
Class Nomination

Forward. This was a new day for me.

I was standing in the doorway of my house where I was just about to wear my shoes and leave shortly.

I stopped to check everything, including my sanity.

We all hate Mondays, but after a few days, I'm beginning to think that maybe having free time might be a bad idea from now on.

You'll get dragged into annoying things where I kept saying yes because of simple curiosity.

True, I came to see what Hoshoujo's place was like since she invited me. I can use this intel to help Najimi slowly build up his way to Hoshoujo and finally make him do an expression!

Well, my entire goal is to get them together so they don't have to bother me, but after yesterday, I don't think I'll be able to leave them be.

Mendou: [...]

Somehow, the doorknob just moved. I heard a metal key slide in after as if it unlocked the door.

The only ones who would have the dupe to the key to the house would be my parents!

Mendou: [E-Eh? Mother? Father?]

The door slowly opened, but as it did, a head only looked through the crack and spoke.

Najimi: [No. It's your worst nightmare. Rawr.]

Oh, it's just him. He just did a rawr with a very straight face. If I didn't experience yesterday's ordeal, I would have been laughing at the ground, seeing this guy do that.

Mendou: [Haha. Very funny, Najimi. How the hell did you open the door?]

Najimi: [I had a duplicate.]

Mendou: [What? But, how?!]

Najimi: [I asked your parents.]

Maybe my parents wouldn't be home soon. Cause if they do, I'll pummel them. I'll teach my parents not to trust people with their keys just randomly.

Mendou: [For them to also just give away a key of a house where there's only one defenseless kid inside it!]

Najimi: [You aren't defenseless. You'd fold me in five seconds if I was a robber.]

Mendou: [Fold...? Where the heck did you learn that word?]

Sometimes, Najimi would speak very differently from usual. He'd use words that I know wouldn't make sense if it was him who said them.

Najimi: [...Besides, I've heard that Hoshoujo came to your house, so I came early to ask about it.]

Ah. Look at this guy, he's being direct about it! Maybe he's jealous now and he's curious about what happened? Hoho, let's see.

Mendou: [Hoho, Are you curious——]

Najimi: [——I heard that you tried to seduce her mom.]

Mendou: [——Did she tell you that herself?! That's not true! Oi!]

I didn't seduce her mother, I just accidentally complimented her to try and make them think that I'm not after her daughter!

But then, Najimi would put a hold of my shoulders and look into my eyes.

Najimi: [I know you just learned that her mother is divorced, but it would be weird if you became my father, Kotaro.]

Mendou: [Sometimes, I do feel like hitting you straight to the face.]

That was what came out of my mouth.

Najimi spoke like it was his second nature. I can't even tell if he's just playing around or if it's his real thoughts.

Jokes aside, I've always wondered if the real reason for them being pulled apart was as simple as a cause of a heated insult and argument.

I might not be nosy, but I choose to at certain times. So, there was no other choice but to go straight ahead and ask.

Mendou: [Anyways. It seems like her mother still doesn't want you to be with her. What the hell did your parents do, anyways?]

Najimi: [It doesn't matter. I'll go out with her. Isn't that what you've always told me?]

Mendou: [That a small mushroom can still grow?]

Najimi: [No... Try again.]

Mendou: [Uh, that the nearest convenience store is just half a mile away from your house which is hidden by a large sign so you don't have to bring a limo just to buy a 500 yen ice cream.]

Najimi: [You never told me that——But no! The thing about chasing what we want.]

Mendou: [Oh. Yeah. "When you decide on something, man up and go for it without turning back" right?]

Najimi: [Yes. That's why I will do this. I loved her before, and I will do it again. I will remember it.]

Mendou: [...Remember?]

Somehow, that word felt off in his phrasing. What is there to remember when he already does?

Push. He's just trying to sound cooler when he already is.

Najimi: [Let's go now. We won't make it if we walk, so I brought the car.]

Najimi pulled me out of the house as we were hurrying up, but I stopped right instantly after I saw the "car."

Mendou: [That's no car, that's a Limousine!!]

Najimi: [We don't have a choice. Get in.]

He just reeled me in without even letting me lock my house door, and the next thing I knew, was that inside, was the one space I hate the most.

Mendou: [Your parents use this limousine, a lot, don't they?]

Najimi: [Yes. They usually just use this to change the pictures.]

Inside the limousine, were the images of Najimi's parents almost plastered everywhere.

There were pictures of them framed, and even the ceiling had images of his mother in seductive clothes.

His father's pictures didn't even have the chance to make it to the limousine, or rather, his modeling images were already overwritten by his wife's narcissistic tendency to fill everything in.

Yes. You heard it right, Najimi's mother is a narcissist. She plastered her modeling pictures around to show anyone who went inside her beautiful photos.

I for one never wanted to see it. It screamed of a bad omen for me despite her having a very good appearance, perhaps much more beautiful than Hoshoujo's mother.

Mendou: [——Don't you get embarrassed?]

I tried to ask Najimi if we sat beside each other at the end of the limo. I was covering my eyes from the images on the ceiling, but there were still images on the ground that was covered in glass.

It was everywhere.

Najimi: [——Hmm? Of what?]

Not to mention, this guy is already used to it in an abnormal sense. He doesn't get embarrassed at all! He's just riding this Limousine right now like nothing's wrong with it!

Najimi: [——So. What happened?]

There was a bit of silence between us because I was too busy trying to find a way to not be able to see anything, and so I closed my eyes, only to hear Najimi initiate a conversation.

Mendou: [O-Oh, Hoshoujo introduced me as a servant to her mother. So that I can go with you guys and act like a pseudo guard that would give false reports to her mom that she's doing absolutely nothing.]

Najimi: [Sounds... immoral.]

You can say that again, Najimi. But then again, we don't know exactly what she meant by that until we see her today.

Hoshoujo was doing all of this to retrieve their long-lost relationship, and so, I became a bridge for them.

If that makes sense. I'm the one who would be setting up things so that Hoshoujo and or Najimi would only have to do nothing, but their thingamabob.

Yes, now that's... wait...

So I have to watch them flirt around me then?!

Mendou: [That is so wrong!!]

???: [Mendou, how is it wrong? Do you have a problem with Takahashi Nanoha being the classroom's representative? She might be already in the student council, but she can do a great job.]

I just realized that I suddenly stood up, stopping everyone inside the classroom.

Mendou: [A-Ah. N-No, I mean...]

After thinking a little too deep, I was only able to get ahold of myself just now. I just realized that today was the class nomination, where everyone was being given an official role inside a classroom.

Takahashi: [It seems like someone is not paying attention.]

Mendou: [Err. I'm sorry.]

I slowly sat back down after bowing, apologizing to everyone.

If I were to go with Najimi's and Hoshoujo's not-so-indecent get-together to try and form a bond again, I will have to come face with some strife with the student council.

Takahashi Nanoha is the president of not only the classroom now, but of all of the students in general.

She was appointed as the president of the student council after she became the fourth grade here, where the principal saw her capability to lead the students.

Well, if you're asking what's the problem then I'd say that it's the student code.

Besides the basic rules, the student code strictly prohibits two people of the opposite sex to be left alone in a space around the campus as it might lead to indecency but when there are three people, this is bypassed.

That might be what Hoshoujo is aiming for. As they cannot date outside of campus, they will use the school ground and as for me, I will allow them to be safe from the student council president, Nanoha Takahashi, who always rounds the whole school grounds with her team.

The school has been always in order since her governance, but now I would be going against her.

Rumors have it that she already expelled over ten students for blatantly disregarding the student code repeatedly.

Most of them were because of relationships. So, that would be my obstacle to face in the future... huh?

Seems interesting but troublesome at the same time.