
Daddy From Earth

Title: "Daddy From Earth" Genre: Action, Comedy, Cultivation, Transmigration, Romance, Harem Synopsis: Seo Jung, a 25-year-old C-Class hunter, had his sights set on a promising new chapter in life: a first date with his soon-to-be girlfriend. But destiny had a different plan for him. When he discovers his beloved in the arms of another man, his world crumbles in an instant. Tragedy strikes as a monstrous threat consumes the unfaithful couple, forcing Seo Jung to flee for his life. In his desperate escape, he encounters an enigmatic gate, radiant with an irresistible allure. Ignoring dire warnings from his hunter system, he steps through, plunging into an unknown world. Darkness shrouds him, then gives way to a breathtaking spectacle of light, resembling a sky adorned with fireflies. Within this new realm, an awakened system introduces Seo Jung to the concept of parallel realities, each distinct yet interconnected. His journey unfolds as he bears witness to the intricate tapestry of the multiverse, experiencing breathtaking sights and enigmatic phenomena. But suddenly, Seo Jung's consciousness shifts, and he becomes aware of his new reality—inside the body of Long Wei. Twin boys, cling to him, their tears and cries unraveling the past he now shares with them. Seo Jung's mission begins as he navigates the intricacies of his newfound existence and inherited memories. He grapples with his role as a father to the twin boys and the legacy of Long Wei. Simultaneously, he seeks to unravel the mysteries of the multiverse and the system that connects them all. "Daddy From Earth" is a captivating light novel that seamlessly weaves together action, comedy, cultivation, transmigration, romance, and harem. Follow Seo Jung on an epic odyssey filled with danger, discovery, and personal growth, where unexpected bonds and peculiar characters add a touch of camaraderie and humor to his quest. As the worlds collide and destinies intertwine, Seo Jung must strive to protect not only his own reality but the very fabric of the multiverse itself.

Secretly_a_Dragon · Fantasy
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The Unforeseen Twists of Fate

Hey there, let me take you back to the day when my life took a turn down a path I could never have imagined. You see, I'm Seo Jung, a 25-year-old dungeon hunter, and up until that fateful day, I thought my life was pretty ordinary. But it turned out, the universe had other plans for me.

I had just completed a dungeon raid in Angle Castle, and it was supposed to be a special day for me – my first date, to be precise. The raid was almost completed, and our hunter team decided to take a rest. Little did I know that this break would lead to a series of unbelievable events.

As I looked around, my heart raced with excitement as I searched for her, my soon-to-be girlfriend. I spotted her not far from me, chatting and laughing with someone. At first, I didn't think much of it. But then, the ordinary chatter transformed into something extraordinary.

In the shadow of the Angle statues, the two of them embraced in a passionate, leaps-to-leaps kiss that stole the very breath from my lungs. I was frozen in place, my heart pounding as I watched them, unable to comprehend the betrayal unfolding before my eyes.

But just as I began to feel the sting of betrayal, the world around me shifted. The statues, those ancient guardians, began to emit a soft, ethereal light. It was as if they were coming to life. Slowly and menacingly, these statues morphed into grotesque, nightmarish monsters. It was a sight that still haunts my dreams.

My heart raced as I watched in horror. These once-stoic guardians had become twisted, nightmarish creatures. Their transformation was beyond comprehension. They had gnarled, razor-sharp claws that gleamed with a malevolent aura, and their skin was a sickly, mottled shade of gray.

Their eyes, or whatever grotesque facsimile of eyes they now possessed, were like pools of endless darkness, devoid of any humanity. They fixed their sinister gaze on the girl and the A-Class captain, who had just moments ago shared a passionate kiss.

In an instant, the nightmarish statues-turned-monsters wasted no time in tearing into the girl and the A-Class captain, their kiss of betrayal sealed with a gruesome fate. I was frozen in place, my senses overwhelmed with shock and terror. I could only watch as they were devoured by these unholy creatures.

The nightmare continued as the monsters turned their attention toward me. Fear gripped my heart, and instinct took over. I fled for my life, dodging and weaving through the dungeon's twisting corridors, my footsteps echoing through the eerie silence.

I narrowly avoided death multiple times, thanks to the skills I had honed throughout my career as a dungeon hunter. Each close call was a reminder of the high-stakes life we led, where danger lurked around every corner.

And then, it happened. I rounded a corner, and there it was – a mysterious gate, standing in stark contrast to the dungeon's oppressive atmosphere. Without thinking, I lunged towards it. It was like my hunter's instincts had taken control, and my actions were guided by a force beyond my understanding.

But just before I entered that gate, my hunter system gave me a warning. {WARNING: DANGERS DETECTED. YOU ARE APPROACHING A PORTAL TO AN UNKNOWN REALITY. PROCEED WITH CAUTION.}

In that moment, the warning was nothing but a fleeting thought. I didn't have time to weigh the consequences. I couldn't let those monsters catch up to me. So, I did what any desperate person would do – I ignored the warning and took the plunge into the unknown.

The transition was disorienting. It was pitch black, and the only sound I could hear was the rhythmic drip of water droplets. After what felt like an eternity, the room filled with a mesmerizing, glimmering light, like a swarm of fireflies dancing in the night.

And there I stood, on the surface of water, as if it were solid ground. A new system window appeared in front of me, different from the hunter system I was accustomed to. This was something altogether unique and alien.

My confusion was only growing, but I had no time to dwell on it. There was a sense of urgency, as if I had been brought here for a reason. A mission, it said.

{System Initialization Complete}

{Host synchronization complete}

{Starting Mission: Save reality}

{Hello, Hunter Seo Jung}

The message flashed before me, and I couldn't shake the feeling that this system was entirely different from the hunter system I was accustomed to. I was in uncharted territory, and the unknown beckoned.

As I tried to grasp the situation, new messages appeared,

{Ready to leave B2B808 and depart to B2B809}.

The system's messages didn't have any Yes or No options, which left me feeling perplexed. I decided to voice my thoughts, "Can you hear my voice, or perhaps, read my mind?"

The response came swiftly,

{Yes! Are there any more questions before leaving B2B808}.

A countdown of 2 min started.

With time dwindling, I had to make the most of the opportunity. The countdown was underway, and I had just two minutes before departure. This was my chance to seek clarity.

"What is B2B808? And what are you? I've never seen or heard of any hunter system that talks," I inquired, hoping for some insight.

{B2B808 is the reality from which you came, and I am not a hunter system. I was developed specifically to assist you on your mission}.

My mind raced as I tried to grasp the notion of realities and systems beyond my understanding. "What do you mean by reality?"

{To explain simply, imagine rolling a dice, and it gives you a number from 1 to 6. Each number represents a reality, just like your origin, B2B808 or imagine origin of the universe as a seed and now it become a tree, we can consider a universe/reality as leaf. B2B808 and B2B809 are leaf of same branch with another leaf's}.

The explanation struck a chord, and I marveled at the complexity of existence.

"And how are these realities formed?" I pressed, seeking a glimpse into the enigma surrounding my existence.

{The formation of realities is a mystery yet unraveled. You have two minutes before departure}.

Time was slipping through my fingers like grains of sand, and I had so much left to uncover.

"Can you please explain the situation?" I implored, a sense of urgency taking hold.

{You are on a mission to save B2B808 from termination. An additional guidebook is provided to you with more details. To access this book, increase your causality}.

With a clear purpose and a burgeoning curiosity, I braced for the journey that awaited.

The term 'causality' added to my confusion, but I had no time to ask for clarification. The system announced, {Now, ready to depart. 3... 2... 1... go.}.

With the countdown echoing in my ears, I braced myself for the leap into this bewildering multiverse. As the numbers reached their climax, I felt a powerful surge of energy coursing through my being. It was as if I were a mere electron in the nucleus of an atom, about to embark on a quantum leap.

In an instant, the scenery around me transformed into a spectacle that defied all known laws of reality. I found myself suspended in the midst of a dazzling cosmic panorama. The sight before me was not just unbelievable; it was profoundly mind-boggling, like something out of the most intricate science fiction narrative.

Countless Earth-like planets were arrayed in front of me, forming a mesmerizing cosmic mosaic. However, these were not just copies of our own world. Each one was a unique masterpiece, an eccentric blend of wonder and imagination.

One of the planets was encased in a shimmering bubble, its surface covered in prismatic crystal formations that refracted the light into an array of colors I'd never seen before. On another, gigantic trees towered into the atmosphere, their colossal trunks adorned with bioluminescent patterns that pulsed like a living, breathing artwork.

I couldn't help but gasp in awe as I beheld these incredible worlds. Some planets had oceans that glowed like liquid sapphires, and others had skies filled with ethereal creatures that soared with grace. The landscapes were surreal, ranging from expansive floating cities to immense jungles where bioluminescent plants emitted a serene glow.

Sounds that seemed like a symphony of harmonious melodies wafted through the cosmic void, creating a breathtaking cacophony of life. This wasn't just a collection of planets; it was an anthology of realities, each one sculpted with artistry that transcended human comprehension.

I felt like an explorer on the cusp of uncovering the universe's deepest secrets. As my mission to save reality branch B2B808 unfolded, I couldn't help but wonder how these extraordinary realms were connected and what mysteries lay hidden in their intricate tapestry.

As my vision continued to traverse the infinite expanse of these diverse realities, my attention was drawn to a colossal planet, a true behemoth in this cosmic tapestry. It loomed like a cosmic giant, casting a long shadow over the surrounding worlds.

B2B809, as I had come to know it, was a staggering hundred times larger than Earth. The enormity of this planet was nothing short of awe-inspiring, dwarfing everything I had ever experienced in my earthly existence. I couldn't pinpoint exactly how I knew these comparative measurements, but it was as though an inherent understanding had been imparted to me.

B2B809 was a sight to behold. Its vast oceans stretched like endless blankets of cerulean blue, reflecting the radiance of a blazing sun. Continents of immense proportions sprawled across its surface, each teeming with diverse landscapes and terrains.

Majestic mountain ranges reared their heads toward the heavens, while sprawling forests and jungles seemed to extend infinitely, playing host to a myriad of life forms. Rivers and lakes snaked through these lands, glistening in the planet's bountiful light.

As I gazed upon B2B809's surface, I couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and trepidation. The mission I had been assigned was tied to this colossal realm, and the fate of B2B808, B2B809, and the enigmatic B2B810 were inexplicably interwoven.

As I awoke from what felt like a surreal dream, my surroundings had shifted dramatically. Wait a moment when did I sleep the question remain unanswered. No longer was I witnessing the grandeur of B2B809; instead, I found myself nestled in a simple, yet warm, bed. It wasn't the transition that confounded me but the swift shift in my identity and responsibilities. Two young boys, identical and angelic, clung to me, tears streaking down their faces as they cried out, "Dad, you woke up!"

In that instant, fragmented memories of a man named Long Wei flooded my mind. Long Wei, a farmer who had known the hardships of life all too well, lost his father three years ago, leaving him with only the fond memories of their days in the fields. The pain deepened further when his beloved wife passed away just a year ago, leaving him to shoulder the burdens of parenthood on his own.

Two six-year-old twin boys were the testament to his love – a love that had been overshadowed by his grief, causing him to neglect his fatherly duties. My own anger flared momentarily as I considered this man's shortcomings, but in an instant, I realized that I was now the one who stood in his place.

These children, my children, were in desperate need. I asked them if they had eaten, and their feeble response revealed a diet of boiled potatoes that they had subsisted on for who knew how long. Determined to make things right, I set to work in the kitchen, drawing from my own knowledge. I had always been an excellent cook, and now my skills were put to the test as I prepared a wholesome, hearty meal for the boys.

With warm bellies, they soon drifted off to sleep, safe and content. However, the tranquility of the moment was shattered by a new message that appeared before me, emanating from the system that had thrust me into this unexpected reality:

{Stop __ and __ from becoming __.}

With their bellies warmed by a comforting meal, the twin boys soon drifted off to sleep, nestled in their newfound father's embrace. They slumbered peacefully, safe and content under the watchful gaze of the stars.

I came out of the house, checking on the children to ensure they were sleeping soundly. Then, I ventured away from our little sanctuary, not wanting to disturb their peaceful slumber. I gazed up at the night sky, its vastness filled with twinkling stars.

And then, in a moment of despair and frustration, I couldn't help but scream to the heavens, "Why? Why the fuck are you doing this to me? As a forever single and virgin for 25 years, I didn't even hold a hand of girl I did my best despite the hardship, do you know how hard it is for a orphan like myself to just live a normal life but I didn't complaint, and all I wanted was a girlfriend. But instead, I've been thrust into the role of a father for two kids without ever having known the touch of a woman. I never complained, never blamed anyone, and never believed in any religion but only believed in you. But now, I find myself in this absurd situation."

I looked at the house and mumbling softly to myself, I added, "It's not that I have any issues with you two."