
Daemon's Bloom

A hope for a bright lie, where only dark truths remain. Only by time will I know the truth and the bright lie will be exposed. A horrid world, where no mercy shown is the only hope for survival. If Gods exists, were they the ones who turned this world upside down? Yes "Death will only await you if you follow and believe us, struggle as much as you want, show fear, you will only find your struggles and hard work are worth for none" A world much bigger and terrifying than his. ---------------------------- Instagram: @athina_vladix *Check out my other novel, Crown order!

HuliIrisXI · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter 20 - Angelic Beast (2)

"How about we team up?" Aeith-ena smirks while looking down on them.

"What are you getting at?!" the cloaked man yells in anger.

"Everyone is already starting to make teams, no one had been picking you guy's for a while now, even us. We're a perfect fit don't you think?"

I have no idea what she's plotting, judging from her personality it doesn't looks so good, since she can be crazy at times like this. The tension kept rising up, as if the temprature grew greater each second.

They suprisingly grouped with us "....Seriously?" I sighed in disbelief. I was suprised by their sudden change. They looked sketchy in the first place, looking at them they woudn't hesitate to betray you to you're death.

This test needed teamates in order to move forward, and I genuinely don't like having them. Since, most of the time you can barely trust them. Their aura was oddly thickening every minute, an uneasy feeling I gulped down my throat.

By all means, we were still in a desperate position to find or join a team, as most of them were frightened by Aeith-ena's atmosphere. Even though I barely know who she is, Aeith-ena holds 2 very different yet complex personalities. Really, like the exact resemblence of an Angel and a Demon.

[The next test, which will check weather you're ready to exterminate the wretched fears that are holding you back, with the help of a team of course. Not only you'res, but each others.]

The seems really friendly like, only depends on what is it that's holding you back. Does Aeith-ena perhaps have something that's holding her back...?

"Alright let's get this done quick!" Aeith-ena shouts in determination.

Considering how ready and active she is, maybe not.

"Hey Raynie."

Did she call me Raynie...?

"What's holding you back? friends, life, family or death?" Aeith-ena wishperes in a gapping tone.

"E-uh I don't know...after all this happened, I maybe made a friend or 2 and my family...."

Rayne leaves Aeith-ena with a partial sentence leaving her curious as to know what happened.

I didn't want to tell her, it would only make me seem pathetic. The dreadful memory of the day my sister died a horrible death, keeps lingering back and haunting me.

"It's fine if you don't want to tell me, there are things better left than said." Aeith-ena softly advises with a hint of regret and sorrow.

Everyone single person has a story of their own, that they don't want to leak. Be it as depressing, the one thing you mainly expect is, too people comfort you during these horrific times.


A dazzling beam of yellow and gold light, stunned the surrounding area, blinding most of us. It looked like the time you'd expect the 'The Cupids' to arrive, that's how heavenly I deemed the view to be.

A clash between two swords, a feisty battle of blood to the death. The other teams were already going ahead with the test. The nervousness within me kept building up.

"Shall I finally start now?"

[This team, it seems you haven't started yet. Why don't you get going already. Once you step onto the platform, you're weaknesses will appear in you're mind]

The judge impatiently states while panting due to scorching heat of the dying sun.

I stepped on to the platform where everyone is fighting off their weaknesses. Though as soom as I stepped on, in a fraction of a second, my mind felt like shattering.


It took me a second to realize what was happening. I held my head tight as if someone is squeezing it, the thought of my head exploding could actually happen any minute.

The intimidating aspect of the memories flowing through my brain over amd over again. The reason of my elder siblings death, my younger sister and moreover my mom. While there was a hint of blissful moments that scattered around as well.

"T-this is too much for a 'simple' test!" Rayne complains while clenching his head tight.

"You're half right and wrong, this is a bit too much." Aeith-ena whimpered with a tear dropping down her face.

A relieved yet regretful expression that brightly lit up. A tear expressing the sadness of her memories flowing within.

What made the test harder was that our teamates did not try to atleats help us at all, it seemed like they didn't possess any memories that indicated weakness. The 4 of them were already done with their test.

"H-how to break through this?!" Rayne softly yells in pain and remorse.

"Sigh.... just close you're eyes, and think of nothing, blanken out you're mind completely. Think of nothing but you're strong desire, and Bring It All Out. One day you'll have control over you'reself without any effort. Even you're power within you...."

The voice that felt similar, the sentence giving me a sense of deja vu yet nostalgia. It was as if like I know those words, a soothing yet frighting meaning behind it.

I followed her instructions like my life depended on it. Rather than getting rid of these memories, I want to keep them aside with me and just move forward. It was blank, a remorseful sense, unsettling goosebumps ran down my body, rasing my hairs up. I was clam yet frightened of what was yet to happen.

I clenched my jaw and opened my eyes, filled with the 'want to kill'. A new vague feeling that felt different. Not that I wanted to kill just anyone, just people who tend to get in you're way. What I slowly realized is, I'm not being treated right. What I slowly came to realize was...

That my existence is being a nuisance to them.

How do I know? The Rulers sent their soliders out to get me recently. Just to het their hands on me because I caused a ruckus that showed immense power.

If they keep trying to get me, it's only right for me to get towards them.

[Chapter 20 end]