
Daddy's Little Princess (Naruto X DC comics)

In a new world, what are the father and daughter duo going to do? Disclaimer: I do not own anything

EternalBliss4U · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Chapter 23

Himawari loved Naruto more than a daughter should, it wasn't new and it had started many years ago. She was entranced by his figure, his strength and his pure emotions but knew that it was a forbidden romance since Naruto would never accept such a thing.

Hima knew that Naruto knew but ignored it so that it wouldn't become awkward so she did the same but it didn't mean that she hadn't dreamt of taking her mother's place.

She had wanted to try it once but it didn't mean literally. Hima had wanted to be loved as Hima not as her mother.

She loved the experience and felt her body tingle with pleasure in the morning but her mind was filled with sadness, joy and lust.

She wanted to fight him, make him see Hima but it couldn't be done as Naruto was looking better than ever and if this small sacrifice was enough then she was willing to endure until he stabilized.

Time passed by as Naruto trained Hima and continued his delusions as his clones acted as the people he wanted to see.

They ventured in to the outside world while Naruto believed it to be a trip to a new world for some time and they will return back after a report had been made.

Sai, Choji and Sakura were the ones that were in the base, seeing them made Hima really guilty as she ignored them as they were just her father's clones.

'Endure, endure. Daddy will definitely see Hima soon. He will love Hima and attain happiness.' Hima repeated these words inside her head as a mantra to encourage herself through the daily life

On their outings, they had come across the Justice league and Naruto had beaten them really badly but in the future they didn't recognize him as he looked so different and his powers were unknown.

He gathered powers and knowledge while training Hima, his mannerism were back to what they used to be and Hima could smile at it but things went from good to bad within a moment.

They had been having sex everyday and the result showed up within two months, Hima wound up pregnant.

Naruto was in a delusion but he stopped during training as he felt a life inside his little princess and the thought angered him so much that his body was shaking in uncontrollable rage.

Who was the bastard that touched his daughter? Was his thought but one look at her made him fall to his knees as he couldn't believe what he had seen.

His Hima had been tainted by his desires, "No, NO, NO, THIS HAS TO BE NIGHTMARE."

Hima saw her father break down again and she knew he had found out, she hugged his head and tried to calm him down.

"Daddy, don't cry please. I love you and wanted this. This isn't your fault, it's my fault. Please don't leave me alone again." She cried to him to appeal to his inner nature

But there was no response as he seemed to have lagged.

"Daddy, if you don't wake up, I will kill you and then kill myself." Hima wiped her tears and said in a determined tone

Those words tore through the haze inside his mind as he turned to look at her, "Never utter those words, never. I was in the wrong and it was never your mistake."

Hima felt happy that he returned from this breakdown and his voice felt stable again along with his mind.

"I want to give birth, Daddy." Hima looked at him with adoration and her eyes were just filled with love that couldn't be held back anymore as she had no reason to hide it, they had come this far already.

Naruto looked at her as he stood up and nodded, "But we will give him away and you will never talk about it. You will forget that this ever happened. My little princess was never tainted by me and will forever be a good little girl."

Hima couldn't look away from his powerful gaze as his words commanded her to follow through; she couldn't resist and nodded with tears.

'I will not give up. Daddy will definitely love me.' Hima didn't give up as she decided to use this chance to get closer and help him through it but things never got better

Naruto still talked to his clones and seemed to be torture by their words; she couldn't ever enter his room and endured as she listened to those words.

There was always a distance between them and Naruto had stopped training her in the real world, only in the dream world she trained her skills while he went out alone to hunt down and devour more power like a madman.

Nine months passed by as Hima give birth and before she could even give him a name, the child had disappeared along with any sign on her body that she had given birth.

Hima woke up to see Naruto that was willing to do anything for her but she felt betrayed at that moment as he seemed to have locked away the memory of their bond.

Kurama had woken up and got to know what had happened, he sympathized with Hima and consoled her as he made her believe that this was her chance to finally break through all this haze. He was giving her the chance by making her wished come true than she only needed to take advantage of it.

Hima realized that he allowed anything if she didn't go beyond the line so she slowly slept with him and made it a habit. She stuck to him and took baths with him. It was discouraging that he didn't react but she endured it.

After a month they moved to Gotham, Hima didn't know the reason but she accepted it and here she realized that Naruto seemed to ignore her presence in his sleep.

From that day, she had her way with his body and slowly made it so that it would react to her touches and voice.


In the outside world, Naruto's body had lost parts as he fought back against Nyx and was close to dying when he woke up with a bang.

His memories had been freshened and he stared at Nyx, "I am the biggest sinner of my world but this sinner shall never die by the hand of another scum. I am death, I am the devourer, the sinner that shall endure for eternity if needed."

With each word the world trembled, souls appeared in droves and covered the skies as they flew towards Naruto's hand.

"Taste the weight of my sin" Naruto felt liberated in a sense as he acknowledged his past and the power gathered in his fist before releasing it towards Nyx that had already been damaged slightly

Nyx wanted to escape but her movements were frozen and she could do nothing but take the move. For the first time, she felt fear as the attack filled with darkness and smell of death covered her body whole.

Nyx let out a silent scream of despair as the power of death erased her existence while the power of darkness eroded her mind and soul. The trillion of souls, the sin had powered through her domain and destroyed her as Naruto watched.

The ruler of night was defeated and darkness chose Naruto as its new ruler, powering him up as he watched the souls rise.

Majority of them weren't real but a figment of his imagination as his people didn't exist anymore but his powers took their shape and let him use his full capability as the desire to die had disappeared. He was born anew, he had seen the truth and he couldn't wait to go back.

But stopped as woman stepped into his new domain, she was beautiful in her own way and gave off a feeling of loneliness.

"Death" Naruto muttered as he saw her and smiled as he had decided not to die now but she appeared at that moment

It was as he said, Death of the Endless had appeared as she sensed such large power similar to her own and she could feel it inside of him.

"Be careful now or I will have to erase you." She warned in a calm tone and was about to leave but Naruto did something that even surprised himself

"Wait, can we talk? I think we can keep each other company." Naruto didn't why but he felt that look and it reminded him of his darkness, he wanted to stay near her and maybe they could both help each other. She was like his past, filled with love for everyone as Death didn't discriminate and would come to everyone

He felt vulnerable for the first time seeing a person so similar to him and one that could end him.

She was astonished at his words; he showed no fear but understanding and desire to converse.

She nodded and the world changed as Naruto was unwilling to give into his negative thoughts.


While his real body stayed with Death, his clone went back home. He looked down on Gotham, the city had chosen because his son was living in it.

The little child of three was running around happily with his new father and had been blessing them with good luck as his powers manifested in a different manner after being sealed away.

He was the son of the strong chakra users so he was special and Naruto could see it but it was not time to talk to him.

He appeared at the door to his house and opened the door, as expected she jumped into his arms and Naruto hugged her back.

"I am back" Naruto said and Hima felt the change, and the look he gave made her believe he had woken up

"I have waited for so long, Daddy. Stay with me today."

"I love Emilia"


A.N Hope you enjoyed and comment