
Starting my journey

(Daikon's POV)

As soon as we got to his pokemon lab he gave me pokeballs and then he asked for a favor to go find his daughter and I said sure then I set out on my way.

On my way to find her I caught 3 new pokemon.

I got a riolu,starley,and a horsey.

Then I finally found may and called out to her she said (who are you) I said

(I'm here to find you and bring you back to your father) she said

(ok let's go back, but before we do let's battle) I said

(let's do this!) (come out riolu) may:(go mudkip!)

(riolu force palm with a quick attack) I quickly finished mudkip I threw out torchic and took out

her starley and poochyena and my torchic evolved

into combuskin she said (great battle) then we headed back when we arrived he said

(I see you found her I would like you to go on a journey together and fill this Pokedex) we said that's fine and then we left on our journey together

___-authors note-____

sorry about the short chapter I'm hoping to make at least 50 to 100 chapters stay tuned see you guys soon!