
Chapter 734 End of Tournament Arc 2

Eventually Lily woke up and started asking questions. Kat would have participated more in them if Lily didn't simply ask Nixilei questions about magic Kat already knew the answers to. Lily could feel the faint amusement and smugness from Kat but ignored it in favour of more questions while they still had time. Kat was simply basking in the pure joy radiating from Lily as she asked those questions or really, Kat asked those questions for Lily. Kat wasn't really of a mind to mention to Lily the unnecessary nature of those questions, and was thankful Nixilei didn't mind that Kat was 'repeating' herself technically. Lily did manage to ask things at a few oblique angles to make Nixilei think, but they were questions not even Nixilei had known the answers to.