
Daily life of a psychopath

This is a story of a boy. Who learns he is a psychopath. He is handsome, smart and always friendly. Inside he is cold, calculative and manipulative. This is a diary type novel. Read it if you want to see a man change many times good and bad.

al_nahiyan · Realistic
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16 Chs

Chapter 8: Game business

Date: 09-04-2015

After the "picnic" I was always looking for different ways to earn money but I just couldn't find one that was suitable for me. I was very frustrated but I couldn't do anything about it. At that time we had a family situation.

Next to our house was a hostel for college students. My kid brother Alex used to go there to play games on their PC. My father was a strict and stubborn man and he didn't like Alex going there to play games. Mostly he didn't like that my five year old brother was playing with college students instead of kids his age so he forbade him from going there. My kid brother was as stubborn as my father so obviously he didn't listen to him. My father asked me what Alex was doing with college students I said that they were playing computer games. After hearing that my father stopped asking anymore.

Like that two weeks went by. One day he suddenly asked my mom to get him some money from the house when asked why he replied that he bought a computer.

Just like that we had a computer where we could play games on it, watch videos, listen to music and many more. I remember me and my brother waiting for any free time to play games. Our computer had four built-in games dx ball, VC, San Andreas and NFS most wanted. We were hooked the first time we played these games.

After a few months we finished these games and wanted more so I went to the video game store to buy new ones. It costs money which I didn't have. So I thought about what to do. Then I remember most of the students in my school had a computer so I started with Rijon and he had one but didn't play games he mostly watched romantic shows. I thought he was weird and I was not done. I asked everyone I knew and found a fortune. I found almost every game I could buy at the store but I ran into a problem after copying these games they didn't run on my PC because they had serial protection to avoid piracy. I was disappointed but I didn't give up. I asked students in the school but they didn't know what to do and some even told me to just buy the games. If I could do that I wouldn't be asking him for help. I was racking my brain for a solution but I couldn't find any. Then I remembered about the college students who had computers too. So I asked them. They not only taught me how to bypass the serial protection but also how to crack games, how to make pirate DVDs and more. I was very happy about the situation. I finally had more games to play.

One day at school I was talking about a game when one student asked how I got my parents to buy me that game. Apparently he wanted to play it too but his parents won't buy him the game. I suddenly had an idea I told him I could get him the game for cheap. I asked for 3/4 of the game price upfront. He hesitated but finally gave me the money. With it I bought a blank DVD and burned the pirate version of the game on the DVD. It didn't cost me even 1/4 of the game's cost. The next day I gave him the DVD and waited for the results. A few days later I asked him how the game was and he said he could play the game smoothly. I felt greed in me. For the next few weeks I advertised my pirate games to anyone who played video games. I even said if the game didn't work I would fix it for him for free. I had customers coming one after another and every time someone bought games from me I got at least half of the game value as profit. Video games get finished after a few weeks at most after that we need new games and I kept making money. If someone ordered a game I didn't have I had to buy it from the game store. It was a loss but not really because not only got to play the game but also sell it from then on.

Finally I had money!!