

in a world where it either you are born with magic or not Alex Jace and Daniel are three friends who aren't magic users but one day after an accidental explosion they where given an awakening to using magic and enrolling in to the DSS ACADEMY to get back there normal non magic life

takamichi_sora · Fantasy
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in this world is either you are born magic or you not but along the lines people still develop the skills and are able to use magic, more often then non they are rear to see. normally magic users enroll into the D.S.S academy to before mages or magic knight or somebody in the magicial field but it a difficult institute to get in.


cross view high is a high school in the country of graysea it just a normal school for normal high schoolers both magic and non magic users still enroll and live along side each other but the thing is here magic users are stickly prohibited from using there powers it was a school developed by the government to remove the boundary between magic and non magic users to avoid

here we have 3 promising students who are close friends Alex Jace and Daniel are three friends that grew up together since middle school all three are non magic users and seem to enjoy there life that way a peaceful and quite life is all they wanted but little did they know.


(the school had just rang and the students where all going home while one the way home our heros where outside discussing)

"so what you guys planning this weekend?" the one who spoke was a boy with dark blue hair and black eyes aka the pretty boy of the school

"noting am free any thing in mind" responding is Daniel a boy with wth white hair and brown eyes

"sure let go on a ..." before Jace could finish his statement Someone interrupted

"forgetting we have our final test this coming week no fun we gotta study"

the one who spoke was the last member of the group Alex a boy with black hair and blue eyes

the one who is often referred to as the leader of the group.

" ah yes damn I got a lot to study"Jace said

"yh so you say then end up still hanging in the top 10" daniel said

"come on still we sent as smart as you Danny" Alex said teasing him

"I thought I told you don't call me Danny while where in public" Daniel said

" yh yh captain grumpy I got you"Alex said while laughing

while walking home they couldn't just help but admire how gray sea was a revolutionary place when it comes to both magic and technology and peaceful and looking at the DSS research building

" so question do you guys ever wonder what it will be like being magic users like am sure it comes to your mind at least?" Daniel asked

" Danny be honest are you asking cause you want to join the DSS or ..."as Alex was speaking before Jace cut in

"Alex it shouldn't matter what his reason" Jace said

"don't worry it no problem it isn't about that or my family it just curious that all" Daniel said

"well to be honest yh i do, just think about it having powers saving life exploring the unknown that all we've dream about" Jace said

"true but don't also remember it isn't always fun and games there are a lot to being a hero than just saving lives" Alex said

"well your right about that forget I said anything" Daniel said

as they where walking there was a sudden call for emergency where all civilians where to take evacuate the area

"!!!pls citizens evacuate the area!!!" the security alarm cried

"what going on?"Alex asked

"they say and extermination went wrong in the research facility over there and now it about to blow up" Daniel said

even with all there speed they couldn't get to a safe distance before the explosion happened

the knight unit came just in time after the explosion but the blast had gotten all 3 of our boys injured and passed out ..

(few days later)

in Gray sea's advance mage hospital where the boys where being treated after being unconscious for 5 days.


(roof of the hospital)

all boys where standing there while discussing

" so how you guys feel?" Alex asked

"outside the broken ribs and few scratches am fine"Daniel said

"same for me"replied Jace

"now that out of the way let be honest with your self we all feel strange right something isn't right with our body" Alex said

" that cause you all awaken to using mana" a voice from behind said

it was a man dressed in a doctor's cout

"am Dr samuel am a reasercher at the DSS research center and am also a member of the mages cour,fifth(5th)rank"

" a man that high in rank so can you explain what happened?"

"surely we where experimenting on a project we developed one that aims to boost mana proficiency"

"but judging from the out come your little spell casting didn't got well" Daniel said

"yes your right but it not a totally failure you see that little spell casting shower us a different result making you awaken to mama useage and become magic user's" Dr samuel said

"I thought as much no wonder I got a weird felling, so good doctor what now? where just victimes of your failed experiment,and I may not look it but I don't like the idea of being a magic user" Alex said

"join the DSS academy that simple"Dr samuel said

"did you skip the part i said I don't want to be a magic user" Alex said

"am well aware but what other way than to monitor you and who knows what negative effect the explosion caused on you" Dr samuel said

" so basically your saying if we join the DSS academy we can find help there?" Jace said

"yes even if we can't make you guys back to normal non magic users we can at least hope that the explosion didn't leave any side effects" Dr samuel said

having heard his reason the boys talked it out and gave an answer they agreed to join the DSS academy to but under the notion that them being the explosion victim was kept a secret and samuel finds them a way to go back to normal


3weeks after being discharged from the hospital the boys where summoned by Samuel to talk samuel said he has finished the paper work and they have to do the DSS entrance exam like any normal student to avoid suspicion arising,but the problem is that the exams is taken by people who understand

magic and it concept novice like them don't stand a chance but smauel had figure that out already and said

"I have gotten you someone from the academy to teach you the basics of what you need to get though the exams and get enrolled"Dr Samuel said

then a lady came in she was in her early 20 likey 25 and introduce her self

"hello am aika kirasame nice to meet you boy's"

"miss aika here is who's going to teach you boys she knows that your affected by the experiment explosion and are forced awaked magic users"

with a new phase in hand the adventure of our Three heros is just starting


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