
The Voice of the Devil


Roberto's face turned white as paper as soon as Song Yu 

Han uttered those words.

He had already expected that Song Yu Han wouldn't show him mercy upon capturing him. However, he didn't expect that the man would use his own family as a bargaining chip to make him speak.

After all, in the Underworld, rumors had already spread that even though Song Yu Han was a man to be feared, he wouldn't resort to underhanded and cruel methods, such as using the loved ones of his family to deal with them.

But it turns out those rumors were untrue!

Why else would this devil of a man use his family against him?!

No, he's not human anymore. He's the real devil!

"Please, not my family. They have nothing to do with this."

"And have you ever asked Don Alejandro and the others who died that day whether they had done anything wrong with you?" Song Yu Han scoffed. "What about the woman you chased after? Has she ever done anything to you?"