
Daemon's Bloom

A hope for a bright lie, where only dark truths remain. Only by time will I know the truth and the bright lie will be exposed. A horrid world, where no mercy shown is the only hope for survival. If Gods exists, were they the ones who turned this world upside down? Yes "Death will only await you if you follow and believe us, struggle as much as you want, show fear, you will only find your struggles and hard work are worth for none" A world much bigger and terrifying than his. ---------------------------- Instagram: @athina_vladix *Check out my other novel, Crown order!

HuliIrisXI · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter - 7 The Playground (4)

Weather it's someone else's life, I don't care. If their trying to take my life, it's only fair for me to take theirs, and so is this situation.

He's not moving, meaning I did quite the damage to him. Well I did break his jaw, I'm certain it should slow him him down at least a bit.


The Heavy breathing caused me to become a bit dizzy. I slowly approached him and tried to knock him out, knowing that in mind it wouldn't work as his foot work surpasses mine.

"Wait... if are you really not with him, why do you keep leaking such dreadful energy?"

"Because I don't know HOW stop it you dumbass!"

It annoyed and pissed me off a lot, if anything I hate when a situation gets misunderstood and I get involved in it.

"If you're confused and angry that's reasonable but, if you ever...."

His injury made it harder for him to speak and breathe.

"If you ever meet a solider of any King or Queen, just to kill 'em..."

"Why do I have to bother myself doing that, if you have a grudge against them don't put me in it..."

Both of us were struggling to stay on our feet. My neck was getting filled with excruciating pain, and that dark aura around my weapon... how'd I do that? If I can learn to do that then, it will increase my chances surviving a lot.

"Rayne... right? help me leav-"

"Wait!" a familiar voice of a girl interrupted kim.

"Wow, you guy's look beaten up pretty bad."

Why'd she have to come of all people... just seeing her face irritated me. The girl who knows everything about me, will never forget what she told me.

"Who the f#k are you?" kim aggressively asked.

"Liz Watanabe, and watch the way you speak to me. While I'm sorry for interrupting you're quarrel I'mma have to take you guy's with me."

Kim's expression changed from normal to agitated. It was confusing as she comes out of nowhere and tells us that she has to take us somehwere.

"I'm leaving... take him."

Kim slowly walked away but in an instant was knocked out. I looked back and she appeared right in front of knocking me out from my neck.


It was silent as always, but I wasn't with that mysterious guy. Probably because of last time. There were faint noises of crashing and screaming, reminded me of the first time it all started.

"Awake already? pretty fast."

A lady sitting in a chair with a black robe, green glowing eyes and long black hair. Was she perhaps who kim was looking for?

"I know you're confused and all but bear with me, I just have to do my job and I'll finally be done."

Whatever her job is didn't look good. There were countless dead bodies behind kim and me.

"You old hag, doing all this just to find you're daughter. Wake up to reality, she's good as de-"

The lady's eyes widened in anger.

A single blow it took just to rip Kim's hand off. I coudn't even see it.

"Kim... at least I'm a parent whose trying to find her lost or dead daughter unlike you'res who don't give two shits a out you."

As much as I want to be suprised to what she just said, he practically deserves it for trying to say that. But do his parents really not care about him...?

"Liz, any reply back from that girl Xena?" the lady suspiciously asks.

"N-not yet."

Xena? whose she now, another one of them?

"Kid i think it's none off you're buissness as to what I say."

"Well then maybe you should've thought of speaking softer rather than speaking like an idiot."

Now that I said that, I'm dead for sure.


She's not going to say anything? While I was lucky she didn't do anything to me yet. I tried to break the chains binding me but it woudn't budge. She gets up from her chair tells Liz to kill us both, while leabes off to somewhere First up was Kim. She was holding a dagger that had an odd shape, she lifts her hand and swung it at Kim.

"Goodbye" says Liz

He wasn't moving, his face was down and could barely see it. The only thing you could see was his eyes enraging with anger.

His chains break and gives a blow to her stomach causing her to be sent flying.

"You f#ks think I'll just die off like that? not in a million years!"

Did he create a small weapon while being tied up? and his fingers are suddenly back...

"Oi, could you break these off of me?"

For some reason he was hesitant to break my chains, maybe because of before. He broke my chains and created that same weapon for me again.

"How do you create these...?"

Of course I would be curious to know how he makes them. It was something I've never seen after all.

"I create things at an atomic level, so it just makes what I want just like my fingers but their not real flesh anymore."

Imagine the things you can create just like that,

"Theres a limit to how big I can make things"

Liz got back up and steadied her feet. She appraches us at a high speed amd swings her dagger and at us.

She was fast and capable to handle to people at once, so I'm guessing she used to this.

While Kim on the other hand creates 2 more small daggers and throws them at her with one of them wounding her. I reached in on her and striked her face with my foot launching her to kim.


Liz bawled in pain.

Kim creates a giant boulder the size of a monster truck and sends it flying to her.

"Eat this you rat shit!"

Is there something I can try to do like Kim?

My eyes shook in realization, I could try that thing with my weapon. Luckily I was able to remember the feeling of that rush inside me before.

I rushed at her and swayed my weapon towards her with the dark aura.

"KGGH! what's with you guy's...!"


At a distance further from the Rayne and Kim, an omnious figure approaches the entrance of the society. The guards were ripped apart, with blood splattered and were getting eaten by unkown creates appearing from his hand.

"What a load of bull... trying to find her daughter even at such a cruical time."

[Chapter 7 end]