
Daemon's Bloom

A hope for a bright lie, where only dark truths remain. Only by time will I know the truth and the bright lie will be exposed. A horrid world, where no mercy shown is the only hope for survival. If Gods exists, were they the ones who turned this world upside down? Yes "Death will only await you if you follow and believe us, struggle as much as you want, show fear, you will only find your struggles and hard work are worth for none" A world much bigger and terrifying than his. ---------------------------- Instagram: @athina_vladix *Check out my other novel, Crown order!

HuliIrisXI · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter 19 - Angelic Beast (1)

A cold-blooded glare that reeked of death.

She stood right in front of me, like a mountain that was encovered in darkness. It became harder to breathe, the air was overflowing with intimidating aura that made the surrounding shake like an earthquake.

Her gaze didn't have a hint of fear from her opponent. All she's doing is sipping her drink, and just staring at her ferociously.

The Guardian dashed at insane speed resulting in destroying the ground.


Aeith-ena, showing no hestitation, didn't flinch one muscle. She approached right in front of Aeith-ena, and booted her sledge towards the sky. The Guardian leaps to her sledge, firmly grasping it tight, ready to slam the ground.

"You jumping was a mistake." Aeith-ena mutters in displeasure.

As if it were in slow motion, she flicked her index finger hoping for something to happen.

She smiles in pleasure this time, with a boulder coming in hot, at top speed rushing towards the Guardian.


The loud inpact of the boulder slamming the Guardian, blown all the way at a distance much further from here.

"It didn't even take a second to finish you."

A seraphic smile, that glowed like an Angel, but at the same time, like a Demon.With no care to her surroundings, she continues to sip her drink.

"You're crazy, how'd you do that....?" Rayne demands looking for a clue to his strength.

"It was just mere strength that lifted the ground towards her, that's all."

So you're telling, all it required was strength for her to do that?! if she can do that with just the flick of a finger, how much can she obliterate with a single punch?

"Suprising isn't it, I can do way more that you know. I'll teach you but I expect you to do me a favor first."

"What is i-!"

In the midst of my question, we were suddenly launched to the sky. In the middle of the sky was a ginormous levitating 'rock', with a track leading to it.

"This track leads towards that place, in order to reach over there, we have to take a few tests, basically to prove our worthiness. And this also leads straight to the Queen's Domain." Aeith-ena explains while slowly drinking.

"Why do we need to do this though?" Rayne's ask's with an expressionless face.

"You don't need to worry about that for now."

There were 3 tests, along the large track.

[1'st Test: The first one checks weather you're will is strong enough to face challenges in life]

[2'nd Test: This test checks how you're going to face those challenges. Partner with a small group for a temporary amount time]

[3'rd Test: The last Test is loyalty, weather you can trust you're teamates during hard times]

The first test didn't look so hard, there were numerous contestants along with us. Most of them came for the 2'nd time, since they've failed the 1'st time 2 years ago.

What made me neevous was the last test, there's definitely going to be a few problems during that test.

"Don't be so nervous Rayne... it's easy trust me."

[Alright, everyone please pass through this feild that will test you one at a time please, if you can go further or not that is] the judge keenly watches the contestants.

Aeith-ena was surprisingly the first one who to go through it, not a hint of fear or pain. She walked right through it like it was nothing.

"See... it's easy."

Those words made everyone shook, few of them dropped on the ground in shock. In anger, most of them did go through, but the majority of them failed.

Then came my turn, A single touch of the feild wall send an electric shiver down my spine. I knew it wasn't going to be easy, so I thought of closing my eyes, concentrate and focus so that my hand can go right through first.


A small yet soft scream, the pain decreased drastically. And just like that, throughout my whole body, I managed to go through with a bit of easiness. Although concentrating too much takes a lot of breath from me, it was worth trying it out.

"What did I tell you, it's easy isn't it?" Aeith-ena brightly questions.

"Y-yeah pretty easy." Rayne hesitantly replies back with unease.

A few hours past since the first test, no one was allowed to do the 2'nd test until 3 hours is over. There's still 8 minutes left till it's over, a gourp of 4 people caught my attention.

"Ah where's my specs?!" Aeith-ena complains while looking everywhere.

She has specs?

"H-huh, I don't know...."

Rayne utters in a blunt voice.

"Ah! nevermind I found it."

A circle style specs that were oddly large. She grabs her tiny book, and continues to write a small paragraph. Perhaps she's writing a story?

"I'm fond of writing small theories of nature, new abilities to learn, a part nature we haven't found, all these theories in my mind just gather together."

Even though she has a terrifying personality when it comes to fighting, she can have hobbies like these as well. She reminds me of Angel at day and Demon at night.

[Unfortunately, it seems there were contestants who weren't able to pass the test. Try you're hardest these 2 years, and make sure to pass through as...!]

In the middle his speech, a group next to us caught my attention. It was like they were keeping us in check with pure rage and hatred, their vibe was gloomy and horrid. They were cloaked, 2 of them with robes long enough to touch the ground.

"Don't...." the person from the group whisperes.

Huh? is hetrying to say something to us...?

"Don't think were not gonna leave you here alive kid!" the strange person softly yells with intimidation.

"Is he trying to pick a fight us Rayne." Aeith-ena glares in irratation.

"I'm not sure, maybe they are."

While they were terrifying, they didn't make me shiver or scared enough to not face them. I was ready to whatever might happen between us.

"Say... how about we become a team with you guys, that will be interesting would it not?"

Aeith-ena implies while slowly smirking in excitement.

[Chapter 19 end]