
Daemon king

.10 years ago seemingly out of nowhere mysterious space ships red and black in color appeared in the atmosphere controlling them where unknown creatures, 2.3 meters tall on average these new creatures called “daemons” have superhuman strength, speed, and human level intelligence their long arms and legs and with a body covered in red bullet proof scales and massive claws is what makes them so dangerous, hence the name daemon, So in this new world all militaries across the world joined together to fend off this threat, so to fend off this threat several monks and technicians joined to make whats called a power chip, that allows people to control certain elements, and with the power chips they might stand a chance.

Dkw · Fantasy
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7 Chs


Ace thought it was over, that he wouldn't be able to make it in time, but as he looked to his left, he saw a motorcycle, without thinking twice, he ran over to it, luckily the keys were still in it, so he started it as fast as he can, and sped off towards the bunker, he went as fast as he could, through streets littered with abandoned cars and broken glass, he could see bunker but then out of nowhere, he hit a rock on the ground that sent him flying a few meters into the air, he his braced for impact covering his head his hand, but just centimeters before he hit the ground, he surprisingly slowed down, but he didn't notice this, he hit the ground hard, but didn't break any bones.

After falling, he heard a voice coming from the bunker door, "HEY! GET OVER HERE", a large man in a military uniform shouted, he had heard the commotion of the crash and went to check, despite his injuries, ace ran over to the bunker door as fast as he can then went inside, "you got lucky someone heard you kid" the man said while walking into the metal hallways, but there was no response, looking back, ace was passed out…

sorry for the short chapter

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