
Dad: At the Beginning, The Empress Brought Her Daughter to the Door to

Lin Xuan traveled through the fantasy world, and unexpectedly met the powerful Empress Xuanbing overnight.Four years later. The Emperor Xuanbing, Donghuang Ziyou, brought her daughters to the door and forced her to get married.Face the lovely daughters .Lin Xuan was too excited, but at the same time panicked.Fortunately, the pet daughter crazy magic system is online in time!Ding! Increase the intimacy between you and your eldest daughter by 1 point, reward: Emperor Realm cultivation base !Ding! You taught your second daughter to know a new word. Reward: Chaotic Eucharist!Ding! You ran away the monster that scared the third daughter. Reward: Heaven-swallowing magical skill!Ding! You and your fourth daughter bullied the demons together. Reward: Chaos Excalibur!With a baby for three years, Lin Xuan has been invincible in the universe.Donghuang Ziyou: “I didn’t expect you to be so good!”Lin Xuan: “Bringing a baby, you and me are professional!”- Description from MTLNovel

HyperDragonSlayer · Urban
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Dad and mother are the smartest boys!

, The fastest update Dad: the latest chapter of the opening female emperor takes her daughter to forced marriage!

In the void, Lin Xuan hugged his daughters and walked against the wind, talking and laughing along the way, so happy.

Since he was not in a hurry to rush back, Lin Xuan's speed was not too fast.

So I can take my daughters to appreciate the surrounding scenery and feel comfortable.

"Look, daddy, there is a big bird in the distance!"

Xuanyou was very excited when she saw the animal, and her little hand immediately pointed to the distance.

Lin Xuan saw that the feathers of the big bird were faintly golden.

A pair of eyes are very prominent and appear aquamarine.

So he smiled and said: "It is a blue-eyed golden eagle. Although this monster has a fierce nature, it rarely attacks the human race. For other animals or monsters, it is a natural hunter."

"Oh So that's it!"

Listening to such novel knowledge, the little girls showed their expressions of amazement.

Xuanzhu pointed under the blue-eyed golden eagle and said:

"Look, dad, all of its claws are holding things, what's that?"

Lin Xuan smiled and said, "It's a dragon-clad clam, a kind of monster that lives in the water."

"Why did the blue-eyed golden eagle catch it? Do you want to eat it?" Xuanxi asked.

"Yes." Lin Xuan nodded.

"Due to the extremely delicious meat of the dragon clam, it is very popular with the blue-eyed golden eagle."

"But the shell of the dragon clam is too hard, and the blue-eyed golden eagle can't eat its meat directly, so it grabs it and flies into the sky, then throws it at the hard rock on the ground and smashes it."

When the little girls heard this, they all showed surprise expressions:

"This blue-eyed golden eagle is really smart and powerful!"

Lin Xuan smiled, rubbing their little heads and said, "No matter how smart it is, it can't be as smart as my darlings."

"That must be dropped!"

"Because father and mother are the smartest boys and children, so of course we are also smart!"

The little girls said proudly.

"Hahaha!" Lin Xuan couldn't refute the words of his daughters at all.

At this time, the blue-eyed golden eagle had thrown the dragon-clad clam down.

The little girls all noticed that this time it unexpectedly missed and didn't throw the dragon clam into the rock on the ground.

"Wow, the blue-eyed golden eagle missed it, it must be very angry!"

"I guess it's because the eyes of the blue-eyed golden eagle are too big to aim!"

"Hmm, it doesn't look good! Our eyes are good-looking, they are just the right size!"

"But I think the eyes of the blue-eyed golden eagle are so interesting. I want to catch a blue-eyed golden eagle for fun!"

The little girls lost their hands because of the blue-eyed golden eagle, and their emotions rose instantly.

While talking, Xuanyou pestered Lin Xuan to act like a baby:

"Daddy, help me catch a blue-eyed golden eagle for fun, okay?"

Possess master-level beast beast skills.

Of course, Lin Xuan did not hesitate to agree to the little girl's request: "Okay."

Afterwards, he glanced at the blue-eyed golden eagle and ordered it to fly over immediately.

The blue-eyed golden eagle was about to rush down and grab the dragon clam again.

After hearing Lin Xuan's order, he immediately trembled and flew to Lin Xuan in panic.

"Thank you daddy!"

Xuanyou happily hugged Lin Xuan and kissed, and then played with the wings of the blue-eyed golden eagle.

The poor blue-eyed golden eagle, who can be regarded as the king of hunters in the sky, has become a toy in the hands of Xuanyou.

Xuanzhu pulled La Linxuan and said, "Daddy, let's go down and take a look at that dragon-clad clam!"

Xuanxi and Xuanhan also nodded.

They don't have the same taste as Xuanyou. They want to play with the beast of the blue-eyed golden eagle, but they are full of interest in the seemingly naive dragon clam.

"No problem." Lin Xuan agreed with a fondly look.

Anyway, it's still early, so if the daughters want to play, they naturally have to promise them.

Afterwards, he took Xuanzhu and them to the ground, and accompanied them to study the dragon clam.


Near the border to the northwest of Beixuantian.

There is a cemetery with a radius of about ten miles.

At a glance, there are many tombstones, full of gloomy depression.

At this time, in this cemetery, several people were standing on an empty red land.

Beside them, there was a black coffin and a corpse wrapped in white cloth.

Judging from the shape wrapped in the white cloth, the deceased should be a slim and slender woman.

"Hey, I didn't expect that a great generation of imperial concubines would end up like this. It's really miserable!"

Glancing at the corpse in the white cloth.

Yan Hua, the deputy commander of the guard of Liufeng Country, couldn't help sighing.

The deceased was the noble concubine Jiang Yuqing of Liufeng Country, and he was the most favored concubine of the monarch of Liufeng Country.

After the death of the queen, she had the most hope to take over, the mother of the world.

But I didn't expect it.

Just recently, the monarch of Liufeng Kingdom became obsessed with a mysterious woman.

Not only did Jiang Yuqing neglect Jiang Yuqing, but at the instigation of the mysterious woman, she killed the child in Jiang Yuqing's belly.

Seeing that she suddenly fell out of favor, and even her only flesh and blood was mercilessly killed by the monarch, Jiang Yuqing harbored resentment and despair.

Unable to think about it for a while, he hanged himself in the palace.

However, the monarch of Liufeng State was afraid that Jiang Yuqing's soul would not be lost in the palace, so Yanhua ordered someone to take Jiang Yuqing's body out of Liufeng State and buried it in a wilderness cemetery thousands of miles away from Liufeng State.

Thinking that Jiang Yuqing was the most beautiful person in Liufeng Nation before his death, Yan Hua couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Standing next to Yan Hua, a middle-aged man wearing a Taoist robe, with extraordinary appearance, was Zheng Chixia, the Sect Master of the Northern Xuantian Maoshan Sect.

He met Yan Hua and others in the middle of the journey, and specially helped them bury Jiang Yuqing's body to avoid accidents.

Looking up at the sky, Zheng Chixia said:

"It's past noon, and the yin is gradually rising. People like these people who are hungry and hanged have a lot of grievances. It's better to be buried earlier."

Knowing that Zheng Chixia is a ghost hunter, Yan Hua quickly ordered his subordinates:

"Quickly dig the grave, and let the imperial concubine enter the soil for peace!"


Four or five guards immediately picked up the shovel and started digging.

Yan Hua then looked at an old man in black and said:

"Master Lin, your noble concubine's corpse will take care of you!"

The old man is Lin Bai, a well-known corpse maker in Liufeng State.

Because Monarch Liufeng feared Jiang Yuqing's corpse, Lin Bai had to follow him to deal with the corpse.

"You're welcome!"

Lin Bai nodded, and came to Jiang Yuqing's body, uncovered the white cloth, and bowed respectfully:

"Concubine Jiang, if the old man offends, please don't care!"

"I hope you will enter the six realms of reincarnation as soon as possible, be reincarnated and reborn, and be prosperous and auspicious for a lifetime!"

After speaking.

With a solemn expression on his face, he removed the clothes for Jiang Yuqing's corpse, and then cleaned the corpse with a damp cloth.

Since Jiang Yuqing used extremely fine colored glass beads to hang her neck, her neck had already been severed.

Lin Bai put her head back on her neck, and then stitched it on.

In the process, Zheng Chixia stared at Jiang Yuqing's body with a serious face.

If Jiang Yuqing's body undergoes any abnormality, he will resolve it as soon as possible.

Fortunately, there was no abnormality in the whole process.

Then several guards moved Jiang Yuqing's complete body into the coffin.

Yan Hua said, "Sect Master Zheng, please!"

"Yeah!" Zheng Chixia nodded.

He took out seven artifact-level corpse nails and nailed the coffin board in a certain direction.

"Into the soil!"

Following Zheng Chixia's order.

Several guards lifted the coffin and put it into the grave safely.

Upon seeing this, Yan Hua could not help but let out a long sigh, and finally he was all right.

Then he respectfully thanked Zheng Chixia: "Thank you Sect Master Zheng for your help!"

If Zheng Chixia were not present, he would really be afraid that Jiang Yuqing would suddenly turn into a ghost in the wilderness and could not deal with it.

Zheng Chixia nodded slightly: "It is our mission to suppress ghosts and eliminate evil, and to clean up the world. No need to be polite!"

Yan Hua, Lin Bai and others nodded silently when they heard this .

It deserves to be the master of Beixuantian's famous ghost-hunting sect, his bearing is extraordinary!


Just when everyone is about to disperse.

Suddenly a thunderbolt fell from the sky and landed on the place where Jiang Yuqing was buried.

Zheng Chixia's pupils trembled suddenly: "The green lightning fell on the head of the grave. This is a great omen!"


With his words, Yan Hua and the others could not help but feel chills in their backs.

But at this moment, a miserable cry of sadness suddenly came from the grave.


Sobbing, sobbing like a complaint, everyone's hair was terrified.