

Tirza giggled and grabbed an orange crayon, shoving it in her mouth. "Professor, Tirza's eating her crayon," Oliver pointed out. He had been watching Tirza and found it all very amusing. Snape looked over at the baby; sure enough, half a crayon was sticking out of her mouth, the rest being chewed on. "Merlin," he grumbled. He walked over to Tirza's playpen and attempted to take the crayon from her mouth. She shook her head and held tight to the crayon. "Give me the crayon," Snape said, scowling. The baby scowled right back at him. "Try tickling her, sir," another boy suggested. Snape gently tickled her tummy and she squealed with laughter, the crayon falling out of her mouth. He quickly grabbed all the crayons and stomped back to his desk. "No!" Tirza shouted. She started to kick the side of her playpen, screaming. "When my sister and brother were little, they had very fat crayons that couldn't fit in their mouths," Katie Bell mentioned. Snape thought about it for a moment, which was difficult because his daughter's volume of screaming was steadily rising. He searched through a nearby cupboard and pulled out a bottle of Engorging potion and poured a liberal amount onto each of the crayons. Within seconds, they were very large and fat crayons and Snape knew it would be impossible for Tirza to eat them. He looked over at her, her little bare feet still kicking as she screamed. "Alright, alright; have your crayons," Snape said as he returned them to her. Tirza immediately stopped yelling and smiled; Snape couldn't help but smile back at his adorable little girl. She pushed the orange crayon away, clearly not thrilled with it now that she couldn't eat it. Her little hand could barely clasp the large blue crayon, but she determinedly grabbed it as best she could and attacked the coloring book. Snape shook his head and sat back down at his desk, hoping to have at least ten peaceful minutes.

Snape had six peaceful minutes before Tirza yelled for him again. "Poppy! Poppy!" Everyone's attention turned to the little girl as Snape approached her playpen. "Poppy, go pee pee," she said very seriously. Snape looked at her wet pants as well as the wet blanket and material of the playpen and groaned. "She wasn't wearing a nappy sir?" Katie asked. Snape felt like a complete idiot; why had he not thought of that? He looked at Tirza, who didn't really seem to care that she had created a very disgusting mess. "Alright, I have to change her and bathe her; can I trust all of you to stay here and study until the bell rings?" Everyone nodded; they all felt bad for Snape, as most had younger siblings or had baby-sat small children before. Snape hastily wrote a note and hung it on the dungeon door, telling the next class to go to the library for a study period if he was not back. He then picked up the very wet Tirza and held her away from him as he walked down the hallway. "Mowy!" Tirza screamed. "Molly later; you are in need of a bath," Snape said, still holding her away from him, heading for the dungeons. He carried Tirza directly to the bathroom and disgustedly peeled off her wet, dirty clothes. He grimaced at touching it and Tirza giggled and pointed at his face. "Of course YOU think it is funny; wait until you have children, then I will laugh!" Snape told her. He cast a drying spell on her clothes and threw them into the hamper to be washed later. When he turned to throw the clothes into the hamper, the now naked Tirza took this opportunity to walk as fast as her little legs would go from the bathroom. "Alright, let's get you..." Snape turned to where Tirza had been standing and discovered that she was no longer there. He sighed, trying desperately to control his temper as she wasn't acting any different than most two-year-olds probably did. He got up from the bathroom floor and went to search for her. She wasn't terribly hard to find, since she was giggling loudly; he followed the giggles into the living room where Tirza was crawling on one of the armchairs. "Poppy!" she said as she spotted him. Snape wasn't sure whether to laugh or be angry at his naked daughter, crawling around on his furniture. He finally just laughed loudly and Tirza join in with her giggles, though not sure why. "Oh Tirza, how did your mother ever survive you?" Snape asked, laughing so hard that he had to wipe tears from his eyes.

Still chuckling, Snape gathered Tirza from the arm chair; this was not part of Tirza's plan and she started screaming. "NO! NO GO!" She wiggled against his gentle but strong arms as he carried her to the bathroom. "Must you scream so much?" he asked, closing the door behind him before setting her on the floor. Snape turned on the taps of the bathtub, adjusting them so the temperature would be just right. Tirza lay down on the floor beside him, still screaming and started banging her feet on the floor. Snape looked at her and shook his head. "Merlin child, it's only a bath." She continued her tantrum and Snape's headache grew bigger. After three minutes of steady wails and banging feet, Snape had had enough. He picked up and stood her in front of him and looked her in the eye. "You will stop this nonsense NOW!" he shouted. Tirza covered her eyes with her hands and crumpled onto the floor; her wailing ceased but now she was crying, tears streaming from her large black eyes. "Mwean poppy." Snape instantly felt horrible. 'Damn my temper!' he thought. He picked her up from the floor and cuddled her to his chest. "Hush now; I'm sorry." Tirza laid her head on his shoulder and continued to cry. "I'm sorry," he told her softly, rubbing her back. After a few minutes, her crying subsided to occasional hiccups; Snape put his finger under her chin and tipped her head up. Tirza covered her eyes with her hands again and Snape softly kissed her hands, than gently moved them and kissed her face. "I'm sorry darling; daddy didn't mean to yell at you." Tirza spit at him and than giggled and Snape took it as a sign that all was forgiven. "Are you ready for your bath finally?" Tirza's attention turned to the bathtub and she shook her head. "No!" Snape ignored her and gently sat her in the tub. Tirza's black eyes went wide as she started to slap the water and giggled as it sprayed her. Snape shook his head and rubbed Tirza's special bar of soap against a wet washcloth. He really had no idea if she had allergies at this age or not and did not want to take a chance. He turned back to the tub where Tirza was splashing herself and laughing infectiously. Snape gently took her arm and began to rub the soapy washcloth over it. "No! No baf!" Tirza said, fixing him with a nasty scowl. He chuckled. "Now it's not that bad; be a good girl and let me wash you," he said with a slightly scolding tone. Tirza was still scowling at him as he continued to scrub her arm. "No keen!" She suddenly slapped the water hard with her other hand, spraying Severus with water. Snape sputtered and wiped his face on a nearby towel. "None of that little missy," he said as he resumed washing her. She splashed him again and giggled. "No," Snape told her firmly, wagging a long white finger at her. Tirza reached out her free arm and grabbed his finger. Snape shook his head and pulled his finger away from her, earning himself another dark scowl; he was seriously beginning to regret that Tirza's disposition was so much like his own!

After being splashed several more times before even washing both arms, an idea struck Snape. He grabbed another washcloth and pulled his wand from his robes; he mumbled a charm and the white washcloth turned into the shape of a small doll. "Here, now perhaps you will not insist on splashing me," he said as he handed it to Tirza. She eagerly took the little dolly and began slapping the water with it. Snape let out a frustrated sigh. "I can't win," he moaned. He moved on to wash her tummy and Tirza began to wiggle, kicking her feet. All the kicking and wiggling only succeeded in making Snape even wetter by the time he moved on to her chubby little legs. After washing her up completely, Snape felt like he should have been the one in the bathtub! His clothes were soaked through, his hair was wet, and he was dripping everywhere. Tirza of course was delighted; she had had a blast splashing him! Snape was searching the bathroom for her shampoo when there was a knock on his door. "Be there in a moment!" he called. "I'm sure you'll need a bath later, I'll wash your hair then," Snape said as he grabbed a large towel from the cabinet. He reached in to lift Tirza out of the bath and she started to kick him away. "No! Pway wawa! No go!" she shouted. Snape was beyond the point of attempting to reason with his two- year-old daughter and lifted her out despite her screams; Snape only hoped that whoever was at the door didn't think he was trying to murder her! He stood Tirza in front of him and she started to shiver. "Almost done baby," he cooed, no longer caring if anyone heard him talking that way or not. He quickly dried her off and wrapped her in the towel; picking her up, he headed for the door. Madame Pompfrey stood at the door; an amused look came over her face as she took in the sight of a dripping Severus holding a little girl wrapped in a towel, Tirza's wet head leaning against his shoulder. "I heard what happened and thought I should pop down here and see how you were doing." Snape glared at her. "I am soaked to the bone and have the worst headache of my life; not even an Unforgivable could case pain that matches." Pompfrey's shoulders shook as she attempted to hold in her laughter. Tirza's eyes were drooping as she waved at the nurse. "She's just precious Severus." Snape shook his head. "Want to help me a moment? Hold her," he shoved Tirza into Pompfrey's arms and went to change out of his wet clothes. The nurse gladly held the cute little girl bundled in the towel.

With the nurse holding a sleepy Tirza, Snape quickly changed clothes. He thought about what to put Tirza in and his mind drifted to a box in Tirza's closet with had several baby outfits that Ariel had saved. He emerged from his room and the nurse chuckled; he looked exactly the same as when he entered his room, except that now he was dry. "I am going to find something for her to wear," Snape said as he went into Tirza's room. "Poppy?" Tirza asked. The nurse smiled. "The precious child knows my name!" she exclaimed. "She means me!" Snape called from the bedroom. "Poppy!" Tirza called again. "I'm coming!" Snape replied. He found the right box and looked over the clothes; they were all frilly, fluffy dresses with matching bonnets and booties. Snape chuckled; it would be fun to see her dressed up, all he'd have to do is enlarge them a bit. He chose a long pink dress with tiny white dots, lace decorated the bottom; pinned on the back of the dress was matching ruffled panties. The panties suddenly reminded him that Tirza would need a nappy. He dug through several of her drawers until he found her underwear and shrank a pair, putting several spells on it so it wouldn't leak all over the place. Tirza squealed as Snape came back into the sitting room. "Poppy!" She held her little arms out and he picked her up. "Thank you; I believe I can take it from here," Snape told the nurse. Pompfrey smiled and handed him a bottle. "This is a special shampoo for babies; it won't sting if it gets in her eyes. I thought you might need it." Snape nodded and set the bottle on the coffee table, than headed for Tirza's room. Pompfrey watched them go, Tirza's little arms wrapped around the dark man's neck and smiled, than let herself out. Ten minutes later, Snape looked proudly at Tirza. She was now dressed in a nappy, the pink dress with matching panties, and a pair of pink slippers. It had certainly taken long enough, but she had never looked cuter! Tirza was all smiles, pointing repeatedly at the lace on the dress that reached down to her ankles. "Pwitty baby!" she announced. Snape smiled and gathered her into his arms and hugged her tight. "You are beautiful Tirza; you're daddy's little princess, aren't you?" Tirza smiled and gave him a slobbery kiss. This time he didn't mind it as much as before. "Come on princess, I have to get back to my class."

Snape arrived back at his classroom just before the bell rang, with Tirza walking proudly beside him and he mused that Tirza somehow seemed to know that she looked adorable. "Ahhh," all the girls in the class said. "Look at the little cutie!" Katie exclaimed. Tirza held her arms out to Katie, who gladly held her. "Sir?" Oliver interrupted. "I didn't have much work and took the liberty of using a cleansing and sanitizing spell on Tirza's playpen; it's already for her to use again." Snape nodded just as the bell rang. Katie, still holding Tirza, gathered her books and started walking towards the door. "Miss Bell, might I take my daughter back?" Snape asked. Katie looked at Tirza's sweet face and than back at Snape. "Can I take her with me?" Snape rolled his eyes. "No." Katie sighed and kissed Tirza's face before handing her back to Severus. "Bye cutie!" Tirza waved at Katie as she left the room. Snape sat at his desk and held her on his lap; despite the fact that she had splashed him to death and was loud and tried to eat her crayon, he was actually enjoying two-year-old Tirza. Tirza rubbed her eyes and leaned against his chest. "Mowy peeze?" she asked sleepily. Snape retrieved the lion and handed it to her. "Are you sleepy my princess?" Tirza shook her head. "I think you need a nap," Snape said. "No! No nap! Pway!" "You look tired." Tirza yawned, than shook her head. "No sweepy!" Snape chuckled and put her into her playpen. "No nap," she whined. "Alright, you play with Molly." Tirza lay down; holding her lion close and Snape covered her with the blanket. He leaned down and kissed her forehead, brushing her still damp curls from her face. The next class came into the dungeon as Snape was putting Tirza into her playpen. "Did Snape have another kid?" Crystal Fallon asked her friend. "Ew, who'd want to sleep with him even once?" Jamie Hughes replied. (Okay, so I'm just making up names here! I can never remember all the people named in the books!) "Professor, um, what's with the baby?" Crystal raised her hand and asked. Once again, Snape told the story of Tirza, Jinn Jinn and the Age Regression potion; only this time the thought of it no longer made his temper flair.