

In the hospital at midnight I give birth to my first born and my father came along with my mother for me in the laboratory .My dad with guilt in his eyes knowing what he had done yet all these months he had betrayed himself and me. He Iooked at me straight in the eyes but I no longer cared . About how much he had hurt me and i cared about my child who was his child . I bared all this pain for 9 months I slept in the same house with a woman I called my mother. who was the woman that stole my man. she came to check on me first. Dad stayed outside and looked through the window staring at his son, my mother's Grand child ,my son .

Confusing right that man there said he loved me he was my stepfather

Unexpectedly the doctor walks into the room and says I am ready to be discharged

I get up on my mom asks my dad to carry me to the car .I look him in the eyes that's when I realize I still love him . I love him not as a father as a man that i want to marry . I look at my mom so jealous of her. How could she find him first ,how could I not know that there would be such a man in the world .That i love so much that I could do anything for him .Even though he knows this is his child and you won't accept it. He won't bring him into the house and tell Mom. That he impregnated her daughter. I feel like I am so jealous and I should tell her but it might break 😄. But who cares about her when I'm also wailing inside saying I am so jealous and I could kill her just get this man to be mine to marry