
Chapter 693 Eat Up

Kat wasn't able to properly relax now she knew something strange was inevitably going to happen. Because of this, when the doors suddenly burst open Kat leapt up in her seat, everyone else was getting ready to react but when they saw it was just a number of Thymes either in butler outfits or maid uniforms, not necessarily with sexual characteristics matching their attire, they all relaxed again and Kat sat down awkwardly.

The serving staff walking in sync like a marching army. They even synced up so that those with wildly different stride lengths would be able to stay together, with those who had longer legs taking 'smaller' steps and the smallest Thymes skipping slightly to keep up. They all placed a cover meal down in front of their respective adventurers before waiting just a moment and lifting the cloche to reveal a very fancy looking salad.