
Yang Qing's family

Yang Fen- Yang Qing's grandfather. A zealot fanatic of the body refinement realm. He currently has a peak stage foundation establishment cultivation base, however, his wisdom and knowledge when it comes to the intricacies of the body refinement realm is high enough to rival that of domain experts and above.

He has formulated 78 different guaranteed ways of achieving a silver body. His alchemy, herbology, and anatomy skills are thought to have already reached blue grade slowly approaching gold grade.

Yang Wunlai-  He isYang Qing's father, and  Yang Fen's only child, which he curses why to this day. He was the primary recipient of his father's experiments which left him with no shortage of trauma that he ended up running away only coming back years later with a wife.

Even though he lacks his father's zealot drive when it comes to the body refinement realm, he does match him in skills when it comes to researching the mysteries that come with the body refinement realm.

Because of his father's crazy experiments that followed no rhyme or reason, he ended up developing an orderly and meticulous personality. He is thorough and detail-oriented to the point of fanaticism in his research, most likely driven by the trauma of the failed experiments he suffered as a child.

He has helped his father in formulating a third of the guaranteed ways of achieving a silver body, while he has been showing promise in improving on ways of increasing success of achieving a gold body on those with normal aptitude. He is an instructor and researcher at the institute and his cultivation base is the fourth stage of the core formation realm.

Yang Gen- He is Yang Qing's older brother by two years. He showed deep interest in alchemy just like his mother, and has shown to have an aptitude for it. His temperament at face value seems like a gentle mild scholar however, deep within he is his grandfather's grandchild when it comes to researching all sorts of different things that relate to the body refinement realm and the ingredients.

His skills as an alchemist are steadily improving, and it won't be long before he becomes a blue-grade alchemist.

He also has two children in the name of Yang Xie and Yang Huan, twin brothers.

Mai Ha- She is Yang Qing's and Yang Gen's mother. She and Yang Wunlai met when Yang Wunlai ran from home and started roaming the continent. Yang Wunlai matches Yang Qing in that he is a voracious eater though not to the extent of Yang Qing. 

When he left home he didn't leave with much, and he ended up eating at a restaurant racking up a bill that he was unable to pay. Before he had his knees broken and forced to repay the debt, Mai Ha stepped in who was a merchant at the time, and paid for his meal and the rest was history.

Mai Ha learned her alchemy and physician skills from her mother and her cooking from her father, which she combined to become a chef alchemist.

She has been integral over the years in refining the diet recipes the Yang clan had for the different stages of the body refinement realm.

She has her own restaurant in the small town in recluse valley, which is always packed. Her two grandsons help her.

She is a third-stage core formation expert.

Ling Yao- She is Yang Gen's wife and they met at the Order. Her brother works in he craftsmanship department as a blacksmith and when he got into the Order he brought her along as his only living family member.

She has a talent for blacksmithing, however, she prefers helping Yang Gen in his research and alchemy experiments. She has a genius level of control and understanding of fires which comes in handy when brewing potions.

Although she started late, her skills in alchemy and herbology have been growing at an alarming speed, and from her progress, it is estimated she may very well surpass Yang Gen in the near future. However, she focuses more on her cultivation than alchemy.

She is at the tenth stage of the core formation realm despite being only 22 years old.

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