

in a world where it either you are born with magic or not Alex Jace and Daniel are three friends who aren't magic users but one day after an accidental explosion they where given an awakening to using magic and enrolling in to the DSS ACADEMY to get back there normal non magic life

takamichi_sora · Fantasy
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4 Chs

chapter 3

while taking a break from the training Alex asked

"so hey miss aika question do our parent know about what going on us being force awakened?"

"(sigh) yes they do know and I think the doc explained everything to them but one person was not happy about it and that jace's anuty"

"wait anut Beatrice wasn't on board with it?"

"yes she said that she didn't approve of her nephew being a test subject or whatever to the DSS research and didn't want you to get involved with the magical world"

" she's always been like that she's over protective of her darlih nephew"Daniel said teasing jace

" come on it not like that am the only family she's got so of course she looks for me"

"wait you don't have other family members?" aika asked

"yh that right I didn't excertly know my know mum and dad I grow up only seeing her face the best I can remember is I stated living with her when I was 6 after my mum and dad had passed away how excertly I don't know so she's my mum younger sister so she took me in and she's the only face I knew since then"

"wow sorry for making you bring up a personal story I apologize"

"it alright come on it doesn't bother me"

" alright but aside from her all the other perents where on board with it Although not totally and Daniel you didn't tell me you where siblings with the legendary shinji"

" yh keep that part a secret please I don't want anyone to know that"

" so the heavenly blue knight of speads is your brother what an honor to know"

" yh it is" Daniel said but didn't seem happy about it

" alright now that where rested enough let get stated. I'll explain the basics of elementals there the force which one has a stronger affinity for and there are 5 elementals be it fire,water,lighting,wind,and ice but under this you have others likes earth and nature.but the main once you see are the main 5 so as for me I have a stronger affinity for wind elemental and remember just because your good at using one elemental doesn't mean you can't use other is just that ur elemental with be stronger than the others you guys get it"

the boys noded there head

"ok now Alex your up first give me your hand (she dropped a gem in his hand) ok this is what I'll use to test your elemental just like how we did the mana control test we did so try it now"

after puring mana in to it aika examined it on her tablet and told him to stop

" ok Alex you have a higher affinity for fire not surprising cause you remind me of a particular air head I know Jace your turn"

Jace did the same and aika told him to stop

"Jace yours is lighting and now is Daniels turn"

Daniel did the same and aika told him to stop

" yes daniel your is water awwn men really non of you got wind I was looking forward to training at least on of you"

" what do you mean train?" daniel asked

"oh yh I didn't explain aside from regular training you also have elemental training where you train to use elemental magic more proficiently like for example look ( aika casted water magic ehich blasted water out of her hand it was able to only destroy a couple of trees)see am not a water elementalist but I can at least do that much but watch this(fired wind magic which completely erased all the mountains that where there) see am able to do this much with wind magic"

"yh well at least hold back"Daniel yelled

"she was holding back" a voice from behind said

they turn to see a young man coming to them dressed in the DSS ACADEMY introctor uniform immediately they knew who it was

" hey red good to see you are this the student the doc was talking about" the man said

" (sigh) boys this is taro benimaru and as iu may have guessed it yes he is the captain of the defense force of greysea, so what bring out here champ your normally to busy to visit and old friend and why you wearing that?"

"come on Aika don't be like that can't I come visit"

taro said with a big smile on his face and then hugged her

" it been so long old friend but I see your doing well"aika said

"yes and about our question I was transferred here thanks to the doc and I'll be an introctor from now on,so your the three boys I've heard about I can't wait to start teaching you" he said with a scary face

"(smacking taro's head lightly)don't scare my student plus you owe me so how about we get dinner together later"

" yes sure sure oh should I invite him?"

they seem to be talking about an additional member

"sure why not he will get upset if we didn't"

"alright fine just came to check up on you to let you know I was around meet you up later ok I'll text you the address"saying that taro left

the boys where just stuned on able to talk on till taro left

"God I can breath now that aura is so strong and to powerful" Daniel said falling to his knees

"i couldn't move a muscle"Alex said

"what aura...ohhh so he used intimation on you well that just like him haha such silly boy"aika said laughing

"but why didn't you feel it aika?" Alex asked

" oh aura release works on someone your way above there are levels to it though granted I may not be as strong as taro is but at that level of release it won't affect me"

" so ur saying you could do something like that " Jace asked

"pretty much yh ok (breath out) this should do"

aika released her own aura which shocked the boys even more after 3 minutes she finally stopped

"what do you think not as impressive as taro but I am no slacker either aura release is a form of fear manipulation think of it as interesting your presence into someone's essence"

but all she was saying was completely useless cause the boys have passed out due to the overwhelming shocked of bring stunned twice by heavy dence mana

"oops I think I over did it (sigh) alright it a day now"


the boys open there eyes in seeing there self in a different environment

"where are we?"Alex asked

"the DSS RESEARCH CENTER" aika answered

"what happened?"

"I think I over did it the prank earlier sorry"

"it ok the rest still asleep?"

"yh they are but yot more tougher than I thought,Alex be honest with me do you guys really don't want to be magic users"

"to be honest am not sure yet it all new to me magic mana all this our life where pretty normal before all this and I enjoyed the normal life petty well"

"alright if you say(standing up) get some rest I've got dinner with some old friends" aika said and walked out


aika was at the restaurant with taro having a discussion

"so you made reservations here not shocking you all mighty Captain"

"so how are your students?"

"there fine since a certain someone installed unnecessary fear in them"

"hahaha sorry couldn't help it.


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