
Chapter 4 No Home Is Better Like Mines

Noah's POV

Glancing myself in the mirror at my features, I notice that I didn't look the same back when I was in high school. I was slimmer and I have gotten paler ever since Elle was born. I tugged my brunette hair to the roots then sigh.

I'm not saying that Elle is the reason why I turned out like this. She would never be a mistake or unwanted to me. Things happen for a reason and we have to accept them for a blessing, not a curse. I never knew that I would be a Teen Dad at a young age.

Some say having a child is going to take up all your energy and all your time, but it's not. Spending time with your child is the time that you need. For me, that's all I could ever ask for.

I looked at myself in the mirror for a while longer then left the bathroom, going into the living room where my sister was doing Elle's hair while watching TV.

"Noah you know that it's going to be chilly outside so I packed Elle an extra blanket just in case." Christiana told me while putting Elle's hair in a bun.

I love how she is a step ahead of me. I would have said the same thing to make sure she wasn't cold. Getting up from my seat, I went into the kitchen to pack up any snacks for Elle's doctor appointment. I'm just trying to make sure she is occupied.

I put some grapes in a container and some crackers in a ziplock bag, putting them in her bag.

I heard Christiana scream and I dropped everything I had in my hand then ran into the living room to see what was going on. I looked at Christiana and she was looking at the TV.

Turning my head to the screen my face went pale. A video was playing of me when I was being picked up by that lunatic. It was a clear showing of my face and no doubt about it that I couldn't lie and say it wasn't me.

Trevor Kingston was spotted yesterday afternoon at Jennifer's Cafe with someone. The 2 was talking until they both got into a heated argument. The video we showed was when Trevor picked the boy and placed him in the car.

We don't know full details about these two but we will have you update in the future.

They changed into another subject and I turned off the TV. I looked at Christiana who was looking at me with a frown.

I knew she was upset about me not telling her about what just happened. "What happened Noah? Why are you all over the news?" She just saw that her twin brother was on the news for whatever reason. It's not even a big deal. What makes him so special for me to be known to be spotted with him?

"It's not a big deal Christiana and I don't even know him to make it seem like I was so important." I walked away having her following me.

I started to clean up the mess I made in the kitchen. "What do you mean you don't know who that was?!" She screams at me, having Elle look at us with worried eyes. She hates it when one of us is screaming or upset.

"It's okay baby auntie just upset." I said to her and she nodded going back to what she was doing. I turn back to Christiana, glaring at her for making my child worried. "Am I supposed to know who he is? All I know is that I accidentally bump into him and he was flirting with me. I tried to get away from him but cameras came out of nowhere and were surrounded. Then he picks me up and places me into his car." I shrugged, not really caring about the situation.

"He's Trevor Kingston and his father is Mitchell Kingston who owns one of the biggest CEO companies in the United States!" She said and I looked at her with wide eyes.

No wonder the security was about to attack me all because I had bumped into him. Why does his son act like a fucking lunatic that needs to be in a mental hospital?

"Now you're trending everywhere and I'm scared that something is going to happen now that you're known." She said biting down on her lip. She was right about me being known everywhere and now people will do anything in their power to get a full story of what happened.

My daughter could be in danger from these sick weirdos also. I sigh in frustration, putting my hands on my face. "It's okay we can figure something out and It's not that big of a deal. They don't even know who I am."

The doorbell rang and we both looked at each other. I walked out of the kitchen, going to the front door.

Opening the door there were a lot of reporters and cameras outside of my house and guess who was standing in front of my door. I closed the door in his face then locked it. No way in hell that I would let him in my house.

"Who was at the door?" Christiana asked while Elle was on her hip.


Christiana's eyes went big. "What does he want from us? Open the door and see!" She said and I shook my head furiously.

"I'm not letting that psychopath in my house! Are you out of your mind?!" I said to her and she pushes me out the way, opening the door. She stumbles back where there were a lot of people screaming at her and taking pictures of her.

The black raven hair man walks in the house, eyeing everything as he walks further into my house. His hair was covering his eyes but he ran his hand through it rather than tossing it back. The light brown eyes landed on me when he took sight of me.

His lips formed into a smirk then his tongue ran over them. It was like he was eye raping me with his eyes.

"What do you want? It's bad enough that there are millions of people outside my house." I hiss at him and he just stares at me with bored eyes.

Turning to Christiana, I told her to go into my room until I told her to come out. She looks at me with a worried expression like she doesn't want to leave me with the man and his security.

I gave her an encouragement nod telling her that I would be okay and if I need anything I would call for her. Finally, she left the room having me turn around to face the devil himself. He stood there with his arms crossed over his chest.

I should have given him my word that if I saw him again I would punch him but his security is there and I might get tackled by touching their precious boss.

"You still haven't answered my question or you're just standing here being the decoration for my house." He chuckles having tingles shoot through my body again.

When he was done having a good laugh he walked towards me. "I'm being a good guy and it seems that you're not safe here." He trails while eyeing my house.

"So I'll let you stay with me."

I think I didn't hear him correctly when he said that. Me stay with him? I rather stay here and be mobbed by reporters than to stay with him. He thinks he has some sort of plan to lock me in his house so he could drug me and kill me.

"What makes you think I would come stay with a person who jokes about sexually assaulting someone?" I said to him and he rubs his scruffy beard that was trimmed neatly.

"You never heard about not taking jokes to the heart?" He raised a brow at me and I snorted that he would consider those types of stuff jokes.

Even if he was joking you shouldn't say those types of stuff.

"No, because people like you need help and need to be put into a mental hospital." I said and he smiles like I said something cute.

There was a huge bang coming from outside and I jumped. There was no way in hell that I was staying here while all these people were outside. I couldn't go anywhere without them following me.

"What do you want out of me?"

He stood there in silence until he finally spoke. "Oh, I don't know it was my father's idea to come to get you and he will explain everything tomorrow." Of course, it was something that I had to do. Anything could happen that could hurt me mentally.

"I promise I won't do anything to you that will make you feel uncomfortable. I might have introduced myself in a bad way but trust me, I'm a nice person." When he said that I stared at him for a long time.

It wasn't safe for me or my girls to stay here anyway. Signing in defeat, I walked out of the room and into my room where Christiana was laying down in my bed with Elle laying in her chest while she rubbed her back.

You could hear all the commotion that was forming outside. Elle's head pops up when she notices my appearance. I sat down on the edge of the bed then pulled Elle on my lap.

"What did he want?" Christiana asked me and I sigh again.

"He asks me to live with him because it isn't safe over here." I said to her.

"What about me and Elle? Have you told him about us?" She said and her eyes were glossy. She thinks we were going to split apart but that's never going to happen.

If he didn't take them then I wouldn't be going. "I would never leave you two behind, especially my own daughter. We are family and if he doesn't accept all of us then I'm not going. I want all of us safe for the time being." I said and there was a loud bang outside again. Elle whimpered into my chest and I pulled her closer.

She nodded and we all got up from my bed, going back into the room where Trevor was standing there.

I stand in front of him. "I will go with you but my daughter and my twin sister have to come with me. If they are not going then I'm not going." I said and he lay his eye's on Elle then jumped in horror.

"That's a child." He said standing behind his security. This man is so big and bad but scared of Elle. She might be quiet but she is tuff for a girl for her age.

He clears his throat while walking towards me like he didn't just freak out over a child. "It's kind of surprising you have a child, but I'll consider letting them stay with me also." He eyes Christiana and I give him a scowled.

"Even thinking about touching my sister I'll break your neck." I hiss at him and he walked back with his hands up in surrender.

I was done packing Elle's last bag and I gave it to one of the security which they took out to the car. I looked around my room that was empty. I don't know when I was returning back here but I hope soon.

Lots of memorizing things were made in this house. Elle learned how to walk then she said her first word Dada. It wasn't the best place to live in but it made it special for us. Taking the last glance of my room, I walked out of it then closed the door.

I walked in the living room where Christiana had on a hoodie over her head and some tinted glasses. Elle also had a hoodie over her head to make sure they couldn't see her face.

I didn't want these people to look at her when we walked out of the house.

The door swung open and Trevor walked into the house before he shut the door. Trevor walks in the room eyeing all of us. "So all of you are ready?" He asked us and we all just stared at him like he was one those people we didn't invite to a party.

He clears his throat from the awkward silence then claps his hands together. "Let's go before they have the whole block with people." He said and my eyes went big. Is it that major to have all these people for me?

We all got up from the couch, going to the door where one of his security opens for us. We were hit by flashing lights and people screaming questions. This was worse than I thought.

I told Christiana to hold Elle as tight as she can and comfort her and she nods. I put my hood over my head then I grabbed Christiana's hand into mine. Trevor security guided us through a trail that leads to an SUV. Questions were being thrown at us from left to right.

Noah is you in a relationship with Trevor.

Who's the girl beside you?

Is that baby yours?

When someone said that last one I almost attacked one of them but Trevor's hand was on my waist, guiding me forward. These people are sick. When we were in sight of the car the security opened the door for us and we got in.

"Is she okay?" I ask, turning to Christiana to make sure Elle wasn't traumatized.

"Yeah, she was just whimpering." Christiana rubs her fingers through her brunette locks. I leaned over to kiss her forehead.

I looked out the window where our house disappeared into the distance. Everything in me faded from the loss of contact with my memories. I turned to Trevor who was looking at me with a blank stare. His light brown eyes piercing back at mines.

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