
Daily life of a psychopath

This is a story of a boy. Who learns he is a psychopath. He is handsome, smart and always friendly. Inside he is cold, calculative and manipulative. This is a diary type novel. Read it if you want to see a man change many times good and bad.

al_nahiyan · Realistic
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16 Chs

Chapter 1 : The first diary

Date: 19-02-2015

I am in grade 8. A few of my friends started writing diaries. Rima was nagging me too much. So I took one of my dad's diary . I am starting today by writing about myself.

I am Max Radon. I don't have much of a presence. It's a bit of my fault. I feel awakard

talking with my guy friend. It's weird I know.

But what can I do ?

I was raised in a rural area most of my childhood. In our village no other children my age was a boy . The first six years of my life was spent with girls. I played house , skipping rope , hide and seek with them. I went to kindergarten with them. And since my dad went to the capital to earn money. My uncle took me to many village fairs. But instead of buying me bats, football or fireworks he used to buy me different girly stuff like pots and pans , dolls , play house etc.

I didn't know any difference. Because who is going to point it out my mother, my aunts, all my girl friends or all the girls I went to kindergarten with !

It was so bad my kindergarten teacher used to make me sit with girls. One day my mom went to speak with her. The teacher said,"Your daughter is a very good student." My mom said,"But I have a son." My teacher was almost shell shocked .My first guy friend when I was in third grade.

My family moved to a nearby city when I was six. My dad transferred from the capital to this city. He wanted to live with his family. We rented an apartment there. The next two years were like a dream to me not because it was good no it's because I don't remember much of that time. I was admitted in a nearby primary school and stayed there for two years and that's it. I didn't have any friends or anything. I was quiet boy in the back.

My grades were good so a good private school. where I started studying in the third grade. And where I made my first guy friend.

My new school was opposite end of the city from where we lived. So my dad made us change apartments and it was a beautiful two story building. The owner of the apartment was living in a foreign country. It was far cry from the two rooms apartment we used to live in and now it costs half rent from before. Because foreign owner wanted us to not only live there but also take care of his property. Our apartment had four big rooms, a kitchen, two bathrooms, one living and a dining room. It was a big apartment.

My first guy friend was shimanto. He sat next to me in my homeroom. He was a child actor.

He liked to tell made up stories. He starred in a movie despite that he was not that popular. Maybe everyone my age didn't care about movies. He used to tell me his stories. At first I only listened. But after a few times. I made a story up and told him.

We used to pretend these stories were real. We made different faces according to the story. From sad to happy, from angry to peaceful, from annoyance to curiosity, from absenceminded to thoughtful.

Other students used to look at us like idiots. But we didn't care. We used to miss our school bus and walk home which was 3 km away. I always arrived home late. when my mom asked I used to tell her that I was playing with my friend.

It ended when I started fourth grade.

In my third grade final exam I placed third in my grade. Shimanto's position was somewhere above 50. When I was first admitted into school it was a late attendance. So my position was last in grade which was 80. I didn't know my school separated students based on their position in grade. I was with shimanto because I was in the position. After the final exam my position became third. I had to change rooms with students positioned from one to fourty. And my only friend at the time was not with me.

But strangely enough I didn't feel sad In fact I didn't feel anything.