
Daiki Uchiha

In the midst of the Second Great Shinobi War, a new Uchiha emerges from the shadows of his illustrious clan. Daiki Uchiha, a prodigious ninja endowed with exceptional talents in ninjutsu and genjutsu, finds himself caught between the aspirations of power and the burdens of legacy. Gifted and ambitious, Daiki's life takes a complex turn as he becomes increasingly obsessed with Tsunade Senju, one of the legendary Sannin, driven by a desire to harness her medical ninjutsu to elevate his abilities and status within the ninja world.

DaoistgRo3UH · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Author's Note

Yo How's it going! So you might be getting the hang of how fast paced the story is moving and you might even get annoyed by the super strength of these characters so I am sorry in advance It was my first time doing something like this and I absoluetly went crazy on this story's future you must read it till the end. Please give me reviews and leave some comments it really boosts my moral support to write more. As always thanks for reading my story and stay with me.
