

Kelvin: I don't want to fall for this. Next hangout, we will have as many rounds as possible, I'll come prepared, and don't tell me to stop either.

They both chuckled.

Insp Caro: A minute, let me wear something and walk you down the gate..

Kelvin: Okay.. ( He moved towards the restroom and made a brief call.

Kelvin: Meeting as planned. We meet at the building.

Marksman: Ok Timlead... See you there. Are Silencer and Stylish aware

Kelvin: They ought to. Do reach out to them. The Boss will be present.

Insp Caro: Hmm I guess you're calling your new found babes.

Kelvin: (Smiles) But none surpasses you. We all know who we desire.

Insp Caro: Yep, absolutely, even as I catch fun around, I sure know who my heart beats for. Ok let's get going, I'm done.

See ya, as Caro waves at him as he zooms off.


The Boss: Explain the ordeal that occurred Silencer.

Silencer: I broke two rules. Timlead made one of my hostages escape. Others are intact.

The Boss: Stylish, What do you have for us.

Stylish: I've covered the barracks.. Everything on set. Operations will start from the backdoor at their engineering room…

The Boss: Marksman, Over to you.

Marksman: We made over 300million sales, the money has been transferred to your foreign account...

The Boss: Timlead, ride on.

Timlead: I've gotten the plan of the FBI's. The mission at the seaport needs to be relocated as its unsafe, we need to silence the mortuary attendant to avoid any traces linking us to the girl's death.

The Boss: Bring me the rule book (pointing at Marksman). Read what it says about rule breaking....


The Rule..

Any deliberate break of rule leads to instant execution.

The Boss: Very good, now do the needful as you've just read ( referring to Marksman).

Immediately, Marksman shoots Silencer on the head three times...

Marksman broke down in tears as Silencer was his right hand man.

Not quite long, one minute silence was done quickly in respect of Silencer.

The Boss: Timlead you're my right hand man, and I will execute you myself, as much as its going to be a great loss to me, the law must take it's rightful course.

The Boss: Stylish, Cover him.

Stylish places a plack cloth round his eyes.

The Boss: Any last word before you're dismissed.

Timlead: I rescued the girl as against the law codes because it's my way of paying back Shan.

If not for Shan, I would have been dead back there in Up North.

If not for Shan, I won't have gotten an inside contact with Insp Caro.

I was abducted by your enemies Boss.

The Boss: Enemies! Name them.

Timlead: Spark and Osas. Spark's boss and you once worked together, had a misunderstanding and there was a disconnect, each going their separate ways. Spark's boss in bent on assassinating you as a form of vengeance, so he formed his own gangs which comprises Spark and Osas...

When I was abducted, I was reciting the creed, then they knew who I was, because their boss has told them about all happenings in our group..

Shan risk her life for me... She practically brought ladies wear for me to use as a disguise to escape while Spark was out to inform his boss that he had found a member of his opponent.

In the process Shan was threatened, being forced to disclose my whereabout, but she refused talking, after much torture with marks all over her, she was sacked by the management...

She defended me... And I vowed to reward her. It wasn't long, she informed me of how her siblings were kidnapped. I gave her my word that they will be brought back to her , only on the condition that she won't go to the station to continue the case search of the whereabout of her siblings. And she gave me her word.

What baffled me was when she told me she was told to pay a certain amount in few months time.... Then It dawned on me that Silencer's greedy instinct has taken the best of him...

I bargained with silencer that Jasmine must be released and he must not touch her because I know he has a weakness for women, especially those that are Minor.

Only to learn that he had raped to death one hostage and because of his beef with me, he was bent on hurting Jasmine just to get at me... So I needed to repay a kind gesture by releasing Jasmine.

Without Shan, I won't be talking to you Boss and I should be where Silencer currently is now, few months ago.

The Boss: The dropped his gun on the floor and bowed his head down.

Uncover him, he said...

Quickly, Stylish uncovered him.

The Boss: He was my friend and brother. We did everything together.. I was of little words, he was of many words... He's easily angered and always love being vengeful at any cost. We had a little argument and he eliminated my little girl, he wrecked all I had, stole all I had, simply because I was more trusted than him by our late boss...

Yes, he has been here before my arrival, but I was made the leader because I posses the ability to lead better than he, that's when he began his rivalry.. He killed the boss... Before I could rescue our boss, it was too late and he pointed at me saying WE SHALL SEE AGAIN....He dropped the pendent issued to him as the first right hand man... Dropping it is his way of signing off.... That's when I began searching for my own gangs and I found you all..

Its been years, ive forgotten about the whole scenarios. Now your tale makes me realize that we have more enemies to tackle and not just our personal mission to bring down the FBI...

We will need to restrategize , we need more recruits immediately , while we focus on the mission at hand.

Marksman: You will need to take over from where Silencer stopped.

Timlead; You'll need to return Jasmine back to Shan as quick as possible... You sort your way out of this but you must not be found.

The boss: You'll be at the seaport to transport the girls to the guards... Gen Tim has assured me of his words... they will be there to fly the girls to their buyers...

Be carefully because the FBI could be