
My Baby, My Hero (6)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

She took the stance of being prepared to engage in a lengthy discussion with him on the matter.

Instead, Xiao Yining did not ask any questions but commented flatly, "This is a temporary residence for my daddy. Usually, he would not come here, so the other rooms have not been cleaned. Bumping into him last night was purely coincidental. Don't you worry. Based on what I know of him, he will not be back here tonight. Tomorrow, I will arrange for one of the guest rooms to be cleaned and made ready for you to move in."

An Ziqi looked at Xiao Yining with suspicion. Clearly, she did not believe him.

Was last night really a coincidence?

Since she had been conned by him before, she decided that this little rascal was not to be trusted.

Xiao Yining shrugged. "Well, if you don't believe me, go see for yourself."

An Ziqi did a round of the other rooms. True enough, she noticed that the rooms were all covered in dust, as though they had not been lived in for a long time.

She had no other option but to nod and agree to use the master bedroom again. In any case, it was only for one night.

Victoriously, Xiao Yining secretly congratulated himself. Mummy had once again fallen into his trap. It was definitely worth his effort to instruct the servants to mess up the other rooms.

Having spent a long time standing around at the TV station that day, followed by a trip to the supermarket with Xiao Yining, An Ziqi showered, got into bed, and immediately fell into a deep sleep.


The TOP Club occupied all the luxurious private rooms on the sixth floor.

Xiao Moli used his foot to kick open the door to the private room.

Two persons who were seated on the sofa with drinks in their hands looked up at him.

Smiling cheekily, Yun Yi asked, "Pray tell, who has upset our noble and cool Mr. Xiao?"

Xiao Moli blankly scanned the room.

Looking ominous, he asked, "Where's Xiao Chen?"

"He was here earlier. However, after receiving a call, he said that he had to run away. He's probably on the plane by now."

In frustration, Xiao Moli took off his tie and sat down on the sofa. He then reached out and poured himself a glass, emptying it in one go.

Laughing, Yun Yi moved closer to him.

"I heard that Xiao Chen's latest research product is a neural medicine that is potent enough to knock out 10 elephants with just one single drop."

"I remember him saying that Ningning had taken a bottle yesterday. You should ask Ningning for it if you wish to try it."

Brows raised, Chen Jun joined in the conversation, the pair of them putting on a seamless show.

"He'd be dead meat if he dared to show his face here."

With gritted teeth, Xiao Moli deduced that Xiao Chen must have collaborated with Ningning last night and drugged his drink.

No one else would have had the guts or the opportunity to do this to him.

The other two persons in the room looked at each other. They had long been informed of this incident by Xiao Chen and could also hazard a guess at Ningning's intention.

And now that they had seen Xiao Moli's reaction, Yun Yi hooted loudly.

"Hot da&#@! Did Ningning really succeed?"

All these years, due to his social status, Xiao Moli had been a constant target of romantic gossip.

Many women had resorted to all kinds of creative means, all with the sole aim of landing in Xiao Moli's bed.

However, none of them had succeeded.

To think that Ningning had managed to pull it off, sending a woman into his bed! That was definitely an achievement not to be scoffed at!

"Ningning baby, my hero!"

Smiling smugly and oblivious to his friend's predicament, Yun Yi raised his glass to a toast with Chen Jun.

Xiao Moli glared at him and said curtly, "Do you want me to send you to Africa and test the new product on some elephants?"

Yun Yi winced. 'Darn it! Can we not resort to such wickedness?'

Lips pressed into a thin line, he chimed in, "All this because of a little white flower. Do you really have to go that far?"

Frowning, Xiao Moli replied, "Please show some respect."

What little white flower. He was obviously dissing Xiner.

Yun Yi pursed his lips. Truth be told, Bai Xiner was just a white lotus who was good at pretending to be Mother Mary.

Chen Jun spoke up in a mild tone, "You, of all people, should know what your mother is like. She would not disapprove of your marriage for no rhyme or reason."

Although much was left unsaid, the implication was very clear to all who were present.