
Chapter 925 Can’t Beat the Original

Some more light coercion from Lily later and KatE was quickly building up a shelter for everyone. It wasn't all that hard, just a bit time consuming. KatE could shape her hands into shovels and dig up the ground quickly. Combine that with a packed ice roof and a mechanical eye for perfection alongside the inability to get bored with mundane tasks? It was over in two hours. Nothing fancy of course, just two rooms with a ceiling just barely high enough to fit Kat standing tall and spread her wings out, but that was enough. 

Xiang and Xuena were laid out in one room with Yang watching over them from the corner while Lily and KatE watched over KatH. For all of thirty seconds. Lily wasn't sure if KatE had been holding the process back, or if the timing was truly coincidental but as soon as KatH was laid down on the packed dirt KatE shuddered and vanished back into KatH. Kat stood up groggily looking around until she met Lily's eyes and pounced.