
Dad: At the Beginning, The Empress Brought Her Daughter to the Door to

Lin Xuan traveled through the fantasy world, and unexpectedly met the powerful Empress Xuanbing overnight.Four years later. The Emperor Xuanbing, Donghuang Ziyou, brought her daughters to the door and forced her to get married.Face the lovely daughters .Lin Xuan was too excited, but at the same time panicked.Fortunately, the pet daughter crazy magic system is online in time!Ding! Increase the intimacy between you and your eldest daughter by 1 point, reward: Emperor Realm cultivation base !Ding! You taught your second daughter to know a new word. Reward: Chaotic Eucharist!Ding! You ran away the monster that scared the third daughter. Reward: Heaven-swallowing magical skill!Ding! You and your fourth daughter bullied the demons together. Reward: Chaos Excalibur!With a baby for three years, Lin Xuan has been invincible in the universe.Donghuang Ziyou: “I didn’t expect you to be so good!”Lin Xuan: “Bringing a baby, you and me are professional!”- Description from MTLNovel

HyperDragonSlayer · Urban
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274 Chs

Let the Difu come!

Remember in one second[]

For countless people in Chi Xiaotian, if you ask which ship is the most famous, it must be a cloud full of buildings!

Because this ship has built a nine-story building with clouds and mist around it, it is named "Cloudy Building".

It is said that the nine-story building in Yunmanlou has strict grade restrictions on each floor.

Take the first floor at the bottom as an example. If you want to enter it, you must be the suzerain of a certain orthodoxy no less than five thousand years of sect.

And the higher the level, the harsher the conditions.

At the top level, even ordinary monarchs are not eligible to enter.

Unless they are superpowers above the quasi-emperor realm, or above the status of the prince of the Nine Heavens Immortal Territory, they are only eligible to step in when they are personally invited by the master of Yunmanlou.

Someone once questioned that Yunmanlou's conditions were too harsh, and felt that it was suspicion of grandstanding.

But after hearing the identity of its owner, these doubters all closed their mouths.

Because the owner of Yunmanlou is Chi Xiaotian's most notorious generation of sword masters for nearly 20,000 years!

Ye Yang!

It is said that he was born with an indestructible sword body and could communicate with any sword spirit in the world.

After coming out of the mother's womb, his body has its own innate sword gang, which is extremely sharp.

And as he grows up, his talent in kendo is undoubtedly more obvious, dominating one side.

Less than twenty-five years old, he has reached the fourth stage of kendo, ranking among the sword masters!

When he was over half a hundred years old, he became the youngest Emperor Realm Sword Saint in Chi Xiaotian at that time.

Before retiring, he created his own invincible swordsmanship "Sword Twenty-Three" with his kendo talent that spanned an era.

In this swordsmanship, the soul comes out of the body, the sword and the spirit are one, half human and half immortal.

It can make enemies within a certain range completely static when it is cast, allowing them to be slaughtered.

Peak combat power, you can kill an emperor realm in an instant!

Therefore, Yunmanlou's conditions are extremely stringent.

But it is precisely because of the existence of Ye Yang that many people in Chi Xiaotian and even Nine Heavens Immortal Territory are eager for it.

And being able to enter Yunmanlou has even become the capital for some people to show off.

at this time.

In the attic at the top of Yunmanlou, Ye Yang dressed in Tsing Yi, surrounded by swords and gangs, with superb aura.

He looked down at Baili Yin and said:

"The sword sage heard that the red building often appears above the water, and I saw it today!"

Xia Honglang and others couldn't help being overjoyed.

Hearing what Ye Yang meant, he was here specifically for the Red Mansion this time.

Then think again.

Bailiyin made such a big noise just now, and Yunmanlou has been wandering around the lakes and seas.

Ye Yang was able to spot the Red Mansion in time, which was totally reasonable.

Bai Liyin knew Ye Yang's greatness, and his eyes fell cold: "If you want to die, I will fulfill you!"

"Ten thousand ghosts return to the clan!"

A huge ghost mark formed on his hands.

at the same time.

The ghost domain he created instantly became dozens of times stronger, turning the entire Luoyang Lake into a **** on earth.


Bai Liyin gathered the boundless spirit of ghosts into a Heaven-Splitting Ghost Sword, aimed at Yun Manlou and smashed it down.

Xia Honglang and others were suddenly startled when they saw this.

Worthy of being the elder of the Red Chamber, the power of this sword is already close to the sword saint!

Ye Yang smiled disdainfully when he saw this, "Isn't it the squad who used the sword in front of the sword saint?"

He took out the Spirit Slashing Sword, and a congenital sword gang inspired by the indestructible sword body turned into a blue dragon and merged with him.

"Sword Twenty-Three!"

When he shot, the surface of the lake within a radius of ten miles was instantly enveloped by a terrifying innate sword aura.

Every plant is suppressed.

However, Xia Honglang and others felt as if their whole body was tied up, unable to move at all.

Baili Yin was even more frightened and his pupils shrank: "This swordsmanship has greatly suppressed my creation of ghost domains. This is not good!"

Sword Twenty-Three is also essentially the power of the law of kendo, so it can forcefully suppress the power of the law of the ghost realm.

So when Ye Yang came in front of Bailiyin, he almost chopped melons and vegetables, and cut Bailiyin into pieces.


A terrifying suction exploded with the Spirit Slashing Sword.

Baili Yin's ghost energy was all sucked into the sword by it.

Ye Yang laughed loudly: "My Spirit Slashing Sword hasn't eaten for a long time. Today, the ghost cultivator in the emperor realm really gave it a full meal!"

The Spirit Slashing Sword seemed to be responding to Ye Yang, exuding an indescribable powerful sword aura.

In front of it, even Xia Honglang, a Quasi-Emperor Realm, felt that he was completely a weak chicken.

"It's worthy of being a sword saint who once swept through an era, it's really terrifying!"

Xia Honglang, Meng Anqing and Dong Zhiyun thought so.

They have experienced firsthand why Ye Yang's Yunmanlou is so high and unattainable.

In the final analysis, it is because Ye Yang is so amazing, so amazing!

After Ye Yang killed the female ghosts in the Red Mansion in a flash, the three hurriedly stepped forward to salute: "I have seen Senior Ye!"

"Yeah." Ye Yang glanced at the three of them lightly, and didn't bother to talk to them.

Xia Honglang and the others did not feel dissatisfied because of Ye Yang's arrogance.

Kendo monks, generally more sturdy and unruly

^0^Remember in one second[]

, Let alone a genius like Ye Yang.

Wow! ! !

However, just when Ye Yang wanted to raise the sword to smash the red building.

Suddenly Luoyang Lake shook suddenly.

A wave of water in a radius of five miles rose into the sky.

In the water wave, a ghost with a huge black face and fangs slapped Ye Yang with great momentum.


Ye Yang only felt an extremely powerful pressure drop, and quickly urged his true essence with all his strength to block it with the innate sword guard body.

Bang! ! !

Just this slap slapped Ye Yangsheng back dozens of feet away.

If he hadn't had an innate sword-gang body guard, he would be disabled if he was immortal.

After seeing the true face of the ghost, Ye Yang couldn't help but exclaimed:

"Nether Ghost Dharma!"

"This is the form condensed by Xuan Ming Yin Shen!"

In the era when Ye Yang swept the Chixiao Heavenly Sword Dao, he once encountered an extremely powerful ghost king.

In order to eliminate the ghost king, he had pursued and killed all the way to the underworld, trying to kill the opponent.

Unexpectedly, before stepping into the gate of the underworld, he was attacked by a yin god's ghost technique.

If he hadn't escaped in time, I'm afraid he would be killed there.

And the ghost image in front of him was bigger and more terrifying than the one before.

Even if Ye Yang was a sword saint who swept through an era, he still felt unbearable after being slapped by it just now.

He has no doubt that if the Underworld Faxiang makes another move, he will undoubtedly be seriously injured!

"It is rumored that the founder of the Red Chamber, Xuan Ming Yinshen, is one of the eight generals under the seat of Yin Tian Zi. It seems that it is extremely powerful!"

"Yeah, the facial features alone are so terrifying, one can imagine how powerful the true body of Xuanming Yin Shen is!"

Xia Honglang and others had also heard of the rumors of the Red Mansion, and they were immediately frightened by the ghostly magic in front of them.

At this time, a slightly deep voice came out:

"Everyone, you can't deal with it, let the Difu come."


Ye Yang, Xia Honglang and others turned around to take a look.

I saw Lin Xuan, dressed in white, respectfully led by Zheng Chixia to fall on the lake.

Lin Xuan held Xuanzhu and the others in his arms, and looked at the dark ghost in the distance with an indifferent expression.

The gigantic ghost and ghost magician turned his gaze on Lin Xuan: "Do you want to stand out for them?"

The voice of Xuanming Yinshen sounded in mid-air, with a breathtaking sense of majesty.

Lin Xuan had a calm expression on his face: "I just want to kill youYou are looking for death!"

The ghost spirit roared wildly, rushing to the surface of the water, and the huge body rushing towards Lin Xuan as it covered the sky and covered the sun.

Ye Yang, Xia Honglang and others were terrified when they saw this.

It is worthy of being a general under the seat of the cloudy sky, the power of this blow is comparable to the real Great Sacred Realm!


At this moment, Lin Xuan let go of Raksha's mind.

The power of thought from the ancient giant **** turned into a huge golden palm in the sky, and grabbed the ghost image in one hand.


In the shocked gaze of Ye Yang and others, the golden palm of his hand squeezed the spirit of the ghost like an egg shell!