

Inspector Melvina invited Michael to listen to the recorded audio of her kidnapped cousin.

What do you mean by that? Asked Cain.

I'll make sure you leave this place,someone else will take this shop.

Zed said,

It's just those random words being said when angry, pls don't fight, I'm going to my shop Insp. Michael said.

Immediately insp. Michael went back to the quarters and signaled Philo and told her, ' we have a link'.

They went to a corner around the garage area and he told her,

Insp. Michael: Philo, amongst everyone here both good and bad, you're that person that's got my back. Can you be my secret keeper and confidant.

Insp. Philo: I can, that's the proper thing to do.

Insp. Michael: Chuckles, there you go again with your slogan 'that's the proper thing to do'. Excitedly, he immediately gave her a tight hug, along the line, his hands moved towards her backside, touching the edge of her bum, then she coughed and stepped back a bit, he came to a realisation of what was about to proceed and said " I'm sorry, I was carried away, he then placed a kiss on her forehead, ' she smiled, they both sat down and he told her his encounter at the barber's shop. He also told her about a tattoo on his neck region with the inscription *TG* wondering what it stands for.

I'll do my findings. I'll also inform Melvina, she's someone I know that will always help me with information. That's good said Philo. I'm a bit distracted and I need to go home to figure out some things and also make some calls...

Philo, I do like you, I really do , never doubt that. Okay.

Hmmm Okay, noted replied Philo.

{Insp. Michael knocks on the door}

Come in replied Insp. Caro.

Insp. Michael in his handsomeness, walked towards Insp. Caro's desk and said 'A nice hairdo you've got' he dropped the case file she requested for and waited for her feedback.

Insp. Caro: Closes door behind him, walked towards him and said, you're cute, I like men as cute as you but I hate it when I'm challenged, I love being in charge and I don't give a fuck about apologising when told that I'm at fault, it's just my nature, I Caro, am a core choleric vibe and I'm unashamed about it...

Insp. Michael: Can I sit,

Insp. Caro: Why asking when its just next to you, common quit it. She came close to him and wrapped his hands around her waist and pushed him closer towards her so that he can feel the beat of her breathe,

Insp. Michael: Caro, let's take this slowly and secretly okay, he quietly removed his hands from where she placed them, and massaged her shoulders briefly, making her feel how creative his hands can work on her..... Having discovered that she's all over him, he bet to use it to his advantage and get all kinds of information from her.

So quickly, may I have your acknowledged copy so that I can forward to Gen Stan.

Immediately her phone rang.... Primmmmm primmmmm... She picks...

Wow look who's here, Kelvin. Its been a while, ermmm I'll call you later, I'm quite busy at the moment.... She cuts call.

Insp. Michael coughs, don't tell me you're concerned, Caro said.... I'm the best of my kind, none can contest my handsomeness, so why should I... Just as there are more gorgeous damsels more appealing than you are......

Enough!!! Caro flames, that's the copy, now get the fuck out of my way...

I know it hit you hard, that's what you get when you try mess with me Caro, Insp. Michael bang the door.

As Insp. Michael walks, he got a call from Insp. Melvina to come ASAP....

Have your seat please, Insp. Michael sits.

Insp. Melvina: Mic, I won't be surprised if these terrorist groups are around us... And we need to act fast before it's late.

Insp. Michael: What are your findings.

Insp. Melvina: I had a call with my cousin and she narrated how it happened, as she was about to continue, there was a knock on the glass door, it was Philo, come in, as Insp. Melvina paused so as to know what brought Philo, Philo said she wanted to see Michael, Micheal told philo to have her seat... He told Melvina saying 'Philo is no threat, I'm covered with her, let's keep the discourse going, Philo smiled and said thank you', Insp. Michael gave her a warming smile which caused Insp. Melvina to cough....

So as I was saying,

Insp. Melvina: I spoke with my cousin by name Shan, and she narrated how her sis was kidnapped. She said they were taken before her very eyes as she was coming out of the movie centre in the evening, she told her siblings to wait for her while she use the rest room, immediately they stepped out to see the jamboree happening at the road side, then someone came close to them, asking them some questions, she saw them and shouted their names telling them not to give any helping hands to people they don't know, and the next thing she saw was someone behind her with a pistol pointed at her wrist saying if she says a word , she will be gun dead and before her very eyes, they were taken, while the person who pointed a pistol at her, entered a power bike that was waiting to pick her, just like that...

They demanded a sum of one million dollars.... What I find interesting, is the voice recording of my cousin…

Listen to this, she put on her loud speaker and reduce the volume a bit so as not to create attention.... Listen to this:

'....I miss visiting the olive tree near the waterside area, I miss visiting the Up-South region where daddy do drive us to eat special delicacy, I miss going outings with you at that empty road with lots of containers which were taken from the seaport. Sis please save me, I don't want to die..... Sis this place his horrible, anytime I try sleeping I see knives, machete, guns, bombs, blood stains staring at me from the wall.'

Melvina paused the audio to confirm if they're following, and they all nodded in an affirmative 'YES', she resumes playing the audio.