken.

Mendou: [ You weren't just training boxing, huh? ]

Migi: [ Y-Yeah. Well, I was mostly self-taught since I didn't want my parents to question me if I hire a trainer. ]

Hearing that would explain why Migi was easily beaten up despite being well-versed in certain combat.

He lacked a process called Conditioning.

Every tool and practice equipment was used to the brim.

He had trained attack patterns and honed his attacks and senses to the max, yet he had forgotten to build a certain resistance when taking hits.

He had never been hit before, and clearly, he had never sparred with anyone.

Experience would be the key to combat. Relying on just skills from youtube and the internet is dumb.

Even if you win with just those, it'll be because of luck, and you should be damn sure that you'll be able to run away from a man who you've just angered with a measly punch from your unconditioned hands.

Mendou: [ Well, to be honest. I don't have anything to teach you in combat, you probably know everything. ]

Migi: [ B-But—— ]

Mendou: [ But that doesn't mean I don't have anything to help you with being better. ]

It's reasonable for him to look genuinely confused now. After all, he won't be expecting this.

I would pick up the two pairs of boxing gloves, hurling the other pair to him.

Teaching him those magic wouldn't benefit from now.

All he needed to do was to be able to completely rely on himself first before I bestow him with something.

I can't have him relying on it always.

Migi: [ Boxing? I already learned th—— ]

Mendou: [ I'm not teaching you anything, Migi. You just have to take a hit. ]

Before he would even realize it, I was already wearing the gloves, launching but a simple smack to his face.

It would be the time when he knew my hobby of violence.

Mendou: [ BAHAHAHA! ]

A devil's laugh while beating the shit out of someone.


In the back of a school building, there was a group of people that gathered.

Everyone was standing before a figure. A figure which they were bowing at as one expressed his frustration openly.

Gai: [ Eugh... That bastard! I'll hunt him down! ]

"Easy there, Gai. We've just arrived and news about us already spread like wildfire. It's not a bad touch but, if we don't take over his city quickly, it'll be harder to in the long run."

The young man that would tap Gai's shoulder would speak with a soft voice, smiling at him.

It seemed like he was the leader, with everyone lowering their head as the young man comes close to Gai.

???: [ Besides, wasn't it a good thing that we were able to get you when you got knocked unconscious? ]

Gai: [ O-Oh. Yeah. That could have been bad if they caught me the—Ughk!? ]

Suddenly, Gai would be punched in the stomach once again, knocking him back to his rear as he held his body.

???: [ If you knew that, then you shouldn't have been beaten in the first place! How dare you fucking lose bearing our name!? ]

Raising his hand, the young man would just begin slapping Gai left and right with both of his palm and the back of his hand, just like he had done with Migi.

With attempts to protect his face, Gai couldn't block the fast and powerful hits their leader had struck him with.

Gai: [ I-I was caught off guard by the bastard that got me! He didn't look like a fighter at all! ]

Hearing something like that stopped the young man from attacking, letting go of his clothes.

???: [ Like me? ]

Gai: [ Y-Yeah! Like you Riku! I-I mean boss! ]

Riku was the name of the leader, and just like they'd described, he was the same build as me who was just a tad smaller than the rest.

However, the only difference was that Riku is evil, and I was the good guy!

Riku: [ Who told you to call me by my name? ]

He would kick Gai by the side, knocking him down to the ground again.

Everyone couldn't bear watching Gai get beaten up, but due to his incredible constitution, he could still bear more hits even if it was from this abusive leader.

Gai: [ Ghk... ]

Riku: [ Tch. Who were these students you encountered? Did you look up what school they go to? ]

Gai: [ Y-Yes. They go to a private school called Yamamori Academy! It's a school where a bunch of rich kids attends! But I thought that it would be hard to conduct business inside a well-protected school so I tried to extort some money from the students that walked out of there and followed them. ]

Riku: [ Well-protected? Kuhahaha... You're really dumb, aren't you? ]

Laughing away at Gai's explanation, he chuckled at the word he used to describe the school.

Riku: [ We can still conduct business there. After all, I have friends on the other side. ]