
Chapter 5

Third Person's POV

In the Guillé Hotel, there were so many business men and women who attended the engagement party. Not long ago, Hylixe and Warren enter the party hall entrance and roam around.

"It's been a while, and we can't even find that brat." said Warren while turning his head left to right to search

"Calm down, there must be someone who reports Hyluxe is here." Hylixe replied

'Let's see what are they up to' Hylixe said to herself

On the other hand, someone indeed report to Ruang Sheng about the arrival of Hyluxe and Warren.

"Sir, Mr. Jin is here" the butler said

Ruang smirked and laugh vigorously.

"That jerk actually has the guts to join us. Just wait, I won't letting you go that easy" he utter

Warren and Hylixe decided  to head to the ballroom and so do Ruang and Rikia. Many people utter, "Congratulations!" to them.

"Mr. Jin, they're here!" said Warren

They met each other's glance and dazed furiously at each other. Rikia saw Hyluxe and start to smirk.

'Oho~ So Hyluxe really came. Let's see if he could bear to live without me' said Rikia to herself

"Mr. Jin, it's been a while. It's great to see you are fine" Rikia said in a lovely voice

Ruang rushed in and began to laugh.

"Oh, Jin. I'm happy to see you are here for me and Rikia's engagement party!" he said in a loud voice

"So.." he smirked and point his hands to Hyluxe

"Are you planning to kowtow to me because you admit that you lose? Hahaha, did I defeated the great Hyluxe Jin?" provoked Ruang

Ruang thinks highly of himself and stand proud against Hyluxe. But Hyluxe is still staring at the floor silently.

The ball suddenly echoed by gossips of the crowd watching the scene.

"Is that Hyluxe Jin?"

"He's so handsome without glasses"

"So what he's handsome. He's still a loser"

"What a waste"

"Maybe he was beaten by Ruang so he vanished a long period of time."

"And he dares to attend the engagement"

Warren was worrying about Ruang's humiliation to Hyluxe.

'This is bad, I need to take him home'

"Sir, we----"

Warren's sentence interrupted when Hyluxe began to speak up.

"Admit defeat? What are you saying?" Hyluxe interfere

Ruang, Warren and all the people who are watching were shocked by his response. Hyluxe chuckled and finally looked at Ruang and Rikia's direction.

"I'm just happy for you. The b!tch is finally found her dog" he said straightforward

Again, Ruang, Rikia and the crowd were surprised by Hyluxe's savageness.

'B-B!tch?' said Rikia by herself

'Found her dog?' said Ruang by himself

'Too savage! It can burn a person! What should I do to reply? ASAP!' Warren panickly said to himself

The hotel has been busy, as ever. Many or few came to witness the battle against two gentlemen. From the moment that she spoke against Ruang, Hylixe's gazed has never left Ruang's face. She's trying if her appearance--rather 'his'appearance make Ruang feel anxious.

Ruang was about to attack Hyluxe but he didn't expect to be intimidated by his outraging aura. He just stood there and seems to be paralyzed.