
Daily life of a psychopath

This is a story of a boy. Who learns he is a psychopath. He is handsome, smart and always friendly. Inside he is cold, calculative and manipulative. This is a diary type novel. Read it if you want to see a man change many times good and bad.

al_nahiyan · Realistic
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16 Chs

Chapter 10: Incident

Date: 23-04-2015

I don't know what to write about fourth grade anymore because I don't remember much about it anyway. Although there is a significant memory about my school at that time. I remember it was about a month before the final exam I was slowly giving away my responsibility as a class president to Rijon. I was doing it gradually so he didn't realize that he was doing most of the work.

But I still had to maintain a peaceful environment in class. So I was making rounds

and see if anyone was sleeping, eating or gossiping. I had to write down their name and tell them to stop what they were doing. It was a math class and our math teacher taught us math and gave us a few problems to solve. I knew how to do it anyway so I wasn't paying much attention in the class so I didn't notice that our math teacher gave us problems to solve. Rijon noticed that I wasn't doing anything and told me to solve the problems. Everyone was almost done and I hadn't even started yet. I remember the teacher gave us five problems to solve. When I had solved three problems the teacher said time was up. I still had two more to do. The teacher asked the president to collect all the papers. I didn't want a bad result so I asked Rijon to collect the papers from the back so I could solve the rest. Rijon agreed and started collecting the papers. The teacher noticed what I was doing and he became furious. He called me by name and told me to stand up. I was solving the last problem so I ignored him and kept writing. After finishing my paper I almost jumped up. Rijon was standing next to me. He had collected all the other papers. By the time I stood up the teacher had called my name at least five times. I didn't do anything wrong. I mean I gave Rijon my paper when he asked for it so the teacher couldn't say anything to me. I thought nothing was going to happen. Well I was wrong. The teacher started ranting about who chose me as class president, about how I couldn't finish my paper on time. I didn't know what his problem was maybe he had a fight with his wife or something. He clearly was in a bad mood. Then he came up to me and asked me why I was late. I gave him responsibilities as a class president as an excuse. He didn't like my excuse and tried to flick my head. I was fine with it as long as he didn't give me a bad score but my reflex kicked in and I raised my elbow. I really don't know why I did it. I mean I didn't care about the flick at all. But it didn't end there. The teacher's wrist landed on my elbow and the bone in his wrist became fractured. He kept yelling for at least ten minutes before Rijon called the nurse and I was standing there like an idiot. In my defense what was I supposed to do anyway. No matter what I wanted to do it was going to make the situation worse. I kept looking at my right hand as it was the hand's fault. That night I was very anxious because if the teacher made a serious complaint I would lose my scholarship and with my family situation it was impossible for me to study at a private school. The next day during math class the teacher came with bandages wrapped around his wrist. Apparently It was swollen and bruised. In my head I was screaming how an adult male's hand could get fractured by a kid. How could bones break so easily. Thankfully he didn't file a complaint against me instead he kept ranting about how the world was going to shit where a student could hit a teacher. I didn't say anything not even sorry. Why should I say sorry it was him who hit me and it's not my fault he hurt himself trying to hit a child.

After that incident I gave up my responsibilities as a class president to Rijon and focused on my studies. I guess there was a silver lining.

I worked really hard all month and this time I wanted to be in the first place.