
Daddy Issues

Jason Townsend has issues with the older men in his life. His current boyfriend Jared is also his boss and, while the two get along wonderfully in the bedroom, their relationship at the office is tense and uncomfortable. Jason’s relationship with his father is also strained -- they grew apart when Jason came out shortly after his parents divorced.<br><br>The only person Jason has ever been able to rely on is his mother. So when she announces she’s met Mr. Right, Jason is skeptical. When he meets her new boyfriend, handsome professor Paul Everett, he quickly realizes he and Paul have more in common than their connection to his mother. The two men had slept together the previous summer.<br><br>Paul refuses to break things off with Jill, claiming he enjoys being with women and telling Jason their hook-up was a one-time thing that didn’t mean much to him. Unwilling to tell his mother about his past with Paul, Jason stews in silence as he watches his mother and Paul grow closer. At the same time, he finds himself becoming more and more attracted to Paul. When he can’t stand it any longer, Jason makes a pass at his mother’s boyfriend and is surprised his affections aren’t spurned.<br><br>Even though Jason finds himself falling in love with Paul, he knows he’s betraying his mother and he hates himself for it. She’s always been his staunchest ally, and sleeping with her boyfriend abuses the trust between them. Can Jason love a man who’s also deceiving his mother? When he’s forced to choose between Paul and his mother, the decision isn’t as easy as it seems.

Kim Davis · LGBT+
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51 Chs

Chapter 38

“The weather’s supposed to be terrible this weekend,” he said.

Heavy rain was forecast Friday through Monday due to some tropical storm coming up from the Gulf, but I didn’t care. I wasn’t heading to the shore to work on my tan.

“I know. I just need to get out of Philly for a few days and relax. I’m stressed out with work and…everything.”

He agreed to let me use the house and warned me to make sure I left it how I found it. “I mean that, Jason,” he said. “Don’t go down there and throw a party and trash the place.”

“I’m not going to throw a party, Dad.”

He grunted like he didn’t believe me. He probably thought I was going to bring a gaggle of my gay friends there to drink, get high, and fuck and suck each other in every room. Whatever. I told him I’d stop by and pick the keys up tomorrow.

“Fine,” he said. “I’ll leave them on the kitchen table.”

“Thank you. I appreciate it.”